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Let's Get It Out Of The Way! 15 Things About Railroad Lawsuit Lung Cancer We're Overheard
Railroad Lawsuit Kidney Cancer

Rail workers are exposed to carcinogens. Exposure to toxic substances like gasoline, diesel fuel, benzene and creosote has been linked to cancers and chronic diseases like lung cancer, mesothelioma and bladder cancer.

If you or someone you know has developed an illness that is serious and related to your involvement with the railway, contact an experienced railroad cancer lawyer today for a free consultation.

Exposure to carcinogens

Railroad workers are exposed to numerous carcinogens that can cause harm on a daily basis. These include diesel exhaust, asbestos and benzene. Railroad cancer lawsuits involving different railroad companies have been filed in large amounts. These lawsuits have been filed under the Federal Employers Liability Act (FELA) which was passed in 1908.

Patients who contract cancer as a result of exposure to the workplace may be qualified for compensation. A lawyer from the railroad industry will review a victim’s claim and determine if it is possible to file a FELA lawsuit can be filed against the company responsible for their illness.

A railroad worker may be entitled to compensation for medical expenses loss of wages, medical expenses and other damages resulting from their illness. A lawyer can assist clients file a lawsuit within the three-year statute of limitations imposed by FELA.

Plaintiff James Brown alleges that he developed leukemia as a result of years of working on trains exposed to chemicals such as creosote and degreasing solvents. He was employed on brake shoes cabooses, tank cars and brake shoes. He claims he walked across railroad ties that smelled like creosote. He also saw signs with crosses and skulls on train cars, signalling toxic substances. He claims that he was also exposed to diesel fumes while working on engines for locomotives or when stopping in tunnels. The toxins made his breathing difficult and caused headaches.

union pacific railroad lawsuits to provide an appropriate Work Environment

Despite the fact that railroad work has always presented a significant risk, modern studies have proven that many of the hazards common to work in railways are directly linked to cancer and other serious illnesses. Federal law requires railroad employers to provide workers with sufficient direction and protection in order to keep them safe. If they fail to do so and are found to be in breach, they could be held accountable for severe injuries resulting in death or financial ruin.

If you're a railroad worker or have a family member who was a railroad employee and you are interested in seeking legal help from an experienced attorney. An attorney can help you determine whether your exposure to carcinogens while on the job is enough to allow you to pursue a lawsuit. There is a 3-year statute of limitations, so it is imperative to contact a lawyer as soon as possible.

In addition to asbestos, railroad workers also are exposed to toxic chemicals like creosote, diesel fumes and exhaust. These harmful fumes are frequently the cause of cancer, including mesothelioma, as well as other lung diseases. It is crucial to get in touch with a railroad accident lawyer immediately if you've been diagnosed with one of these conditions.

The plaintiff worked for the ICRC as a carman/mechanic between September 1975 until December 2015. He claims that his position with the ICRC led to his development of renal (and later adrenal) cancer. He alleges that he was constantly exposed to the dangerous chemical carbon tetrachloride. It is utilized by railroads to cleanse their tracks and braking systems.


A railroad lawsuit may be filed under the Federal Employers' Liability Act (FELA) which allows railroad workers to directly file complaints against their employers. In order for a worker to claim damages, they must prove that the negligence of the railroad company contributed to their injury or illness.

In his time on the railway Plaintiff Greger was exposed to many toxic chemicals as well as environmental conditions. These included carbon tetrachloride which is used to clean the braking and rail systems. The company didn't inform him of the possible dangers of this chemical which has been proven to cause cancer.

He also claims to have walked upon rail ties coated in creosote. This substance was recognized as a hazard. He also breathed diesel fumes inside locomotive cabs and reported headaches and difficulty breathing. He claims to have been ill by diesel exhaust when he stopped in tunnels while on the train.

He claims that when he inquired of doctors about the link between his railroad work kidney cancer, as well as his doctors refused to provide any details. He argues that this was negligent and the railroad in question ought to have known about the connection between these exposures and kidney cancer. He wants to be compensated for his medical costs along with pain and suffering as well as the loss of earnings.


The damages in a kidney cancer lawsuit filed by a railroad are a result of a combination of medical bills, lost wages and other expenses. The amount of these damages could vary greatly based on the particular case. A competent lawyer will work to ensure that you receive the full amount for your losses.

In one instance, a 51-year-old man was diagnosed with myelodysplastic disorder (MDS) and acute myeloid leukemia (AML) in 2008. He worked as maintenance of-way employees for Chicago & North Western Railway and its successor Union Pacific Railroad from 1976 to 2008 as a machinist. He was exposed to chemicals that contained creosote, benzene, and degreasing agents.

Railroad companies are legally bound by a responsibility to adhere to government safety regulations for workplaces. These includes protecting workers from exposure to carcinogens that are well-known. If a railroad company does not comply in its obligation to protect workers, the consequences for those affected and their families can be devastating.

Hughes Law Offices has represented thousands injured people including railroad workers who were exposed to toxic fumes. Contact us today to arrange a free consultation with an experienced lawyer for railroad injuries. Andrew Hughes, the founder of the firm has been defending railroads in FELA claims for the majority of his legal career. He is well-versed in the laws and the conditions that could be caused by on-the-job exposure.

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