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Learn About Bentley Smart Key While You Work From The Comfort Of Your Home
Bentley Car Key Features

The first thing you'll notice when pick up a Bentley key is the weight. It also feels premium to the touch, and has the knurled metal on both sides.

Walter Owen Bentley founded the Bentley company in 1919. He was inspired to create extraordinary cars that would inspire and motivate his employees, and help to tell the story of interwar British achievements and national pride.

1. Easy to open

The most important part of a Bentley is beautiful. Its apparent heft and the textured surface, dubbed "knurling" by designer Dirk van Braekel--are just a few ways this carmaker tries to make its vehicles feel special. The Bentley logo is placed in the middle of the car, while the trunk-open, lock, and unlock buttons are vertically arranged on the opposite side.

This arrangement is designed to stop the keys from getting caught on a key chain. The bottom of the key that is rubberized helps you to grip it. It also comes with metal retaining clips that hold the battery in place and complete the circuit. If your key fob suddenly ceases to function, the clip may be lacking tension or corrosive.

The Bentley's key fob also equipped with an antitheft device called Secure-A-Key. It is installed in your vehicle, it will disable the key fob after a couple of minutes of it not moving which makes it harder for thieves to steal the remote-control frequency of the car and then start it. This feature may not be available on all vehicles but it's a great way to protect your investment.

2. Strong

It can be a nightmare to lose your car keys. With a brand new replacement from AutoLocks LTD you can be sure that your Bentley will be safe and secure. In addition, we charge 75% less for keys that are replacement than a main dealer.

The new Bentley key has a big "B", which will let people know you drive a Bentley Bentayga. It's also very heavy and durable, so you will not lose it easily.

Bentley is committed to creating hand-crafted automobiles at its Crewe factory for the next 100 years, however it is also preparing for the digital future. Its mission is to provide a luxury customer experience that matches its customers' values of sustainability, innovation, and collaboration. This includes a customized and carefully curated digital experience.

3. Lightweight

The Bentley key has an obvious quality and weight that is a sign of its quality. It also has a nice texture, called "knurling," on the sides, and a rubberized coating that helps to grip it. The same textures and accents can be found on different parts of your car, like the shift knob, or the temperature controls.

The key is a vertically organized key with three buttonsthe lock (locking), trunk-opening (unlocking), and unlock -- on one side. The Bentley logo appears on the other side. It's very easy to tell which key belongs to you among all the other keys on a crowded key ring, thanks to this prominent display.

Losing your keys can be frustrating but it doesn't need to ruin your evening out or cause you to miss a meeting with a client. AutoLocks LTD can help by providing Bentley keys replacement for 75% less than what a main dealer will charge.

4. Convenient

Bentley has created their keys to their cars with security in mind. replacement key for bentley continental gt feature a slanted B on the back and are engraved with the Bentley logo. This makes them difficult to copy. They are also cylindrical to prevent them from being stuck in the wrong place of your car.

Bentley cars also come with a unique type of key called a Tibbe Key. These keys are more secure than traditional flat keys because they're hard to duplicate at hardware stores. They can only be cut by a locksmith or at the dealership.

Bentley's Key Replacement Protection Policy offers an extensive and efficient key coverage. It comes with many benefits including reduced ownership costs over the long term, greater security and convenience, as well as a policy that can be transferred for increased value of resales. Contact us to learn more about our key protection policies. bentley continental key can assist you with more than Bentley replacement keys. Our locksmiths are experienced in working with Bentley's special locks and keys.

5. Secure

Bentley cars are equipped with a key that's extremely advanced. The key does not only function as an unlocking device via remote however, it also functions as a communication tool between the on-board ECUS and other components, such as the alarm system or the comfort or memory seat control units and the engine ECU. The key comes with radio transmitter that can be used for remote unlocking, and a transponder that allows communication with other systems. bentley continental key are cylindrical instead of flat, which makes them more difficult to duplicate or hack than traditional transponders.

The key has a rolling-code which means that the chip inside is continuously evolving, which makes it impossible to duplicate or copy without the right tools. bentley key 2022 acts as a protection against car theft and prevents car owners from having to shell out for costly replacements.

Bentley has taken it to a whole new level with its Mulsanne W.O Edition By Mulliner. This special limited edition keycase pays homage to Bentley's founder father and comes with a crankshaft piece that was part of his 1930 8 Litre. The keys were made by Mulliner to be in line with the style and design of this exclusive souvenir. It is sure to be a sought-after collector's item for many years to come.

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