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Getting and Use Information at the Poker Table.Logic vs. Intuition in Poker.Are Poker Tells Real? Part One
What makes poker so much more interesting when compared to a game like chess or go is that it?s a casino game of incomplete information. You?re always making decisions, somewhat, in the dark as you don?t know what cards your opponents are holding and you also don?t know which cards will be dealt next.

If you had all this information, the correct play will be obvious in every situation.

Actually, Sklansky explains poker strategy along with his ?Fundamental Theorem:?

Each and every time you play a hand differently from the way you could have played it if you could see all your opponents? cards, they gain; and each time you play your hand exactly the same way you'll have played it in the event that you could see all their cards, they lose. Conversely, each time opponents play their hands differently from the direction they would have if they could see all your cards, you get; and whenever they play their hands the same way they would have played should they could see all of your cards, you lose.

If this is true, it will become obvious that the closer you can find to guessing what cards your opponent has, the better you?ll do at the table.

That?s why being able to get and use information at the poker table are so important.

Just Pay Attention
I?ve mentioned this Yogi Berra quote before, nonetheless it bears repeating:

?You can observe a whole lot by watching.?

This seems obvious, sure, but so many players focus on something other than the game that?s happening at the table that opportunities abound.

The kinds of information you can get from just watching the other players at the table is how often they fold versus how often they call, how often they raise versus how often they call, how often they check-raise, and so forth.

It doesn?t take many hands to realize who the loose players are and who the tight players are.

In addition, it doesn?t take long to see who the aggressive players are and who the passive players are.

You can eventually grade every player at the table on both categories and put them into 1 of 4 buckets:

Tight ? aggressive
Tight ? passive
Loose ? aggressive
Loose ? passive
From the pure profitability standpoint, loose passive players will be the best opponents you could desire to face ? best for YOUR bankroll, that is. You want soft competition, not hard competition.

Be Active (NOT ONLY Passive)
Just watching your opponents play and hearing what they say is one method to get information, but it?s passive. Also you can DO what to get information. That?s a dynamic method of gathering data on your own opponents.

One way to get information is merely to check, bet, or raise. These are ways of managing your hand, yes, however they?re also method of getting information from your own opponents. But these ways only work in the event that you watch what your opponents do and say immediately after you take your betting action.

Poker Hand

You should also act on the info that you get. If you place a bet or create a raise to discover how well your hand probably can do against your opponents, but then you call every bet at every other state of the hand, you?re not acting on the information you?ve gained.

You shouldn?t just make an effort to get information during the hand, either. It's also advisable to make an effort to get information before and after each hand, too.

Of course, the info you get before a hand can only relate to the other player?s demeanor and stack size. They are things you should be paying attention to.

But you may also find out things about what your opponent was holding after the hand, too.

Don?t HESITATE to Speak Up
It?s not contrary to the rules to talk during a hand ? at the very least not if you?re still doing his thing. In the event that you?ve already folded your hand, though, it?s rude to discuss the hand. Don?t take action. The reaction will undoubtedly be unpleasant.

I?ve often given the advice that you shouldn?t pay much attention to poker pros and how they play on television. Those games are heavily edited and bear little resemblance from what you may experience at an actual poker table.

But one thing you will notice pros do on television is talk during their hands. In fact, you?ll often see them ask their opponents what they?re holding. It is possible to and should do this, too.

Many new poker players aren?t comfortable doing this. I don?t much enjoy it myself, at least not when I?m on the other end of it.

But asking questions is a valuable tool to have in your arsenal.

Your goal by asking questions isn?t necessarily as you can trust your opponents? answers. It?s to see which kind of reaction you get from your opponent.

The simplest way to ask a question at the table is to put your opponent on a particular hand and then ask her if that?s what she's.

For example, if she raises preflop and a king hits on the flop, you might have her on AK. It is possible to ask her, ?So, you have big slick, huh??

Her reaction can inform your decisions.

How exactly to Gauge Your Opponents? Reactions to Inform Your Decisions
Whether you?re betting to get information or participating in conversation to gain information, you need some type of method of gauging what your opponent does so as to make better decisions. Among the things you?ll want to do is pay attention to what your opponent does.

In the event that you put your opponent on a straight on the flop and ask her if she made the straight, pay attention to what she says or doesn?t say. If she says, ?Yeah, I did,? see if you can obtain to the showdown with her. If she flips over the straight, you?ll understand that at the very least sometimes she means what she says.

Alternatively, having shown down a hand that she told the reality about, she might recognize that she can lie the next time and get away with it, running you out of your pot.

If you don?t know your opponents, it might seem about what Mike Caro suggests about tells. Weak means strong, and strong means weak.

Put simply, if your opponent acts like she has a strong hand, she probably includes a weak hand, and vice versa. This is true about 75% of that time period, but it?s not true 100% of that time period.

As you become familiar with your opponents, you?ll get to know more about their reactions and what they mean. This is exactly what makes poker ? especially live poker ? so much not the same as a casino game like chess, that is a game of perfect information.

The Different Forms of Questions IT IS POSSIBLE TO Ask
It is possible to ask yes-no questions, but you don?t need to inquire further on every hand. It can benefit to sound friendly once you ask these questions.

Examples of yes-no questions include, ?Did you hit the flop hard?? and ?Do you have the straight??

You may also make statements that are really questions. You can say something similar to, ?You obviously have a straight here.? Or ?You?re bluffing.?

Again, you?re looking for a reaction, no honest answer.

You can also ask questions in an agreeable manner just to get general information about your opponents? levels of experience and attitude about the game. You might ask someone, ?How long have you been playing poker?? or ?How often do you make it here to play in a live game??

You want to know very well what your opponents? general feelings are. Should they?re not used to playing in a live poker game in a casino because they?ve only played online, you should use that information to your advantage. You?re more likely to get answers to most of these general questions, too.

Ask your opponents why they made a particular decision at a particular point in the hand, too. That will tell you more about how your opponent thinks and plays than just about anything else. In the event that you?re a little deferential and become you?re hoping to learn something, many players could be more than pleased to share their thought process with you.

And you can use that information in subsequent hands.

Making Friends and Influencing People at the Poker Table
It?s not just a bad idea to become good conversationalist. It?s not hard to do, either. Look for a copy of Dale Carnegie?s How exactly to Win Friends and Influence People and focus on what you learn there.

Here are some suggestions he makes for being a good conversationalist:

Don?t criticize your opponents.
Don?t complain about your opponents or around how things are going at the table.
Offer some compliments but be sincere about them.
Be interested in other folks.
Learn your opponents? names and use them.
Make other folks feel important.
Needless to say, that?s just the briefest of summaries of the points Carnegie makes in his book, plus they related directly to poker players. It?s worth buying your own copy and studying it. Even if you quit poker for good, having these skills will help you in other endeavors.

Gathering information regarding your opponents involves the usual poker actions of betting, checking, and raising. Just watching and listening is a way of getting information, however the real pros tend to be more active than that and have a lot of questions and take part in plenty of conversation.

I think you?ll earn more income playing in a friendly game where many people are having fun because you?ll get more action in that game. So, try to get information from your opponents, but do it by being an agreeable guy that other poker players enjoy using.A friend of mine once explained, ?I don?t believe in all that ?math? either.?

We weren?t discussing poker, specifically, but it made me wonder? How will you not have confidence in math within the 21st century?

I want to put it in this manner: You don?t have to believe in math because math is factual, and it exists regardless of whether or not you ?believe? in it.

That?s why most, however, not all, poker winners are logical players instead of intuitive players. In this post, I explain why poker trumps intuition in poker.

Why Older Poker Players Had to Rely on Intuition Over Logic
You?ll find intuitive poker players succeeding in poker rooms today, but they?re mostly older players. Most of them have never played a hand on the net. These were raised up, as they say, in an environment where intuition was rewarded.

When they learned poker, they didn?t have dozens or hundreds of books written about poker math and logic. Plus they sure didn?t have quick access to poker hand calculators or simulations. The thought of playing poker on a computer with players from across the world and tracking the outcomes of every hand would have been unimaginable at that time.

In the event that you?re playing poker today, you have access to all those tools and more. You don?t need intuition. In fact, you can find more experience faster now than previously. In the end, poker hands are dealt doubly fast as hands in live poker games, and you may play multiple tables at once in an online poker room.

In the event that you?re like a number of the young online players I understand, you?ve probably played more hands than any of the competitors on the globe Group of Poker in the 1970s.

What?s the Difference Between Intuition and Logic?
You can think about ?intuition? as being the same thing as instinct or a gut feeling that you will get. It basically means getting knowledge via means other than logic or reason. An intuitive player might never give a second thought to how he involves his decisions at the table.

Sometimes, this intuition may be the result of experience. Despite the fact that good intuitive poker players don?t consciously think about a situation to compare and contrast it with other experiences he?s had in the past, his subconscious does the thinking for him. Also it happens so fast that it appears like just a flash of insight.


You?ll even find some early poker books that help you to trust your instincts and don?t change your mind even when faced with new information. Even though the writers of such books may have been great players, this can be terrible advice, especially to an inexperienced or new poker player.

Logic is different because it depends on reasoning and breaks down your thinking into manageable steps that you can explain to someone else. You do this type of thinking in a particular order. And if it is possible to?t explain your reasoning to another player, it is advisable to think more logically.

Logic is a sort of math that works together with what ?if? and ?then.?

Where and How exactly to Learn to Play Logical Poker
Many, if not most, modern poker books are written with a logical method of the game. If you?re serious about poker, you?ll read at least one poker book, probably The Theory of Poker by David Sklansky.

All these books have one thing in common:

They break your decision-making down into a step-by-step process using ?if then? statements. They also assign probabilities to specific outcomes. The theory is to measure just how much you stand to win versus just how much you stand to lose in every situation.

This idea is called ?expected value,? also it?s the key decision-making element in poker.

Here?s an example:

You?re playing Texas Hold?em and you?ve just flopped a four-card flush draw, and you also have the ace of that suit. You understand that you've got a roughly 33% possibility of hitting your flush and winning the hand. You also understand that your opponent isn?t especially aggressive or loose. So, if he misses his hand, he?ll fold in the face of a raise. Actually, you estimate that if you raise, there?s at least a 50% probability he?ll fold.

You have enough ways to win here that it?s profitable to raise even though you might not have the best hand. If he doesn?t have an excellent hand, he?ll fold, and you?ll win the pot. If he does have an excellent hand, you?ll still acquire on him a third of that time period. Raising is often the right move here.

YOU NEED TO KNOW Why You?re Making Poker Decisions
Each one of these books have something in keeping. They encourage one to consider WHY you?re making specific poker decisions. And you should manage to explain these decisions to another person familiar with poker. Even though your thinking is wrong, it?s easier to make decisions based on a thought process than it really is to depend on gut instinct or luck.

After all, it is possible to always eventually visit a fallacy in your thought process and improve. In the event that you depend on intuition, you?re counting on guesswork. And there?s no real solution to become a better guesser.

I hired a friend of mine once to create poker strategy blog posts for one of my sites. It had been a blunder because he worked part-time as a telephone psychic. And he wasn?t one of these telephone psychics who knew that it was all a sham. He really thought he had powers, and he thought he knew the tips for helping other people utilize their latent psychic powers.

As you can imagine, his poker strategy advice was just malarkey. Meditating might help me win more at poker by making me more attentive and focused, but it?s not likely to improve my ability to somehow guess what cards my opponent has via some type of ESP.

Another Example of Logical Thinking in Texas Hold?em
I read a post about how Rolf Slotboom said you need to play ace-king. He said most players always raise with big slick, but he prefers to limp in with the hand. He suggests limping preflop. He doesn?t desire to force out players with A10 or KJ. He wants players with hands like those in the pot because his hand dominates them mathematically.

About one-third of the time, an ace or perhaps a king will hit on the flop, giving top pair with top kicker, which provides a chance to check raise.

This is a good example of understanding everything you?re going to do at each part of the game and why. The reasoning might or may not be incorrect, but it?s far superior to just guessing at everything you?re going to do preflop with big slick.

Intuitive Poker Players Look Down at Logical Players
You?ll occasionally run into intuitive poker players who feel just like they?re better at poker than logical players. They?ll even get angry with players who make decisions based on logic and math. You run into this type of people in public on social media at all times.

These poker players are the same folks who want to ignore science and only their preconceived notions and beliefs. Most of them are so afraid that their longheld beliefs or something their parents told them wasn?t right that they?re ready to do objectively dumb stuff. In fact, they?re not only ready to dumb stuff; they don?t even think it?s dumb. They?re living in a fantasy land.

I?m here to suggest that realistic poker players win more regularly than poker players who reside in some kind of fantasy world.

A Funny Exemplory case of Intuition vs. Logic in Poker
I read a forum thread onetime discussing logic versus intuition in poker. Someone mentioned that 90% of the players at the table don?t use logic if they?re playing. They?re playing intuitively instead.

Someone else chimed in and remarked that he thought success in poker was 85% because of logic and 15% because of intuition.

The next person in the discussion scored the most points with me. His question about these percentages was simple:


Where did these percentages result from?

Are they just guesses based on intuition?

Here?s my estimation:

Of course they are. I doubt either of individuals posting these percentages had spent any moment conducting surveys or scientifically scoring players predicated on how logical versus intuitive these were with their decisions.

This just goes to show you can?t count on everyone posting in a poker forum to be using logic correctly, either.

Spend Some Time on Some Poker Blogs and Forums
If you spend time reading poker blogs with plenty of comments or forums with plenty of active users, and you also?ll see plenty of hand histories being discussed. They?ll almost always be discussing the probabilities of various situations to place them in to the context of expected value.

It?s not only websites that this either. Open up the latest issue of Card Player magazine and see what the discussions of the hands offer. You?ll rarely see someone talking about how they made a great decision based on a sense they had.

Some players might win using an intuitive approach, but It is suggested that they?re not really intuitive players at all. They?re just very experienced and reason so fast they don?t even realize they?re using logic in some sort of fast-paced, shorthand way.

But if you wish to get proficient at poker, pay no focus on your hunches and start learning to take into account the math of varied situations in poker. Start writing down the situations you find yourself in and keep a record of the decisions you?ve made. Get some input from someone at a forum where a lot of the poker players discuss the math behind the overall game.

This can be a surest way to start improving as a poker player.

Avoid These Mistakes When Thinking About Poker
If you can avoid some of these mistakes when considering poker, you?ll start winning more often faster. The initial mistake is to believe your intuition somehow affects the math behind the game. It doesn?t.

You?re not nearly as intuitive as you think. In the event that you?re convinced which you have some type of psychic powers, you?re probably going to ignore my advice, anyway. But in the event that you?re tired of losing, change the right path of thinking and face reality. You?re bad at ESP, and you never were.

In order to get good at poker, start learning how to think logically. It might even seem sensible to take a university course in logic and another university course in probability. Even if you don?t want to take this type of course, you will discover syllabi for such courses and buy the textbooks.

Also, start studying poker strategy books that explain the math and logic behind poker decisions in a step-by-step manner.

You?ll get a lot more out of that than you will trying to enhance your intuition by burning incense and praying for intuition.Hollywood has made this question a fun one that always gets asked of me at least once a month. Anyone who has seen the movie Rounders or read ANY poker book really wants to know if tells are real. More importantly, they would like to know if they can use them to get reads on their opponents and ultimately win additional money.

Much like any topic that is widely misunderstood by the public, there are a few truths and some incorrect statements which are going swimming. What I?d prefer to do first is break through a number of the information floating around on the market and inform you what?s real and what's just Hollywood lore. I?d also like to break down just how you need to mix tells into your game and ultimately talk about some specific tells that do exist and ones that not.

This, of course, will likely be quite a bit of information, so I expect this website to be split up right into a couple different parts. If you?re just interested in learning the tells, I HIGHLY recommend that you still read all of the blog as there will be pertinent information sprinkled during that is important to understanding the individual tells.

Do Tells Exist?
Surprise! They do. It?s been said that only 20-30% of our communication is verbal and the rest is non-verbal. There?s grounds that the FBI and police interrogators study body gestures intently to understand what people are saying or trying to hide. People hand out TONS of information when they talk and carry on through their everyday lives.

This isn?t just the case at the poker table. All day and every day folks are offering information via body gestures if they know it or not. You would be beyond amazed at how few people understand how much they are giving away with their body language. The funny part is that most people that do think they know what is going on in terms of tells and non-verbal communication know hardly any.

Two Forms of Tells
I?m likely to spare you the entire dive into how the brain works and just give you the takeaways that you need to understand the two various kinds of tells. Different bodily processes and decisions are chosen by different sections of your brain. You can find sections that you have decision-making control over, and you can find sections that are automatically programmed to operate by themselves without your input.

Tells come from these two different sections of the human brain. Some tells are a reaction predicated on conscious decisions you make, plus some automatically happen without your ?consent.? For instance, when you get nervous, you might decide to cover your face. While this can be automatic, it is still something that it is possible to control. On the other hand, you may get nervous and start sweating. This is something that you cannot control.

While this is an extreme generalization, it really is enough information to obtain us going in the right direction. These tells are important, but the ones that happen automatically without your control carry a lot more weight. Why? As you have no way of faking these. You can choose to scratch your face to pretend to be nervous, but you can?t really force yourself to start sweating.

It?s probably important to point out a handful of these toe the type of ?being on both sides? for our intents and purposes only. Why is that the scratching of the facial skin will probably be automatic for some players who are unacquainted with it but can be faked and forced by those wanting to be deceptive. The idea here is to understand this and to give more weight to the tells that aren't in a position to be faked at all.

There is a very important factor that gets more people in trouble with tells than anything. People forget to establish baselines and take them into consideration when coming up with their reads. What is a baseline? Let me tell you a story to give you advisable of what they're and why they're so important.

The story comes from a house game when I first started playing poker. The stakes were low, however the story proves exactly the same point. There was a large hand between two players and something player stood up and moved all in immediately after the river. Another player snap-called him with fourth pair convinced he was bluffing. Why did he think he was bluffing? He previously realized that every time the ball player bluffed, they stood up first.

Did the player with fourth pair discover an intensely effective tell that would have him laughing completely to the bank? Nope. The first player turned on the nuts. Where did the player go wrong? Well, he forgot to determine a baseline. He forgot to notice what they ?status quo? was because of this other player. The ball player was standing up on EVERY hand, not only the bluffs because they had forgotten their glasses at home and couldn?t see the last card on another end of the table.

If the player had realized that another player stood through to every single river (a.k.a their baseline, a.k.a what they normally do), they would never have made this incorrect read.

Here?s another example from the $10k buy-in WPT event I played in Canada. Same situation where there is a large pot on the river and the ball player on my left shoved all set for a huge amount of chips. The other player facing the action thought forever and stared his opponent down looking for a read. That?s when he thought he saw one. His opponent was shaking obviously in fear. Being the smart player he was, he knew this was the sort of tell that couldn?t be controlled, so he made the big call.

He was wrong. But why? As you almost certainly guessed, he didn?t set up a baseline. If he had paid attention to how the player was normally acting, he would have realized he was shaking continuously. We were in Canada, and the freezing air from outside was coming in. He had been shivering for about two hours straight. But, because this player didn?t establish a baseline, that they had no idea that which was a tell and what was normal behavior or behavior because of outside circumstances.

In the event that you?ve ever seen a lie detector test administered, you see that they ask a lot of ?silly? questions before hand that they can easily determine to be the truth or a lie. This is to establish a baseline and see how the individual normally acts when telling the reality and when telling a lie.

Establishing a Baseline
The obvious next question is how exactly to set up a baseline in a poker tournament (or anywhere in life for that matter). The answer is surprisingly simple. All you need to do is give consideration and remember what you see. You also have to understand that it?s likely to take a while to determine a baseline. You can?t really watch someone for 5 or ten minutes and have a good solid baseline.

Does this mean you need to disregard the information you have? No. Sometimes you have to decide with limited information and expect the best. I?m just saying to slowly add a lot more weight to your reads the more and more time you should observe an opponent.

Once you?re observing, ensure you focus on how they normally are acting. Look for things that they are doing on every hand or items that seem to stand out as out of the ordinary. Focus on how they?re breathing, how they?re sitting, and how they?re speaking and carrying themselves. You?re really trying to soak up as much information as possible about the person.

Give more excess weight to things that happen during hands. Some people have tells and tendencies that only happen when they mentally ?check in? to the game. If they?re sitting there playing on their phone, they might be acting totally different, and the information will likely be less helpful.

The tricky part is that you have to be trying to watch all players concurrently. Gather as much information since you can and recognize that you?re not likely to get everything. Depend on your subconscious and actually just look for things that stick out.

For example, in the Canada example, you can bet your bottom dollar that I was well aware that the ball player had been shaking continuously for a number of hours. I watched him for some minutes and ?checked back? once in a while to ensure things were continuing. You don?t need to be Rain Man to baseline players. A lot of times your self-conscious picks up way more than you?re aware of. This is why the next section is conveniently titled since it is.

Relying on Your Self-Conscious
Your body is a lot more amazing of a tool than you might be familiar with. We have the opportunity to recognize and catalog information that people?re not even aware that we are processing. How does this relate to catching tells? Your system is going to be subconsciously baselining people and collecting data as long as you program it to take action. From years of playing poker, my brain and body know to collect this information and give consideration even when I might appear to be mentally checked out.

So how do you go about recalling this information that?s in your brain that you aren?t aware of? First, this only works if you?re paying some kind of attention and your subconscious knows it?s said to be looking for information. I could go into the science behind lots of this but also for the sake of brevity, let?s just trust me ? The way these details is recalled is during your ?gut-feeling.?

Have you ever been in a predicament (at the table or away) where you had a feeling about something and knew you were right but didn?t know why? That is your brain recalling that cataloged information. Our subconscious minds can easily dig through this data and present us their opinion. There?s grounds that the majority of people tell trust your gut instinct.

Should you always just go with your gut? Conveniently, another and last portion of Part One is going to address this.

How Much Weight to Put on Tells
The issue many people have when they find out about tells is that they let them dominate their game and wreck their logical thinking processes. I?ll see people who have a perfect continue reading the situation based on bets, history, and actions throw that out the window since they saw a player?s lip quiver. Merely to let you know, these were wrong concerning the situation.

Here?s how I choose to use tells. I am always on the lookout for them, but I only use them when I?m confronted with tough decisions that I can?t decide on. When I have an on the fence decision, I?ll see easily can get any kind of read on the opponent to push me a proven way or the other. You intend to make sure that you don?t alert your opponent that you?re doing this or they could start giving off some false tells to mess you up. I am going to, of course, provide them with much more weight easily catch onto something that is blatant and obviously not deliberately.

The end result is that I use tells in close spots or when I spot something blatant. Generally, I rely on reading in to the action and bets of my opponents together with their playing tendencies. Too often, I see people throw everything to the wind for the sake of a tell, and they?re wrong. Please don?t be that guy or girl just because you wish to look like an awesome hero.

Part One Wrap Up
Hopefully, now you have a general understanding of the truth of tells, what types exist, you skill with them, and how you should proceed to make sure you don?t create a huge blunder. Within the next part of this website series, I?m going to start digging into actual tells. I?m also going to look at several ?tells? that aren't actual tells, but people prefer to think that they are. These might be the largest money savers for you personally so stay tuned my friends.

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