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CAN BE YOUR Special Education Child Actually Being Served?
First of most, I would like to let you know that there are numerous special education teachers who, day in and day trip advocate for special education children, and teach your son or daughter to the best of these abilities. ethical hacking course is that these teachers aren't being supported, and so are being made to put their license on the line, and first of all serve the local high-profile students first. What do After all by high-profile students? I mean students whose parents are school administrators, lawyers, local politicians, or work with various other local high-profile organization. That is right, if you are not just one of these parents, you then need to investigate whether or not your child has been served properly, according to his IEP. The excuse that the administration give the teachers for this behavior, is that they do not have enough money to hire enough special education teachers.

Let me take the time here and educate you as to what that statement actually means. Not having enough money does not mean that hawaii or the city doesn't have enough money to hire teachers. What it means is that they did not budget enough money to hire the teachers essential to accomplish the balanced service of special education students. They have budgeted many thousands of dollars in states such as South Carolina, for roads, highways, and research to stop flooding on city streets, and at exactly the same time let go teachers. Oh, of course they don't really call it a layoff, they cover that by calling teachers positions slots, and just let you know the parents there are no slots left. The parents have a tendency to buy into what the school system says, because the school system is very good at covering their tracks.

At this point you may be asking how I know these exact things, and where I could acquire my information. I have been a special education teacher in two states and in at least three major counties. I've relatives that are teachers in other states, so my information is about as inside since it gets. In fact it is possible to hang your hat onto it. As I am writing this I'm in touch with state officials and am attempting to develop a task force for this very purpose. I have no idea if I should be able to pull this off minus the backing of many parents with children having special needs, and attending public schools. Given that you understand that I am in touch with many special education teachers, I want one to know the unbelievable truth, and that is that when these teachers complain they are serving high-profile cases, and they are not able to find the time to serve others, that not need parents in high places, they're threatened, they are told that they will lose their jobs should they say the incorrect thing, they are given extra work to accomplish, sometimes in an attempt to have teachers quit should they rock the boat.

The teacher knows that the administration will not back them and that their license is at risk. Yet they also understand that they'll be fired if they say or do the wrong thing. Many teachers have contacted me in tears, and believe me it is not just a few, nor is it just one school system, but many. The only real purpose of this article is to inform you the truth, in order that if you have a child who is in special education and you are not one particular high-profile cases, first thing you need to do after reading this article is can get on the telephone with your school system and find out exactly what services your child is getting, so when they're getting them. a few of you can be shocked to find that your child may not have been served properly for most months. The heart of the law that protects our special education students is founded on equality.

If the state does not have enough teachers to stay compliance with the law, shame on them. I would call your governor's office, your senator's office, a state education office, and let your legislators understand how you feel about the situation. Don't stand silent, silence does not change things. Although the school system itself is totally upside down and chaos, overall through the entire country, it is in your community of special education that we fail I students probably the most. Don't believe for a moment this is the teachers fault when children don't learn, and that we need to create programs to help keep good teachers and classrooms, and get gone the bad ones. The truth is good teachers are being removed from classrooms by mandated education, and in services that they need to perform or they will not manage to keep their certification. When good teachers aren't in classrooms, children don't learn. we all have heard it said that the squeaky wheel gets the oil, well, I am telling you it can.

I have found many cases where special education students have not been served properly since October or November of 2011. easily were a parent of a particular education student, I'd certainly wish to know if it was my child these were talking about. As the teachers have integrity, and because of the privacy laws, the teachers I interviewed could not give names, dates, or any information apart from an overall picture of what's happening to the students and the way the administration is putting the strain on the teachers to comply with the administration's political agenda. As an investigative reporter with integrity, I've withheld all names of school systems, teachers, and administrators who have been honest enough, and caring enough to help get this warning out to parents of special needs children.
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