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# This is a sample .feature file
# Squish feature files use the Gherkin language for describing features, a short example
# is given below. You can find a more extensive introduction to the Gherkin format at

Feature: Test case for DPO01-198864

Get Network Info, Network Enable DHCP and Network Enable Static IP

Scenario: This test case verifies GetNetworkInfo, EnableDHCP, and EnableStaticIP enabling, retrying loop, and disabling the network adapter
Given [Step 2] that Datacast is running
Given the Network adapter is currently disabled
When [Step 3] I am in the GET API 'localhost:8675/api/v1/network/info?'
When [Step 3] I call the API
# And [Step 3] I open the Network Connections window to display the Network adapter state
# And I wait for the seconds field on taskbar clock to be :00 seconds
# And I immediately click on the Send button when the seconds field reaches :00 on the taskbar clock
Then [Step 3] the response code should be '200 OK'
Then [Step 3] the responce should contain following data '{"networkAdapterStatus": "Disabled","networkConnectionState": "Disconnected","isDhcpEnabled": true,"ipV4Addresses": [],"ipV4SubnetMasks": [],"ipV6Addresses": [],"ipV6Prefixes": [],"defaultGateways": [],"dnsServerSearchOrder": [],"macAddress": ""}'
# And [Step 4] the disableOnTimeout parameter starts counting down to 15 minute
# When [Step 4] I look at the Network Connections window after the Get Network Info endpoint was sent
# Then [Step 4] the Network Connections window displays the Network adapter as enabled first
# When [Step 5] I note the time on the taskbar clock counting down to the 15 minute mark (after a successful response)
# Then [Step 5] the Network Connections window eventually displays the Network adapter as Disabled after the 15 minute mark
When [Step 6] I am in the GET API 'localhost:8675/api/v1/network/info?'
When [Step 6] I call the API
Then [Step 6] the response code should be '200 OK'
When [Step 7] I am in the GET API 'localhost:8675/api/v1/network/info?'
When [Step 7] I call the API
Then [Step 7] the response code should be '200 OK'
When [Step 8] Wait for 15 mins
# When [Step 8] I verify the network adapter state in the Network Connections window
When [Step 9] I am in the POST API 'http://localhost:8675/api/v1/network/enableDhcp?adapterName=Network&disableOnTimeout=true'
When [Step 9] I call the API
Then [Step 10] the response code should be '200 OK'
# When [Step 11] I look at the Network Connections window after the Network Enable DHCP endpoint was sent
When [Step 12] Wait for 15 mins
When [Step 13] I am in the GET API 'localhost:8675/api/v1/network/info?'
When [Step 13] I call the API
Then [Step 13] the response code should be '200 OK'
Then [Step 13] the responce should contain following data '{"networkAdapterStatus": "Enabled","networkConnectionState": "Connected","isDhcpEnabled": true,"ipV4Addresses": [],"ipV4SubnetMasks": [],"ipV6Addresses": [],"ipV6Prefixes": [],"defaultGateways": [],"dnsServerSearchOrder": [],"macAddress": ""}'
# When [Step 14] I verify the network adapter state in the Network Connections window
When [Step 15] Wait for 15 mins
# When [Step 15] I verify the network adapter state in the Network Connections window
When [Step 16] I am in the GET API 'localhost:8675/api/v1/network/info?'
When [Step 17] I call the API
Then [Step 18] the response code should be '200 OK'
Then [Step 18] the responce should contain following data

Then [Step 16] the Network Connections window is displaying the Network adapter state
When [Step 16] I select the the Datacast's endpoint Network Enable Static IP in Postman
Then [Step 16] the under the Params tab the adapterName key contains the value "Network"
And [Step 16] the disableOnTimeout is set to "true"
And [Step 16] the key for ipAddresses
And [Step 16] there is a key for subnetMasks
And [Step 16] there is a key for defaultGateways
When [Step 17] I enter an IP address under ipAddresses
And [Step 17] I enter a subnet mask under subnetMasks
And [Step 17] I enter a gateway under defaultGateways
Then [Step 17] the endpoint has a static IP address, subnet mask, and gateway
When [Step 18] I mouse over the Send button for the Datacast endpoint Network Enable Static IP in Postman
And [Step 18] I wait for the seconds field on taskbar clock to be :00 seconds
And [Step 18] I immediately click on the Send button when seconds field reaches :00 on the taskbar clock
Then [Step 18] the endpoint Network Enable Static IP is sent
And [Step 18] Postman returns the response Status 200 OK
And [Step 18] the Body tab returns the network
When [Step 19] I look at the Network Connections window after the Network Enable Static IP endpoint was sent
Then [Step 19] the Network Connections window displays the Network adapter as enabled first
When [Step 20] I note the time on the taskbar clock counting close to the 15 minute mark (after a successful response)
Then [Step 20] the Network Connections window eventually displays the Network adapter as Disabled after the 15 minute mark
When [Step 21] I mouse over the Send button for the Datacast's endpoint Network Enable Static IP in Postman
And [Step 21] I wait for the seconds field on taskbar clock to be :00 seconds
And [Step 21] I immediately click on the Send button when seconds field reaches :00 on the taskbar clock
Then [Step 21] the endpoint Network Enable DHCP is sent
And [Step 21] Postman returns Status 200 OK
And [Step 21] the Body tab returns the network information
When [Step 22] I note the time approaching close 15 minute mark
And [Step 22] I immediately click on the Send button again when the seconds field reaches :59 on the taskbar clock to reset the disable network timer
Then [Step 22] the endpoint Network Enable DHCP is sent
And [Step 22] Postman returns Status 200 OK
And [Step 22] the Body tab returns the network information
And [Step 22] the Network adapter continues to be enable
When [Step 23] I note that the taskbar clock is past the 15 minute mark without a reset
And [Step 23] I verify the network adapter state in the Network Connections window
Then [Step 23] the Network Connections window eventually displays the Network adapter as Disabled after the 15 minute mark
When [Step 24] I mouse over the Send button for the Datacast's endpoint Network Enable Static IP in Postman
And [Step 24] I wait for the seconds field on taskbar clock to be :00 seconds
And [Step 24] I immediately click on the Send button when seconds field reaches :00 on the taskbar clock
Then [Step 24] the endpoint Network Enable Static IP is sent
And [Step 24] Postman returns Status 200 OK
And [Step 24] the Body tab returns the network information
When [Step 25] I mouse over the Send button for the Datacast's endpoint Network Enable DHCP in Postman
And [Step 25] I note the time on the taskbar clock counting close to the 15 minute mark
And [Step 25] I wait for the seconds field on taskbar clock to be :59 seconds
And [Step 25] I immediately click on the Send button when seconds field reaches :59 on the taskbar clock
Then [Step 25] the endpoint Network Enable DHCP is sent
And [Step 25] Postman returns Status 200 OK
And [Step 25] the Body tab returns the network information
And [Step 25] the Network adapter continues to be enable
When [Step 26] I mouse over the Send button for the Datacast's endpoint Get Network Info in Postman
And [Step 26] I wait for time approaching close to the 15 minutes mark
And [Step 26] I immediately click on the Send button when seconds field reaches :59 on the taskbar clock
Then [Step 26] the endpoint Get Network Info is sent
And [Step 26] Postman returns Status 200 OK
And [Step 26] the Body tab returns the network information
And [Step 26] the Network adapter continues to be enable
When [Step 27] I note that the taskbar clock is past the 15 minute mark without the reset
And [Step 27] I verify the network adapter state in the Network Connections window
Then [Step 27] the Network Connections window eventually displays the Network adapter as Disabled after the 15 minute mark
Given [Step 28] datacast is running
Given [Step 28] DHCP mode is selected in Application System
When [Step 28] I run the Application System executable in Admin mode
And [Step 28] I navigate to the Network Settings Screen
And [Step 28] I type Alt+Tab to invoke the Task Switcher
And [Step 28] I select Robony.Datacast.Console option
Then [Step 28] the console displays a line "Getting network info for Network" when the Network Settings Screen is accessed
Given [Step 29] that the CAEP does not have media disconnection error upon GetNetworkInfo endpoint is called
When [Step 29] I wait up to a minute
Then [Step 29] the Network Settings Screen updates the network info with the DHCP address, subnet mask, and default gateway
And [Step 29] the Robony.Datacast.Console displays the line "Retrieved network info for Network"
Given [Step 30] the network cable is unplugged from the main console
When [Step 30] I navigate away from the Network Settings Screen
And [Step 30] I navigate back to the Network Settings Screen
And [Step 30] I look at the Robony.Datacast.Console
Then [Step 30] the Robony.Datacast.Console displays the initial Get Network info endpoint with the line "Getting network info for Network"
And [Step 30] the Robony.Datacast.Console displays a line "Retrying after media disconnection on network, 3 tries left"
And [Step 30] the Robony.Datacast.Console displays a line "Retrying after media disconnection on network, 2 tries left"
And [Step 30] the Robony.Datacast.Console displays a line "Retrying after media disconnection on network, 1 tries left"
And [Step 30] Application System displays an error popup after last retry attempt
Given [Step 31] the network cable is plugged back in on the main console
When [Step 31] I navigate away from the Network Settings Screen
And [Step 31] I navigate back to the Network Settings Screen
And [Step 31] I look at the Robony.Datacast.Console
Then [Step 31] the Robony.Datacast.Console displays the initial Get Network info endpoint with the line "Getting network info for Network"
And [Step 31] there is no retry loop on the console
And [Step 31] Application System does not display any error
And [Step 31] the Network Settings Screen displays the network information
Given [Step 32] the Network Settings Screen is set to DHCP
When [Step 32] I select Static IP option on the Network Settings Screen
And [Step 32] I enter a IPv4 address, subnet mask, and default gateway in the respective fields
And [Step 32] I save the changes
And [Step 32] I exit the Network Settings Screen
And [Step 32] I navigate back into the Network Settings Screen
And [Step 32] I look at the Robony.Datacast.Console
Then [Step 32] the console displays a line "Getting network info for Network" when the Network Settings Screen is accessed
And [Step 32] the Robony.Datacast.Console displays the line "Retrieved network info for Network"
And [Step 32] the Network Settings Screen updates the network info with the Static IP address, subnet mask, and default gateway
Given [Step 33] the network cable is unplugged from the main console
When [Step 33] I navigate away from the Network Settings Screen
And [Step 33] I navigate back to the Network Settings Screen
And [Step 33] I look at the Robony.Datacast.Console
Then [Step 33] the Robony.Datacast.Console displays the initial Get Network info endpoint with the line "Getting network info for Network"
And [Step 33] the Robony.Datacast.Console displays a line "Retrying after media disconnection on network, 3 tries left"
And [Step 33] the Robony.Datacast.Console displays a line "Retrying after media disconnection on network, 2 tries left"
And [Step 33] the Robony.Datacast.Console displays a line "Retrying after media disconnection on network, 1 tries left"
And [Step 33] Application System displays an error popup after last retry attempt
Given [Step 34] the network cable is plugged back in on the main console
When [Step 34] I navigate away from the Network Settings Screen
And [Step 34] I navigate back to the Network Settings Screen
And [Step 34] I look at the Robony.Datacast.Console
Then [Step 34] the Robony.Datacast.Console displays the initial Get Network info endpoint with the line "Getting network info for Network"
And [Step 34] there is no retry loop on the console
And [Step 34] Application System does not display any error
And [Step 34] the Network Settings Screen displays the network information

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Regards; Team

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