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How 9 Things Will Change HOW YOU Approach Sex Medicine
Giovanni Casanova (1725-1798) was an Italian adventurer, writer, soldier, musician, spy, and diplomat. Those accomplishments, however, have already been historically overshadowed by Casanova's reputation as a freewheeling sensualist. The word "Casanova" has arrived at represent a person of great sexual ability and indulgence.

The feeling he wasn't a "Casanova" and the idea that he should be, was what motivated Paul to get my help. He was worried that he was letting his partner down sexually. Paul's problem had not been unique and it had an understandably common effect on his self-esteem and self-worth. Humans are sexual creatures, naturally, and the inability to take pleasure from healthy, appropriate sexual activity and/or libido weighs heavily upon our holistic health and well-being.

When you are unable to enjoy appropriate sexual activity, your mind, body, and spirit feel off kilter due to your inherent sexual nature. You were born to have fun - and sex plays a big role in that. You deserve to have a regular, healthy expression of one's sexual nature. It really is fun and doesn't need to harm or impose on other people.

Concerns regarding a lack of sexual activity, as well as a lack of sexual desire, are becoming more frequent each year. Consequently prescriptions for erection dysfunction and low libido are growing at an astonishing rate. Perhaps part of that growth could be explained by a lessening of the stigma of reporting sexual problems, but we certainly know that the typical factors behind sexual dysfunction are more common today than ever before. Putting aside diet and physical health, which can play an essential role in a wholesome sexual lifestyle, the main reason behind sexual dissatisfaction is stress.

Stress-related illness is at an all-time high (but still growing), so it comes as zero surprise that symptoms of stress are also prevalent. The good news for you is that we know what causes a lot of the debilitating stress you experience. Your stress is a direct byproduct of seriousness - taking yourself too seriously. As we transfer to adulthood, we unfortunately agree with the notion that responsible and productive people should be "serious." As we make the largest mistake of our lives and relegate our humor nature and fun to outdoor recreation (if we experience fun at all), we doom ourselves to all or any the outward symptoms of the corresponding seriousness that fills the void - declining health, rising stress, increased pain, lessened energy, impaired creativity, and more.

Even better news for you, however, is that people also understand how to shrink your deadly seriousness to very little and reduce almost completely the sway it holds over your health, vitality, wellness, and zest. The natural medicine of humor can be an incredibly powerful resource that you already possess; you've only forgotten how exactly to utilize it to maximum effectiveness. You'll soon discover that, without a panacea, the natural medicine of humor is a tremendous remedy for many different health concerns and will also supercharge other treatments since it can be an amazing adjunctive medicine too!

I have distilled the natural medicine of humor, through my years of medical practice, into an incredible prescription I call The Fun Factor. Based on what I learned over two decades ago from a terminally ill fifteen-year-old patient, I created a distinctive group of principles I call the Fun Commandments, then forged these Commandments into my Fun Factor prescription and also have been prescribing The Fun Factor with great success for years. This report will highlight how exactly to use just three of my Fun Commandments to show your sexual health and performance around, and gain new joy, pleasure, and appreciation from your sexual activity!

My first Fun Commandment includes a profound influence on your sexual health because it is a fabulous introduction to the natural medicine of humor, generally: Go the excess Smile. Smiling, as simple since it sounds, is really a key to improved sexual appreciation because of its simplicity and almost constant appropriateness. A smile almost never offends and it is completely controllable, regardless of your circumstances; smiling is the simplest way to infuse yourself with the natural medicine of humor!

Smiling enhances your sexuality since it immediately decreases stress and fills you with energy and creativity. The very best news about the results of smiling is these benefits are measurable even though you are wearing a "fake" smile. Should you be thinking that lowering your stress level, while simultaneously snowballing your energy level and creativity, will add rocket fuel to your are absolutely correct!

Smiling has multiple benefits for your sexual health and wellness because it turbo-charges both your mood and your physiology. But smiling does another thing that accelerates your sexual satisfaction. It attracts reciprocal attention from your own mate because a smile is an open invitation. Think about a smile as a happiness virus and you will soon realize that your improved sexual health, your reduced stress, and increased energy could be easily shared with your partner.

Another of my Fun Commandments that allows the natural medicine of humor to soup-up your sexuality is: Laugh with Yourself. Laughing with yourself is the epitome of self-acceptance, not self-denigration as you might've been led to believe. You cannot take yourself too seriously when you're ready to laugh with yourself because you're embodying the philosophy of taking yourself lightly.

Let's face it, we have been funny creatures and that's how we're said to be! Looked at objectively, our anatomies are both fun and funny; the physical act of sex forces us to conjoin in a few awkward and, almost, impractical ways. Giving ourselves permission to start to see the humor inside our funny bodies and their functions eases the pressure we place on ourselves to execute sexually and our humor adds further fuel to your commitment to take ourselves less seriously.

Why wouldn't we laugh out of sincere appreciation for our perfect imperfections and the funny physicality of sex? Never to start to see the gentle, and sometimes obvious, humor in these things means we are taking ourselves, and our sexuality, much too seriously. It is all quite hilarious, for me...we spend so much time, energy, and resources concentrating on an act that takes significantly less than 1% of our waking time. If we're not careful this teeny, tiny part of our day can dominate our culture and our personal thoughts! Not that you don't have some good reasons to take into account sex, but give yourself permission to gently laugh at your obsession and you will find some additional stress released.

The final Fun Commandment we'll connect with your sexual health today is: Let Go Frequently. I always say that in life, as in juggling, success depends on how quickly you are able to let go. Also in life, as in juggling, most of us have a tendency to hold on to things too long, even though they are no longer doing work for us. In cialis profesional en España , hanging on to our harsh expectations creates stress that deflates our sexuality because we have been unable to measure up.

Society deluges us with images of youthful sexuality; you can suppose everyone except us is engaged in passionate, daily sex and we begin to feel that there is something wrong with us when our sex lives don't match the Madison Avenue fantasies. Let go of those images today, because no-one except you has the authority or knowledge to decide what your optimal sexual habits and practices should be. Your sexual expectations regarding frequency, sensation, and/or duration are just placing unneeded pressure on yourself and that pressure only creates more stress.

Forget about your expectations of performance too. A lot of my patients and clients imagine they need to achieve a certain degree of sexual performance because of their mates to be pleased. Nothing could be further from the truth. Once you set expectations regarding outcomes, you set yourself up for failure as you are putting even more pressure on yourself. Forget about the end results; focus on the fun, joy, and love inherent in sex because that is where the true pleasure is found.

Forget about sexual frequency and performance expectations, smile, laugh with yourself, and go along with whatever unfolds due to your footwork today. When you can do these things you will be an extremely sexual, passionate creature and sexy in the main eyes of all - yours! Remember that you are already perfect (perfectly imperfect) and you don't need fixing. Instead of fixing yourself, utilize the natural medicine of humor to relax, smile, and enjoy the ride.

My patient, Paul, committed himself not merely to these three Fun Commandments, but additionally to my entire Fun Factor prescription. He and his partner did not morph into Casanova's...however they didn't care because they formed their very own definition of sexuality based on fun, joy, and love. As time passes Paul and his partner arrived at an open, honest, and fun expression of sexual passion, predicated on my Fun Commandments, with a frequency and zest that satisfied both.

By the way, what you have no idea about Casanova was that his true value to humankind was not as a red-hot lover, but as the most gifted and authoritative social historians of his age. He spent his last years as a librarian, before dying of syphilis. Still desire to be just like him? It is suggested utilizing the natural medicine of humor to find your own sexual identity and enjoy a wholesome satisfying sex life of your creation.
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