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IEP Summary Letter MAY HELP YOU Win a Special Education Dispute With Your School District!
As a parent and special educational advocate for over 20 years I get frustrated by the treatment of parents by school personnel. This frustration becomes acute at individual educational plan (IEP) meetings when I experience the intimidation and retaliation that lots of parents also experience. I was recently advocating in a southern Illinois town for a man with Autism when my frustration began to bubble over. WHEN I calmed myself down after the meeting, I began writing a letter to the special education personnel in the school district where I attended the IEP meeting, for the parents. I documented items that were said, the nasty attitudes of the special education personnel, and the federal special education laws that I came across were not complied with. I was pleasantly surprised when the next meeting appeared to be less contentious and more productive.

I realized that IEP summary letters could be used by all parents to document items that happen at meetings. You can document comments created by a particular education person, you can document denials for needed services, or violations of IDEA 2004. Documentation is crucial to win any dispute between yourself and special education personnel. This type of letter may be used at a due process hearing or perhaps a complaint to win a dispute with your school district.

Below are 9 things to include in your summary letter:

1. Name and address of your school districts special education director.

2. Date of the letter.

3. Begin your letter with "This letter would be to clarify and discuss what happened at the IEP meeting of ___________(Date).

4. Use quotes as much as possible; "Mr. R. stated that ESY can only just be given to a kid that has regressed after a break or summer vacation." This is not consistent with IDEA 2004, and the summary letter permits you to document what was said and the noncompliance with federal special education law.

5. Any important discussions which were not included in the IEP notes; such as for example your child's behavior or specific related or special education services that you think your child needs. Readdress your position on services that your child needs that the school refuses to provide.

6. Discuss what services and placement that you agreed upon, and also any services or placement that you didn't agree upon.

7. Ask for PWN (prior written notice) on any service or placement that the school wants to give your son or daughter that you disagree with, or any service or placement that you believe your child needs and the school refuses to provide them with.

8. As get more info or State Special Education Law to document any violations that the school personnel committed through the IEP meeting.

9. Type your name and address and below this place your son or daughter's name, birth date, grade and school of attendance. Include this statement: Please keep a copy of this letter in my own child's educational record per FERPA (FERPA is the federal educational records law).

At the beginning of the meeting set a blank little bit of paper close to you. Utilize this paper to put whatever is said or done, that you would like to devote your letter. Add an IEP summary letter to your other advocacy skills, and you'll commence to see positive changes in your son or daughter's IEP meetings. I've said for quite some time that schools get away with the horrible treatment of parents because of insufficient accountability; this letter could force accountability on your own school district, and change all that for you! Good Luck.

JoAnn Collins is the mother of two adults with disabilities, and contains helped families navigate the special eduation system, being an advocate, for over 15 years. She actually is a presenter and writer of the book "Disability Deception; Lies Disability Educators Tell and How Parents Can Beat Them at Their Own Game." The book has a lot of resources and information to help parents fight for a proper education for his or her child. For a free of charge E newsletter entitled "The Special Education Spotlight" send an E mail to: [email protected]. For more info on the book, testimonials concerning the book, and a link to more articles head to
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