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Railroad Settlement Cll The Process Isn't As Hard As You Think
Benzene, Butadiene, and Other Carcinogens on the Railroad

Many railroad workers are exposed to carcinogens, including benzene. You could be eligible for compensation if you have developed an illness that is serious, such as leukemia.

Leukemias occur in blood-forming tissue like bone marrow and lymphatic tissue. CLL (chronic lymphocytic Leukemia) is one of four major types of adult-specific leukemia.


The chemical Benzene can be absorbed through inhalation or through the skin. It is an oil-based by-product that is utilized in the production of plastics, resins, nylons, and synthetic fibers. It is also used as a component in lubricants and dyes. It is a well-known cancerous substance that causes leukemia and other cancers like acute myelogenous lymphoma (AML) and myelodysplastic diseases, and lymphomas.

Railroad workers are exposed benzene by using mineral spirits, solvents and degreasers. When working on locomotives or freight cars workers are exposed to exhaust fumes from diesel engines and. Because of this exposure, railroad workers are at a higher risk of developing chronic leukemia.

Numerous epidemiologic studies have demonstrated that exposure to benzene may increase the risk of leukemia. A recent study that was a meta-analysis provided summary effect estimates for exposure to benzene and the risk of AML, Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia (ALL) and Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia (CLL).

The meta-analysis shows that exposure to benzene during work increases the risk of developing these leukemias. However the results for AML and CLL were less than those for ALL. This could be due to the lower reporting rate for these subgroups but also due to the lack of dose-response with the increase in exposure. The meta-analysis found no evidence of publication bias.


Asbestos is a fibrous mineral that has been utilized to make a myriad of industrial products. Its resistance to heat, fire and corrosion has is what made it a top choice for railroads' locomotives and other equipment. However, Pulmonary fibrosis settlement poses danger to health when workers are handling it. If exposed to the material, asbestos fibers can be broken down into tiny particles that are then airborne. They are then inhaled and can become lodged in a person's lungs. Pulmonary fibrosis settlement can lead to various serious illnesses, including mesothelioma.

When asbestos fibers enter the lungs of an individual they may cause irritation to the lung's lining. This irritation can lead to a buildup in collagen, that hardens over time and creates pleural plaques. This condition can lead to chest pain and trouble breathing.

Mesothelioma settlement of lung damage resulting from asbestos exposure is fibrosis which results in scar tissue that interferes with the ability of a person to breathe. This condition can be fatal if it is not treated.

If you are a railroad worker who was diagnosed with an asbestos-related condition or condition, you should get in touch with an FELA lawyer immediately. A mesothelioma lawyer can assist you file for compensation. To be Mesothelioma lawsuit settlement , you must prove that exposure to a toxic substance while on the job contributed to your condition. FELA attorneys often collaborate with industrial safety experts, also known as industrial hygienists. They examine the materials used at the railroad's workplace, and determine if the railroad company adhered to the proper safety procedures.

Diesel Exhaust

Diesel exhaust is just one of the numerous carcinogenic fumes and materials that railroad workers are exposed to on a regular basis. Excessive exposure to diesel exhaust has been associated with lung cancer and other serious occupational diseases that affect railroad workers, including mesothelioma, pulmonary fibrosis and others. Inhaling the engine exhaust and particulates could cause chronic health issues that may be difficult to treat.

Diesel fuel is used in locomotives, and the cabin of a locomotive is a small space with little ventilation. Diesel exhaust is inhaled by railroad workers, and it could also be dragged back onto the clothing and on their bodies when they leave the cab. Diesel exhaust is also an issue for railroad workers who work in yards or shops because they are close to locomotives.

Diesel exhaust is believed to be a source of carcinogenic and mutagenic substances that can be absorbed into bloodstream. These chemicals can cause harm to the respiratory system and blood and bone marrow. Researchers found that workers who were exposed to diesel exhaust for a long period of time were at the highest risk of developing lung cancer.

Even after controlling for smoking and other factors, lung cancer mortality was significantly higher among railroad workers exposed to diesel emissions. The Lyon Firm is investigating claims from railroad workers who have been sickened by exposure to diesel exhaust and other industrial toxic substances.

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