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ok i want start from the bingeing my name is wafaa thatis my real name i call by alex now bec of people
they make fun of my name so i changed it to alex now i left my country when i was 15 and now im 26
i had amazing life when i was kid i had some much love in my life and i thought the life is gonna be like that i always dream about this life when i grow up i felled so warm family love made me think the world is amazing
i always want have that but when i grow up i found out life is not like that life is so hard i got married from someone i never full in love with make me hate life with him i want it to die he made me hate everything around me i was only 21 my life was hard but i step up to my self and i start to make new life i found guy i mean he found me first and we start to talk and after that we broke up and i was sad and that time justin the guy i always loved the guy i forgive him for anything like everything he is the guy i love he is my love he is the light in my life he is my soul made i know he dont see me like that there is no guy make me forget him itis hard i full so bad i never been like that in my life he is amazing why i dont know he dosent love me the way i do he had many love in has life i dont i dont know what im waiting for he dosent want me in has life i mean he just feel bad about me bec im alone like when i say alone i mean alone i feel alone all the time and when you get that you feel you hate the life i want just love just love alot pepole dont care about love but i do justin always ask me what i like about him he dosent see it but i do i will tell you i dont have anyone in my life and when i full down he coach
me when i need someone to help me i found him here for me i know i dont fell well with my halth but because i hate to be alone i love him i cant stay away from him i just want to die because of has love thats the only way i can be free i know thats crazy but im tierd of everything in sick im sad all the time i dont want to live noting is worth it to live i dont want to live anymore i cant live in this life people they are full with shit every one in this world nothing is real in this world my life is nothing itis not because of him i cant be like this i want deferent life i want be happy life just giving me pain i dont want get hurt any more i dont want too i want want be free i dont have any one love me i eat alone i sleep hungry i feel cold no one say hey how you feeling why you stop to talking anymore yes i stoped to talk i think thats how i end up her sad all the time every night i think about alot things and that make me cant sleep at night make me want just die yes im ready to die im ready to be in peas and quite i want die i just have to find place for my babys i love them so much so so much i want them not have mom like me i want them happy i dont want them like me sad all the time everyday im alive i feel im dade i need not to be around any one anymore plz god forgive me for what im gonna do i hope my family and everyone miss that girl i want to be with my sister im ready i been ready im im scared im lost plz everyone forgive me for everything i did and if hurt everyone im sorry im not bad person itis just the life im sorry justin if i hurt you i love im hurt too i don't want wait for your love itis been 3years i been waiting i dont want to wait im sorry i need to leave everything i think this time im ready im not gonna call it die im gonna call it to be free person im gonna be happy that way i want be with my sister and with my baby i never stop miss my kid the one you took him from me the one you didnt want him i will never forgive you for what you did you killed your son he was just kid some day you gonna see this im sorry i just never forget what you did to me dont hate me plz goodbye my love everything i said here it was truth i love you justin
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