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This week's course materials have provided me with a deeper understanding of the concept of religion. I began by reading the syllabus and taking the "I Read the Syllabus Quiz" to familiarize myself with the course overview and grading system. The syllabus was very informative and gave me a clear idea of what to expect throughout the course. I liked how it was structured and made it easy to understand the different modules and assignments.
Next, I watched Professor Tassell's introduction videos and completed the Word Cloud assignment, where I chose the words "God," "Prayer," and "Faith" as they came to mind when I thought about religion. The word cloud assignment was a great way to start the course, as it helped me to reflect on my thoughts and feelings about religion. I found it interesting to see how my chosen words related to the others in the class, and it was an excellent way to start a discussion about the topic.
I then watched the assigned video "What is Religion?" by Andrew Henry, which taught me that "religion" is subjective and has shifted in meaning over time, primarily influenced by the Western perspective. The video also highlighted that there is no absolute definition of religion, as each person views it through their perspectives, experiences, and opinions. I found it interesting that religion is a fundamentally contested concept with no archetypal definition that can perfectly apply to any culture. It made me realize that it's essential to be aware of different perspectives and uses of religion.

Furthermore, the crash course sociology video helped me understand the advantages and disadvantages of religion. I learned that while it can establish social cohesion and serve as the backbone of social life, it can also divide society and be used for inequality. However, for the general population, it gives life purpose and meaning. The video helped me see how religion can impact society and gave me a more holistic view of the subject.
Lastly, the video by Mario's Religion provided a unique and exciting perspective on religion. I was fascinated by how Andrew used religious themes in the Mario universe, explicitly focusing on the idea that star worship may function as the state religion of the Mushroom Kingdom. This interpretation adds depth to the Mario universe and prompts further exploration of the religious concepts in the games. I found it thought-provoking, and it made me question my assumptions about the role of religion in popular culture.

Overall, this week's course materials have expanded my understanding of the complexity and diversity of the concept of religion. It has given me a more nuanced view of the subject and has opened up many avenues for further exploration and discussion. I look forward to continuing to learn and grow my understanding of religion throughout the course.

As I reflect on this week's course materials, I realize that my personal beliefs align more with spirituality rather than religion. Even though I practice Hinduism, the depth and contemplation strengthen my understanding and connection to the divine that spirituality provides. I am particularly drawn to the philosophy of Advaita Vedanta, which emphasizes the unity and oneness of all things. This understanding has led me to identify as an omnist, believing in the existence of a higher power in all religions. Thus, my spiritual journey has been enlightening and fulfilling, and I look forward to continuing to explore and deepen my understanding of the divine through religion and spirituality, despite my practice in Hinduism.
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