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Live Dealer Caribbean Stud Collusion: DO YOU WANT TO Win Profits?6 Ways Poker Players MAY USE Math to Win.20 Myths About Gambling
Live dealer Caribbean stud is a wonderful way to enjoy one of many most-popular table games during your smartphone or laptop. It can make you feel like you?re actually sitting in the casino while playing Caribbean stud.

It is possible to play live Caribbean stud with your friends too. Your group simply needs to join exactly the same table at a live dealer casino.

This setup even provides the opportunity to collude during hands. Everybody can share their hand values and gain more info.

But will doing so make a difference? The following guide discusses more on the fundamentals of live Caribbean stud collusion alongside if it will ultimately result in profits.

SO HOW EXACTLY DOES Caribbean Stud Collusion Work?
When you play Caribbean stud at a live dealer table?or any table for example?you can only see your five-card hand and one of the dealer?s cards.

You?re not likely to share card values with anybody else at the table. Instead, this game was created to feature limited information.

Colluders work with other players to overcome this lack of info. You can share card values and better know when to improve or fold.

Of course, you?re not supposed to share hands with tablemates. You?ll quickly be kicked out of a land-based casino for flashing your card values to others.

That said, Caribbean stud colluders normally work out complicated hand signals and gestures. These signals allow everybody to learn what another players are holding.

Here?s a glance at what info colluders share predicated on James Grosjean?s MAK system:

M (for matches) ? Collective cards that match the dealer?s upcard (ranges from 0-3).
A (for aces) ? The team could have between 0 and 4 aces.
K (for kings) ? The team will have between 0 and 4 kings.
Sharing information on these cards only goes so far. Everyone on the team must know what related to the info.

Here are the actions you and teammates should take under different circumstances:

If M = 0, you only raise with a higher pair compared to the dealer?s upcard (e.g. 9-9 vs. 7).
If M = 3 and A & K are 7 or 8, you should raise.
With flawless teamwork, a group can gain a 2.38% edge over the casino. This figure is much better compared to the 5.225% house edge that you?ll be facing without colluding.

The key, though, is that you need to fill all seven seats with teammates. You?ll need seven players sharing hand info to beat the casino.

Assuming you only have six players at the table instead, you?ll face a 0.40% house edge. While this house edge nearly puts you on even footing with the casino, you?re still facing a losing long-term prospect.

Advantages of Colluding With Friends at Live Casinos
Sharing card values with friends is extremely difficult in brick-and-mortar casinos. Again, you can?t just show your card values to one another.

Instead, you?ll need to work out something where you could share these details without actually showing everybody your cards.

Live dealer casinos make this aspect easier. They enable you to share card values without compromising your group.

Here are a couple of various ways to collude through live dealer Caribbean stud:

Sit in the same room together and show hands to each other.
Play remotely and work with a chat service to share hands.
No matter which route you go, you can show card values to each other without the live casino knowing. You?ll also increase your chances of winning in this manner.

Will Caribbean Stud Collusion Actually Work?
As covered before, the target with Caribbean stud collusion is to gain a 2.38% advantage on the casino. With enough playing volume and large bets, your team could make serious profit this case.

But is it actually possible to pull this feat off in a live dealer casino?
No, you unfortunately can?t benefit from the same advantage at live casinos.

Live dealer gaming sites are fully aware of this practice. They know that, because of their setup, they are able to?t monitor colluders.

That said, live dealer casinos won't offer seven seats. Actually, many studios only feature one-on-one games?thus negating colluding of any kind.

Live casinos don?t appreciate colluders even if they still have the edge. They can use software to find irregularities in play involving multi-seat tables.

Going further, a casino could ban a group of gamblers should they suspect collusion. This scenario could be rare, but it?s a possibility.

How to INCREASE YOUR Odds of Winning With Live Caribbean Stud
You may not be able to collude the right path to online winnings. However, you can enhance your Caribbean stud odds through the next simple tips.

Use Proper Strategy
Much like blackjack and video poker, Caribbean stud requires you to use strategy to play optimally. Luckily, you shouldn?t have much trouble determining optimal strategy.

Here?s what you ought to lower the house edge to 5.225%:

Always raise with a pair or better.
Always fold when your hand is worse than the dealer?s qualifying hand (A-K high).
It is possible to push the home advantage down to 5.224% With more-complicated strategy. However, you might not care enough concerning the additional 0.001% to place more effort in.

Take Advantage of Bonuses
Some mobile casinos offer Caribbean stud bonuses. These deals offer an opportunity to enjoy better paychecks on top of your winnings.

Deposit bonuses are the most-common deals offered by online casinos. Here?s an example on what a deposit bonus works:

A gaming site offers a 100% match bonus worth up to $500.
You deposit $200.
You?re now in line for a $200 bonus.
Some bonuses don?t cover table games. Therefore, you?ll want to make sure that Caribbean stud counts towards any respective bonus offer.

Use Proper Bankroll Management
Bankroll management can help you stay within a budget when gambling. That said, you should always have a bankroll plan in mind whether you?re playing Caribbean stud or another game.

Luckily, mobile Caribbean stud permits you to play rather cheaply. It is possible to enjoy this game online for $1 per hand. Of course, it is possible to always up the stakes when you feel like chasing bigger wins.

Here?s an example on setting up a Caribbean stud bankroll management plan:

You have $300 to play with.
You intend on betting $1 per hand.
You?ll place a $1 side wager one from every three rounds.
You set a stop loss limit of $60.
You?ll quit playing any session where you reach $60 in losses.
Don?t OVERLOAD With Jackpot Bets
Jackpots are possibly the most-appealing aspect to the game. Online Caribbean stud jackpots could be worth up to $250,000 or even more!

The nice thing about these prizes is that you don?t even have to spend much to play for them. You only need to place a $1 side wager. This dollar wager qualifies you for the jackpots and other payouts.

I certainly suggest that you place jackpot bets should they add more entertainment. However, opt for limiting just how many side wagers you make.

They are sucker bets?at the very least in the beginning. When a Caribbean stud jackpot is first seeded, the medial side wager carries around a 30% house edge or higher.

This house advantage gradually drops as the jackpot grows. You may gain positive expected value (+EV) once the top prize hits $250k or higher. Of course, you truly need to win the jackpot at some point to understand this +EV.

Although incredibly hard to pull off, Caribbean stud collusion could work in land-based casinos. You will need seven players working together and knowing what they?re doing to succeed.

Unfortunately, you can?t work exactly the same magic with live dealer Caribbean stud. Most live casinos feature one-on-one games. Those that don?t will feature significantly less than seven seats at tables.

Even though you can?t collude in live Caribbean stud, you can still boost your chances of winning with simple measures. Using proper strategy, collecting bonuses, and managing your bankroll can all help.Poker is really a purely mathematical game, even though it doesn?t appear to be it at first glance. Everything at the poker table is founded on math, and if you learn how to use this math the right way you?re guaranteed to win in the long term.

I understand it?s a big promise to guarantee that one could win, but that?s the way that math works. If you are using math facts the right way, there?s nothing that may change them.

This article serves as an introduction to basic poker math that you should find out about. It?s not everything that you need to know, but you can?t find out more advanced techniques correctly and soon you learn these 6 poker math facts.

1 ? Basic Poker Card Math
Everything that you must know about using math once you play poker starts with the way the cards which are used are designed and how they work. All of the most typical poker games utilize the same deck of 52 cards.

Poker uses both the 13 card ranks and the 4 card suits to build hands. The harder a poker hand is to complete, the higher it ranks.

The energy of poker math and the deck is about what can and can?t happen when the next card or cards are dealt. You know what?s left in the deck and what?s not in the deck predicated on what cards you have and what cards you?ve seen.

If you have a pair of jacks in your hand in a Texas holdem game prior to the flop, you know that we now have 50 cards that you haven?t seen and that exactly 2 of these cards are jacks. The deck only has 4 jacks, and you also have 2 of these.

The rest of the article goes into more detail about different situations at the poker table. But you need to spend time thinking about everything you learned in this section. Every time you play a hand of poker think about what can happen, what can?t happen, and how you should use this information to make better decisions.

2 ? Odds on the Flop
In Texas hold em and Omaha poker, the 2 2 hottest poker variations, there?s a flop containing 3 cards, followed by a turn and river. The chances of things happening are slightly different in Texas hold em than Omaha because you focus on 2 cards in holdem and 4 in Omaha. I?m using Texas holdem for the odds discussions on this page.

When you begin a holdem game with 2 cards and stay in the pot to see the flop, you can obtain an idea of the odds of improving your hand on the flop. That is important because once you understand how likely or unlikely a hand would be to improve it helps you learn when in which to stay a hand and when to fold.

If you have some in your hand, the best thing that can happen on the flop would be to get quads or a set. The odds of flopping quads are very low. The chances of flopping a collection aren?t great, however they?re better than flopping quads.

You have to look at each card on the flop to take into account odds. The odds to getting a set on the first flop card are 2 out of 50. The chances on the next card are 2 out of 49, and the chances on the 3rd card are 2 out of 48.

This averages out to basically 6 out of 49. Basically, you?re going to flop a set almost 1 out of every 8 times you've got a pocket pair.

That is just 1 example of using odds on the flop. Deal out practice hands and determine the odds of improving using this method until you understand how likely your hand is to improve.

3 ? Odds on the Turn and River
Using odds on the turn and river is easier than determining them on the flop. You understand the value of more cards and there?s only 1 1 card on the turn and 1 on the river.

On the turn, you can find 47 cards which are possible. On the river you can find 46 possible cards.

All you have to do is work out how many cards help your submit total.

For Example:
When you have a flush draw with 4 cards of the same suit and 2 high cards that can form a high pair if you match 1, you have 9 cards that can make the flush and 4 cards that may match either of your high cards, for a complete of 13 cards.

The odds of getting 1 of these 13 cards on the turn are 13 out of 47. In the event that you don?t get 1 of the cards on the turn, the chances on the river are 13 out of 46.

Run the odds for each and every hand as you practice. That is going to help you learn which hands are worth drawing to and those you should fold.

4 ? Probability of Completing a Flush
A flush draw is a common attract poker. I touched on it within the last section also it?s among using odds so I desire to cover it more here. And this same method may be used for any kind of draw once you observe how it works.

On a flush draw you have 4 cards of exactly the same suit out of a complete of 13. This means you have 9 chances left in the unseen cards to perform the flush. This means that you?re never the favourite to perform a flush because there are always more cards left that don?t complete it.

But this doesn?t mean it is best to fold if you have a flush draw. Sometimes it?s profitable in the end to draw. You?re likely to read more about this within the next section.

On the turn you have 9 out of 47 chances to perform your flush, and on the river you have 9 out of 46 chances.

5 ? Poker Pot Odds
Now you know how to run the chances for poker hands on the flop, turn, and on the river. But how will you know when you should stay in the pot so when you should fold?

The Answer Is by Using Pot Odds:
Pot odds compare the odds of completing your hand and hopefully winning against the amount of money it is possible to win. When the amount of money you can win is preferable to the chances of drawing the card you will need you stay in the pot, so when the money you can win is worse than the odds you need to fold.

Look at the odds of completing your hand. Regarding a flush on the river, you've got a 9 out of 46 chance. Now look at just how much is in the pot and just how much you have to put in to see the river.

For instance, the pot has $400 in it and your opponent bets $50. This implies you have to call $50 and the pot now has $450 inside it. This is usually a ratio of 1 1 to 9. Your probability of hitting the flush are 1 to 5.11. This is better than the ratio of money you call contrary to the money in the pot, therefore the pot odds say this is a profitable call in the long run.

6 ? Poker Expectation
Poker expectation is a way to determine the average profit or loss for situations in poker. Within the last section you saw an example of pot odds. Here?s the best way to determine how much this example is worth in the long term.

The deck has 46 unseen cards. Which means you?re likely to run the exact same situation 46 times using each of the possible cards on the river to see the average profit per hand.

It?s likely to cost you $50 for every of the 46 hands for a complete of $2,300. You lose 37 times out of your 46. On the 9 times that you hit your flush you?re likely to get $500 every time. This is a total return of $4,500.

That is a total profit of $2,200 on 46 hands. That is an average profit of $47.83 per hand. This is one way you utilize expectation in poker to make better playing decisions.

Poker math starts having an understanding of the cards found in the games. The deck of cards unlocks all of the secrets about poker math you need to use.

A deck of poker cards is made in a way that lets you determine probability of what can happen on the flop, on the turn, and on the river. In addition, it lets you use 2 powerful mathematical concepts called pot odds and expectation.

With one of these poker math tools you can quickly learn to be a profitable poker player.I?m uncertain any activity has as much myths connected with it as gambling. The volume of misinformation that?s shared formally and informally is staggering. Maybe it has something regarding the partnership between luck and gambling.

Superstitious people believe in concepts like luck in a way that rational people don?t. This leads to belief in a lot of falsehoods that can devastate your bankroll.

Most of the gambling public dislikes math, too. Since gambling and luck are closely related, it shouldn?t surprise anyone who myths about gambling related to misunderstanding some basic math concepts are normal.

I?ve listed 20 of the more interesting myths about gambling below:

1. Gambling Isn?t Really Addictive.
The theory behind the myth that gambling isn?t really addictive asserts that gambling doesn?t have a physical effect like alcohol and drugs do. That?s not really true, though ? unless you think the mind doesn?t have anything regarding your physiology.

The United States has an abysmal record of recognizing mental illness. Because it doesn?t always come with physical symptoms just how cancer or cardiovascular disease does, people think a mental illness is somehow less of an illness when compared to a physical illness.

This type of backwards thinking ruins lives and interferes with people?s opportunities to obtain well.

Not absolutely all gamblers get addicted.

But claiming that gambling isn?t really addictive helps no one.

2. Eventually Your Luck Must Change, and You?ll Start Winning.
This is an example of a mathematical concept called the gambler?s fallacy. The theory is that past results somehow affect future results.

With most (not all) gambling activities, this isn?t true.

Here?s a good example:

Someone playing roulette notices that the result has appear black 4 times in a row. She will make 1 of 2 assumptions:

Black is hot and is more prone to appear again on the next spin.
Red is due and is more likely to come up on the next spin.
But the probability of obtaining a black or red result is a function of just how many red results there are compared to how many black results there are.

Since all 38 of the pockets on a roulette wheel remain there ? they don?t disappear completely when you?ve hit them ? the probability hasn?t changed.

Every spin of the roulette wheel can be an independent event. Previous results don?t affect future results.

Blackjack can be an exception, because once a card is dealt, the composition of the deck differs.

3. You?re Psychic and Know ONCE YOU?re Likely to be Lucky.
Gambling outcomes are determined randomly. No one has some type of psychic ability that improves their chances of winning at casino games. But lots of people believe that they do know when they?re likely to be lucky.

It?s probably pointless to attempt to convince someone who thinks he?s psychic he can?t really predict the near future. It wouldn?t be a good list of gambling myths if it weren?t included, though.

To find out more about why psychic phenomena are a bunch of hokum, spend time reading about James Randi, who?s spent decades debunking psychics. For over 50 years, his foundation offered $1 million to anyone who could demonstrate provable paranormal activity ? especially psychic ability.

Nobody ever won, and in a few years, over 1000 people participated in the challenge.

4. Casinos Pump Oxygen Into the Air to help keep You Alert and Gambling.
Some typically common sense should tell you that isn?t true. Think about it for a minute. What?s the largest danger when dealing with oxygen?

It makes things more flammable.

Pumping oxygen right into a crowded casino, using its massive use of electricity and its large number of individuals who are often smoking cigarettes, will be a fire hazard like no other.

This myth probably stems from a Mario Puzo novel, Fools Die, when a fictional casino named Xanadu pumped oxygen in. The problem is that this is fiction.

You can read more about this myth at The Museum of Hoaxes.

5. It?s Illegal to Count Cards.
A little thought helps it be clear how absurd this myth is. How can it be illegal to think about a game while you?re playing it? Unless you?re using some sort of device to keep up with the count, all you?re doing when you?re counting cards is thinking about the game you?re playing.

Casinos are fine with this particular myth, by the way. They discourage counting cards as best they are able to. In fact, should they think you?re counting cards, they?ll take countermeasures. They could start shuffling the deck on every hand. Or they could request you to play games apart from blackjack. Should they?re really sticklers, they might even ban you from their casino permanently.

Nevertheless, you can?t be arrested or prosecuted for counting cards. It?s not illegal.

6. Casino Games Are Rigged.
In a sense, this myth holds true, but not in the way most people think.

People who are convinced that casino games are rigged think the casino can arbitrarily adjust the outcome of the game any time they feel just like it.

Remember the scene in Casablanca where Rick signals the croupier to have the ball land on a certain result?

That?s fiction.

In true to life that doesn?t happen. Imagine the chances of to be able to land a roulette ball in another of 38 pockets at will.

It doesn?t make sense.

But casino games are designed with math that favors the casino on the player. In the short run, a gambler can win, nonetheless it?s not as likely than losing.

In the long term, the casino will always win over the player.

This is due to the bets pay off at lower odds than the odds of winning.

You can read more relating to this concept in our post about the house edge and how it operates.

The math behind the home edge is the reason casinos don?t have to rig their games. The math has already been rigged.

7. Online Gambling is Illegal.
This statement is too general to be true. It?s even too general to use to a whole country like the United States. The laws in the USA are a patchwork of federal, state, and local jurisdictions ? all of which often has different laws.

Actually, 3 states in america have legalized online casino gambling. The other 47 states haven?t legalized or regulated online casinos, however, not every one of them have laws on the books making the activity specifically illegal.

It?s illegal to facilitate money transfers for the purposes of illegal gambling, but that?s another activity from placing a bet.

And although online gambling is actually illegal in many USA jurisdictions, no-one has ever been arrested or prosecuted for playing slot machines or blackjack on the web. Enforcement efforts up to now have focused on providers of online gambling, rather than participants.

8. It?s All Luck.
Luck does are likely involved in gambling, but not necessarily in the manner you think. A mathematician would think that luck is just a short-term fluctuation in your expected results. In the end, things will even out.

But the assumption that gambling email address details are entirely predicated on luck ignores the role that smart decision-making plays in winning at gambling.

Here?s a good example:

Blackjack is really a game where your decisions play an obvious role in the math behind the game. Each method of playing a hand comes with an expected value. Your task as the player would be to choose the decision with the highest expected value. When you do this on every possible hand, you?re using basic strategy.

The difference between a blackjack player who uses basic strategy versus person who just plays her hunches may be the difference between a house edge of 0.5% and 4%.

What does which means that for your bankroll?

In the event that you?re playing for $50 per hand and getting 60 hands each hour, you?re putting $3000 into action per hour.

If you expect to lose 0.5% of that action, you?re considering a loss of $15 per hour. That?s relatively cheap entertainment in the casino.

But if you?re looking to lose 4% of that action, you?re considering a lack of $120 per hour. That?s relatively expensive entertainment in the casino.

And common sense lets you know that your chances of walking away successful are greater if the house edge is lower.

9. YOU SHOULD USE Trends to Get an advantage ON YOUR OWN Next Bet.
This myth is closely linked to the myth concerning the gamblers fallacy above. Here?s the way the thinking works:

You?re watching a player at a Jacks or Better video poker machine. You notice he?s only played for just two 2 hours, but he?s already hit a royal flush twice.

You assume that the trend is for that machine to pay out jackpots more regularly than other games.

But that?s incorrect.

The chances of winning a jackpot on a Jacks or Better video poker game remain about 40,000 to at least one 1. The previous results don?t change the amount of cards in the deck or the possible combinations you?ll see on your own screen.

Trends do occur in gambling games. They happen constantly, in fact.

However they?re only visible in retrospect.

You can?t predict what?s likely to happen down the road predicated on a trend you?ve observed in the past.

10. Slot Machines Get Cold and/or Hot.
This is closely related to the bullet points about trends and the gamblers fallacy. Die hard slot machine lovers won?t believe this, but slot machines only get hot or cold in retrospect. Wish slots game has been running hot for one hour or 2 doesn?t mean it?s going to continue to run hot in the future. It also doesn?t mean it?s more prone to ?get cold?.

Modern slot machines are powered by way of a computer program called a random number generator (RNG). This is the computer program that generates numbers at a rate of thousands of numbers per second. When you press the ?spin? button or pull the lever, the RNG stops on whatever number it was counting at that millisecond.

This computer program doesn?t work slowly enough so you might be able to predict where it?s at in its count. In addition, it has no method of knowing whether the game has been paying off a whole lot or not.

Each spin of the reels can be an independent event. Previous spins have no effect on the outcome of subsequent spins.

11. The Decisions Other Blackjack Players Make Affect Your Probability of Winning.
This is one of the common myths related to blackjack. It has multiple permutations.

One example is the belief a player jumping in and out of games screws up the odds. There?s anecdotal evidence from lots of players that things were going great at the table until a certain player arrived. Then boom! The dealer is winning constantly.

This is an example of selective memory, which is more powerful than a lot of people realize. Because something happens before something else does not imply that there?s a cause and effect relationship. A lot of people have probably forgotten all of the times someone jumped into a game and all of the player started winning.

The more prevalent permutation may be the belief a player using less than perfect strategy hurts everyone at the table. For instance, she might take a card that could have busted the table.

In reality, her mistakes benefit the other players at the table normally as they hurt them. Everything evens out in the end.

In fact, bad players make it possible for casinos to provide better blackjack games. If everyone used perfect basic strategy, casinos would adjust the game conditions to improve their edge on the players.

12. Online Gambling Is a Danger to Children.
You?ll see lots of spurious arguments against online gambling. One of these brilliant is that it presents a danger to children.

The reality is that most online casinos won?t let you get started doing offers for real money until you?ve provided proof that you?re legally old enough to gamble. Depending on the casino and its own jurisdiction, this might be 18 yrs . old or 21 years old.

But reports of online casinos victimizing children gamblers are unusual.

Online gambling companies make plenty of money and never have to target underage gamblers. Jurisdictions worldwide require protecting minors from gambling as a precondition so you can get a license to use.

13. Online Casinos ARE SIMPLY Used to Launder Money.
That is a myth promulgated by the proponents of UIGEA (The Unlawful Internet Gambling Enforcement Act). This is a law that was mounted on the Safe Ports Act so that they can curb offshore gambling.

Are some online casinos laundering money?


But there are easier and safer ways to launder money.

Laundering money usually functions by using a business that operates predominantly in cash. Paper trails, like those provided by the use of credit cards and online wallets, are anathema to a money laundering operation.

I?ve never seen any credible evidence that online gambling companies are laundering money.

14. The Loosest Slot Machines Are Near the Aisles.
This myth may have been true at once. The idea is that casinos want to encourage gamblers to play the slots. By putting the loosest machines closer to the aisles where people walk, they?re more prone to attract gamblers to the machines.

John Robison from American Casino Guide has discussed these theories with casino managers and slots directors. His conclusion from those discussions is that the changing nature of casinos and slots make it unnecessary to set up slot machines in this manner.

The truth is that it?s impossible to find slots with higher payback percentages. Even if you do, you also need to take into account factors like volatility and win frequency. A progressive slot machine game with an enormous jackpot might have a high theoretical return, but the probability of winning that big jackpot ? making up a wholesome percentage of that return ? remain astronomical.

15. It?s Impossible to Beat the Casino in the end.
Most of the myths mentioned up to now point at misconceptions linked to beating the casinos.

But some folks are convinced that it?s impossible to beat the casino in the end.

And that?s not true.

Some games are mathematically unbeatable. These include games like slots and roulette.

Other games, like video poker and blackjack, are beatable by experienced advantage gamblers.

Various techniques can enable a player to obtain a mathematical edge over the house, which means over time, the gambler can beat the casino. Counting cards in blackjack is just one example of an advantage gambling technique. Combining knowledge of video poker pay tables with perfect strategy and rebates is another.

Of course, it?s also possible to beat the casino in the long term by simply getting lucky and quitting gambling when you?re ahead.

But where?s the fun in that?

16. Playing With Your Slots Club Inserted Affects your Odds of Winning.
I explained within an earlier bullet point how a random number generator in a slot machine game works. That computer program is not connected with your slots club card.

If you?ll consider it, you?ll recognize that the casino has no incentive to penalize players for utilizing their slots club card. The entire point would be to encourage gamblers to play more by offering them incentives.

Why would you do the opposite?

The only thing playing with your slots club inserted does is track how much money you?re running through the machine. The additional time you may spend and the more spins you make on a slot machine game, the more profitable the casino will be.

Casinos don?t mind occasional winners on the slot machine. Those occasional wins are already factored in to the math behind the device.

The casinos? only goal in terms of slot machines and slots club memberships would be to encourage you to save money time playing.

17. The Martingale System Can Beat the Casino.
There?s some truth to the one. In the short-run, it is possible to often grind out small wins using the Martingale System. The problem is these small wins will eventually be wiped out by a huge loss.

Here?s the way the Martingale System works theoretically:

Every time you lose a bet, without a doubt again, doubling the size of your bet.

Eventually you?ll win, recouping your losses and ending up with a profit of 1 unit.

Here?s a good example:

A Martingale player is betting on black at the roulette table. He bets $20 and loses. On another spin, he bets $40 and loses again. On the third spin, he bets $80 and wins. He?s won back the $60 he lost on the previous 2 spins, and he has $20 profit for his efforts.

You can find 2 big issues with the Martingale System:

It assumes which you have an infinite bankroll.
It assumes that you could bet as much as you want.
In reality, you've got a finite amount of cash to bet with.

And even should you have an enormous bankroll, you?ll eventually hit an absolute streak where the next bet is more than the betting limits at the table.

Here?s a good example of a Martingale progression:

In the event that you?re betting at a table with a $500 max bet, you only have to lose 5 times in a row before you?re unable to continue the progression.

And at that point, you?ve lost $620.

Also, by the 6th bet, you?re risking $640 to acquire a net profit of just $20.

Yes, it?s unlikely to reduce 5 or 6 bets in a row. Nonetheless it?s much less unlikely as it might seem.

18. Pulling the Lever On a SLOT MACHINE GAME is More prone to Create a Win Than Pressing the ?Spin? Button.
I?ve explained the way the random number generator on a slot machine game works maybe once or twice in the post, but for further clarification:

The random number generator does not have any method of knowing whether you pulled the lever or pressed the ?spin? button.

It lands on the number it?s thinking about once you hit the button or pull the lever.

Also, what incentive would the casino have for this type of difference?

That one just makes no sense. It?s superstition, plain and simple.

19. Casinos Can Adjust Game Outcomes IN THE EVENT THAT YOU?ve Been Winning Too Much.
Casinos don?t have to adjust the outcomes of their games. Almost all their games already have a built-in mathematical house edge that may?t be beat in the long run. This is like the myth about the croupier having the capacity to control the results of a spin of the roulette wheel.

Players sometimes win in the short run because that?s the nature of probability. Short-term variance is expected.

Casinos, however, are coping with long-term numbers almost immediately.

An average gambler makes 600 spins on a slot machine game in an hour. Even if she plays 4 hours a day, she?s only generated 2400 spins, which is statistically insignificant.

But a casino with 1000 slots in action 24 hours each day is seeing potentially 24,000 X 600, or 14.4 million spins each day. Even if those games are, normally, empty 50% of the time, that?s still 7 million spins per day.

When you enter the an incredible number of spins, you?re going to start seeing results close to the statistical expectation.

Multiply that amount of spins by 30 days in per month or 365 days in a year, and you can observe how the casino is operation in the end easily.

Because the math behind these slots games ensure a long-term expectation of 4% or more in winnings, the casino stands to create plenty of money without ever having to worry about adjusting the results on their games.

The same thought process applies to the other games in the casino, too.

Casinos just don?t need to micromanage outcomes of individual games for individual players.

20. Bookmakers Know the Outcomes of Events Before They Occur.
I haven?t delved into way too many sports betting myths in this post, because I?m admittedly more of an expert on casino games and poker.

But this myth is too easy to debunk.

If bookmakers knew the outcomes of every event before they occurred, they?d be far more profitable than they're. They wouldn?t need to adjust the lines in line with the public?s action, either. They?d just sent the lines and the chances so as to maximize their profit.

The easiest way to think of bookmaking is as a market, like the stock market. Lines and odds are adjusted predicated on how attractive they are for bettors. If a game has too much action on one side, the bookmakers adjust their lines to get the action evened out on either side.

If they knew the outcome beforehand, they wouldn?t should do that. They?d just make sure they got as much action on the contrary side of the assured winner as you possibly can.

Bookmakers are remarkably accurate when determining the point spread.

But upsets happen weekly.

Even the Cleveland Browns win an intermittent football game.

Most gambling myths are related to paranoia, superstition, or math-ignorance. I?ve listed 20 of the most common and interesting myths about gambling, but you could probably come up with a set of another 20 without too much effort.

I love to promote sensible gambling. This means utilizing a clear-eyed, intelligent approach to the games and trying to maximize your likelihood of winning.

Myths and superstitions have no role in a good gambler?s playbook.
Educate yourself about how exactly gambling works, and you?ll enjoy your hobby more. You?ll also be more likely to walk away a winner.

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