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Aplastic Anemia Caused by Railroad Toxins

Aplastic anemia is the name of a condition that stops bone marrow producing blood cells. It is listed as VA code 7716. Blood transfusions, medications and bone marrow transplants could be used to treat severe cases.

Marines and their families who have suffered injuries from the Camp Lejeune contamination of water may file lawsuits to recover damages. Aplastic anemia is among numerous diseases that have been connected to toxic chemicals at the base.


Aplastic anemia occurs when stem cells in bone marrow are unable to produce enough platelets and white blood cells as well as red blood cells. The reason for this is toxic substances found in the workplace. These include benzene that can cause lung cancer, as well as other volatile organic compounds that are found in paint removers, insecticides, and printing solvents. It could also be the result of certain types of chemotherapy or radiation treatments. multiple myeloma caused by railroad how to get a settlement can be caused by autoimmune diseases such as lupus and hepatitis. Others may get it as a result of inherited illnesses like Fanconi's Anaemia or paroxysmal-nocturnal hemoglobinuria.

Aplastic anemia can be difficult to treat and may be fatal if it is not treated promptly. multiple myeloma caused by railroad how to get a settlement can lead to symptoms such as fatigue and a rapid heart rate and bleeding or bruising with ease. In certain cases, aplastic anemia causes myelodysplastic symptoms or acute leukemia.

Certain vaccines can trigger Aplastic Anemia. People who suffer from this condition after receiving vaccinations can seek compensation through the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program. It is essential to locate an attorney with experience in handling claims involving vaccines, since it can be difficult to prove that a patient's aplastic anemia was triggered by a particular vaccine. A lawyer can build an argument through consultations with toxicologists and occupational doctors to establish a connection between the illness of a patient and their work environment.


The signs of aplasticanemia are caused by damaged stem cells in the bone marrow, the sponge-like structure inside your bones. The bone marrow to not produce enough red blood cells, white blood, or platelets. The damage to stem cells is typically caused by a condition or illness. Treatment with chemotherapy, radiation, and other conditions that trigger the immune system to attack itself are thought to be the main causes. Inherited diseases can also cause aplastic anemia which includes paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria as well as Fanconi's anemia.

Exposure to benzene may increase your risk of contracting this condition. The chemical is often present in industrial workplaces as an ingredient in paint thinners, removers solvents, disinfectants and gasoline. Industrial workers, including locomotive machinists as well as railroad car department employees, are regularly exposed to benzene which increases the chances of developing aplastic angiopathy.

Researchers have concluded that aplastic anemia with the Camp Lejeune contamination of water. lymphoma caused by railroad how to get a settlement is accepting clients who lived or worked at the base and are seeking compensation for aplastic anemia and other health complications. Contact us today to schedule an appointment for a free consultation.


Aplastic anemia is a blood disorder which can be caused by radiation, toxic chemicals and certain medications. The disease develops when stem cells in the bone marrow are damaged and they cease to create new cells. The condition can be acquired or congenital. disease can develop following exposure to radiation and chemical. Those who were exposed at Camp Lejeune to toxic benzene and other chemicals, including herbicides, insecticides and organic solvents and paint removers could have contracted the disease.

Immunosuppressive therapy is one the options for treating Aplastic Hememia. This includes blood transfusions and medicines that stimulate your bone marrow and improve red and platelet production as well as medicines to reduce your immune system. Antithymocyte Globulin (ATG), cyclosporine, and antithymocyte-globulin are immunosuppressive drugs. Recently, a substance called eltrombopag (Promacta) has been demonstrated to increase the production of white and red blood cells in patients with severe anemia with aplastic.

The doctor will also evaluate your body to determine if there is an underlying cause for your aplastic hemaemia. This could mean the elimination of chemical exposures, stopping specific medications or avoiding vaccinations that have been associated with this condition by the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System.


A variety of factors can increase the risk of developing this condition. Genetics, radiation and toxic chemicals, as well as certain drugs such hepatitis C and HIV, all increase your risk of developing this condition. You also have a greater chance of developing aplastic anemia when you have an autoimmune disease, like rheumatoidarthritis or lupus, or a viral infection.

Veterans and civilians stationed at Camp Lejeune who have aplastic Ahememia may be eligible for VA health care, benefits, and reimbursement for medical expenses and lost income. A qualified personal injury lawyer can help you get the money you're due for your suffering.

Aplastic anemia is a condition that can be acquired or congenital. Congenital aplastic can be present at birth, whereas acquired aplastic is caused by the destruction or damage of the bone marrow later on in life. The VA Committee that examined the Lejeune water contamination has recognized this condition as one of the particular health conditions associated with it.

If you have been diagnosed with aplastic anemia your doctor may prescribe medication that can bring back healthy blood cells and lower the risk of serious bleeding and infections. In severe cases bone marrow transplantation may be suggested. This involves replacing damaged bone marrow with healthy bone marrow donated by a donor. This can help restore normal blood production and enhance the quality of life.

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