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What Is a Cooler in Casino Gambling or Poker?Benefits and drawbacks of a Blackjack Continuous Shuffling Machine.THE ENTIRE Blackjack Tournament Player?s Guide to Winning Big
More than once I?ve been on a hot streak at the tables when all of a sudden a new player requires a seat and my luck appears to be sucked from the air. You?ve likely had similar experiences.

If you?re at all suspicious of casinos like myself, you might have wondered if the casino sent a cooler to slow your roll. Or may very well not at all be familiar with the term ?cooler?.

In old-school gambling parlance, a casino ?cooler? can be an unlucky individual, usually a casino employee, whose mere presence at the gambling tables usually results in a streak of misfortune for the other players.

I?ll also go over what constitutes a poker ?cooler? in only an instant. Essentially, ?cooler? in gambling terms is something, by design or the randomness of mathematical probability, that is a gut punch at the tables.

Urban Legend
Casino coolers are today largely considered mythological beings. Much like Sasquatch roaming the dense forest of slot machines and craps tables.

Today it has become widely accepted that casinos and online casino sites do not employ coolers. After all, the theory that casinos would hire some poor schmuck to walk around the casino floor on the search for hot players to slow down sounds ridiculous.

Of course, it isn?t up to now out there to be considered unthinkable either. Hence the wonder of the cooler. On one hand it appears completely absurd and on another, it can be totally plausible.

Whether or not the casino cooler exists or is simply a figment of paranoid gamblers? imagination is a good source of debate. If you gather 3 or even more casino gamblers in a room and throw the topic out, you?re in for an entertaining evening.

It reminds me of the debate on extraterrestrial life. One side makes an argument for intelligent alien life that's unproven, but certainly in the realm of possibility. While the other side points out that it?s unproven and for that reason extremely unlikely.

Neither side is categorically wrong, rather the reality likely lies somewhere in the centre. It?s the same with ?coolers? for me.

I've definitely had what I?d consider close encounters, but they have always been just ambiguous enough to leave me wondering if I was prey to a cooler or if the numbers just caught up to me.

I?ll share one such experience with you shortly, but first let?s check out coolers in the mainstream.

The Cooler
In the 2003 film ?The Cooler? William H. Macy plays lovable loser Bernie Lootz. Through a series of wrong turns and poor choices Lootz finds himself indebted to the Shangri-La casino boss Shelly Kaplow played by Alec Baldwin, who years earlier cured him of a gambling habit by breaking his kneecap.

Kaplow saw an opportunity and leveraged Bernie?s mountain of debt to put him to work. Cooling off any hopeful bettors likelihood of walking from Shangri-La with house money.

It?s a Tale as Old as Time
The unluckiest man in Vegas, whose bad luck is contagious, is within an extremely over-exaggerated sense utilized by the final of the old-time mob-run casinos to kill high rollers? action.

That is until he falls deeply in love with a cocktail waitress and ?lady luck? comes calling, which throws the problem into reverse.

The Cooler at its core is a love story, but it?s also a lot more than that. It?s a window into a mysterious world of casino gambling?s underbelly.

Obviously, its existence doesn?t confirm that Vegas, Atlantic City, or any other casino meccas use coolers. However, it does provide a glimpse of how coolers are perceived by many casino gamblers and is really a basis for a few thought-provoking conversation.

Is this art imitating life or simply a play on another urban legend? It is possible to decide that on your own.

I found it to be an entertaining watch that needs to be enjoyed by anyone interested in casino gambling or simply loves an excellent underdog.

Cool Kid
I?ve never believed in coolers, but a recently available encounter left me questioning this stance.

Not long ago I was at a casino in Sin City and hit a hot streak at a $25 minimum Blackjack table. I was up a couple grand and rolling. It had been the rare day where I couldn?t bust, the dealer continuously busted and I had countless double down and split hands that paid me.

At this point a man strolls up and asks if the table is ?hot?. I tell him to jump in, the water is great. He takes a seat and buys set for $200. I took notice because the dealer never asked for his player card and this dealer have been particularly militant about asking every player.

I chalked it up to perhaps the dealer, in the end, being human. Perhaps it was his comparatively low buy-in to the table average. He did strike up a conversation asking where I was staying, where I?m from, and the like.

I reciprocated and found his responses oddly vague or even outright evasive. For instance, when I asked where he was from he told me a little town in Texas. I was surviving in Florida at the time and don?t have an accent, but I was born and raised in Texas.

So, without tipping my hand, I probed a little deeper while he dipped and dodged my questions. He seemed way more thinking about my bets and gameplay than even his own. We played via an entire shoe such as this. I could leave with over $5k, among my best runs to date.

Then I decided to have a break and grab some dinner with a friend that lives in Vegas. After dinner, I made a decision to ?let it ride? at the big boy tables. I in short order turned the $5k to slightly below $10k.

Again, it was one among those weekends for me. This is by no means the norm in my experience, I was just extremely fortunate.

I start to see the pit boss creating a few calls, but don?t think much of it because the table was hot. I thought maybe they?d change dealers, I?ve seen that once or twice.

Then, I see my fellow ?Texan? walking back around me. He asked how it was going, I told him I was still doing pretty well and invited him to get a seat.

He doesn?t hesitate and pulls out $1500 out of his wallet. The high-limit table I was playing at was $100 Min $10,000 Max table. I was surprised because I didn?t think he?d have the bankroll to play there. For the next time, the dealer never asked him for his player?s card, although they asked for mine when I bought in. My paranoia started to creep up at this stage.

He continued to dodge my questions, yet had plenty for me which I was happy to answer. This continued for 2 2 full shoes until I took my sizable winnings and called it a night.

Was I a first-hand witness to the attempts of the elusive ?cooler?? I could?t be sure, it?s far more likely it had been upper-level security making certain I was on the level. The speculating helps it be a lot more fun though.

The poker world has its version of a ?cooler? and it has nothing to do with William H. Macy.

You?ve likely been there, I?ve definitely been there. You make a great hand and play it solid, only to lose to a far more incredible hand. This is the dreaded and feared poker cooler.

A poker cooler refers to a situation when a strong hand, played correctly, loses to an even stronger holding. Your gut may tell you to pass nevertheless, you just can?t let it go. In a cooler scenario you lose, not as you were outplayed necessarily, but because of the luck of the draw.

With both players holding more powerful than average hands, each would want to get the profit the center. However, someone has to lose. These are not necessarily bad plays but simply bad luck, also it happens to the very best players on the planet.

Coolers are a tough fact of poker life but, you don?t have to allow it put you on tilt.

Whether ?coolers? exist in casino gambling or not is obviously up for debate. Although it definitely sounds reasonable that the casinos would take any legal steps possible to secure their important thing, it?s as preposterous that the casinos would hire some ?Unlucky Joe? to spread his misfortune purely by osmosis.

Personally, I think coolers are a fictitious creation of gamblers whose luck ran out. You?ll have to choose for yourself, feel free to let me know very well what you imagine in the comments.

Everybody knows that the ?poker cooler? is a heartbreaking reality and there?s really nothing to do about it. The best advice I can provide you is if they come, accept it, and move on.

Gamble on.Many casinos have introduced continuous shuffling machines (CSMs) on their blackjack tables in recent years. They depend on CSMs to lessen the dealer?s workload and speed up games.

Obviously, continuous shuffling machines work very well from the casino?s perspective. However, not every player is really a fan of CSMs.

Why the hate for these machines? I?ll discuss more on what a CSM works along with its pros and cons.

Basics of a Continuous Shuffling Machine
All blackjack games were hand shuffled before. However, CSMs have made their way onto a lot more blackjack tables.

These machines feature an opening at the very top. Dealers grab a pile of cards from the discard tray and insert them into this opening.

The CSM then shoots cards into various slots located inside of it. This technique happens randomly to produce a random shuffle.

Once the machine has finished sorting cards, it pushes the pile to the most notable. A dealer can grab this clump of cards and commence dealing them like normal.

Contrast this scenario to a normal hand-dealt game. At some time, dealers must completely stop the game to shuffle the deck or shoe (2 or more decks).

Some players appreciate these small breaks to stand up and stretch. However, CSMs eliminate these breaks by making certain the games don?t have to stop.

CSMs Are Controversial
Everybody has their own reasons for playing blackjack. Some appreciate the in-depth strategy, others just like the low house edge, and some enjoy the classic feeling.

The latter can make one feel like a significant high roller?regardless of what size or little they bet. After all, real money blackjack is one of the most-traditional games in the casino.

A CSM takes away from this feeling, though. It introduces a machine-based element right into a game that, for years and years, was always shuffled by hand.

Misconceptions provide another reason continue shuffling machines are controversial. Some gamblers believe CSMs raise the house advantage.

This belief is mistaken when considering a CSM actually reduces the house advantage (covered later). However, players lose additional money when these machines can be found thanks to the increased game speed.

Casinos hold an advantage over recreational players. Therefore, they stand to win more hourly profits once the game runs continuously.

The other common misconception is that casinos rig blackjack through CSMs. Those subscribing to the notion believe that casinos only use these machines to cheat.

This act wouldn?t be worth it from the casino?s view considering that they?d destroy their reputation if caught utilizing a rigged CSM. However, players have always been mistrusting of machine-based casino games.

Pros of a CSM
Benefits and drawbacks SignEarlier, I mentioned that casinos love continuous shuffling machine due to the increased profits. But these contraptions also provide certain advantages to players as well.

Offers More Action
Some gamblers like a faster blackjack game. They want to play plenty of hands and get probably the most entertainment possible.

CSMs donate to quicker game speed. They prevent the dealer from holding games for several minutes just to shuffle.

Of course, a dealer can still slow the game down by dealing at a snail?s pace. More often than not, though, continuous shuffling machines increase the quantity of hourly hands by around 20%.

Keeps Games Running Smoothly
Anybody who?s on a hot streak hates when a blackjack game suddenly stops. They don?t want their momentum ruined when they?re winning hand after hand.

Unfortunately, this scenario is a fact of life with hand-shuffled games. The dealer needs to stop the action at some time to shuffle the shoe.

A CSM ensures that the croupier never must halt the game. They only require a few seconds to insert card clumps in to the machine and get them afterward.

Lowers the House Edge
Unlike what some players think, a continuing shuffling machine doesn?t supply the house a more impressive advantage. Instead, it lowers the house edge by 0.014%.

This figure isn?t enough to totally tilt the odds in your favor. It?s also small enough to where you might not even notice the extra advantage.

Nevertheless, you stand a slightly better chance of winning each hand when using a continuous shuffling machine.

Cons of a CSM
Misconceptions aren?t the only real explanations why people don?t like these machines. Below, you can view the largest downsides regarding CSMs.

Results in More Losses
Land-based casinos hold between a 0.5% and 2% edge over blackjack players. Their advantage varies using the rules available.

You can enhance your odds by choosing tables with the very best rules. However, you still face an authentic prospect of losing with a CSM involved.

Whether the casino holds a 0.5% or 2% advantage, they still have the long-term edge. Therefore, you stand to reduce extra money when you?re exposed more to the house advantage.

Takes Away Breaks
Someone Cashing In Their Chips and RelaxingBlackjack is really a mental game that has extensive strategy. Assuming you master this strategy and play on tables with favorable rules, you?ll be facing significantly less than a 1% house edge.

But sometimes, you may need a break from the action to refocus. Hand-shuffled games give you several minutes every hour to collect your thoughts.

CSM tables, on the other hand, don?t offer the same luxury. The dealer can keep the game moving all night without needing to stop and shuffle.

Ruins the Classic Feeling
In a perfect world, you may see yourself sitting at a higher roller blackjack table, wearing formal wear, and winning five- or six-figure bets. What you probably don?t envision in this fantasy, though, is a continuous shuffling machine.

Blackjack includes a classic feeling that many players love. It has existed in its current form for centuries.

A CSM cheapens the game by bringing a machine in to the fold. It makes blackjack feel more automated and less exciting.

Prevents Card Counting
Assuming you fancy yourself a card counter, you?ll definitely want to avoid continuous shuffling machines. The latter ruins any chance you have at making profits through this advantage play method.

As a card counter, you need at least 75% deck penetration to create consistent profits. A CSM means that the dealer doesn?t even need to go 20% of just how through the shoe before cards are shuffled.

They can just pick up a pile of cards at at any time and place them in to the machine. Therefore, you won't ever get the kind of deck penetration you must win consistently through card counting.

When You Should Consider Tables with CSMs
Overall, continuous shuffling machines give you more reasons to remain away than embrace them. Nevertheless, you might still consider playing at CSM tables when contemplating the following scenarios.

You like Faster Play
You almost certainly don?t be worried about being exposed the home edge in the event that you play blackjack. In the end, you?d never sit back to begin with if you feared the house advantage.

Furthermore, you may be the sort of player who embraces more hands per hour. A quicker pace offers you more entertainment in a shorter time period.

When sitting at a CSM table with 1-2 other players, you could see up to 150 hands each hour. This rate keeps you busy and entertained.

You Don?t Care About the Traditional Feeling
Perchance you like playing blackjack in land-based casinos but aren?t overly concerned about the atmosphere. In this case, you almost certainly also don?t care when CSMs are brought in to the fold.

These machines make blackjack feel just a little less traditional. However, they don?t diminish from the truth that you?re still sitting at a genuine table and receiving hands from the human dealer.

You?re Searching for Any Edge Possible
Serious recreational blackjack players look for any advantage they can get. If you belong to this class, you?ll appreciate a continuing shuffling machine.

Again, a CSM reduces the home edge by 0.014%. This small edge, combined with other favorable rules, will let you lower the entire house edge to 0.5% or lower.

Most blackjack players simply prefer hand-shuffled tables. They just like the classic atmosphere and getting breaks once the dealer stops to shuffle.

As you can see, continuous shuffling machines aren?t completely bad. They do provide advantages using situations.

Whether you play at a table with a CSM all boils down to individual preference. In the end, you may forget that the continuous shuffling machine even exists as soon as you really enter the action.Blackjack is really a favorite casino game among many since it combines strategy with a low house edge. But unless you?re a card counter, the casino will will have a slight edge you.

This is where blackjack tournaments become interesting, because they see you compete against other players. And you will win long-term profits, considering that the home edge is taken out of the equation.

Of course, you need to understand the fundamentals of how blackjack tournaments work before you win. Let?s go over the basics, including forms of blackjack tournaments, to purchase them, and how strategy differs from conventional play.

Blackjack Tournament Basics: Buy-ins, Prize Pools, and Rules Blackjack Tournament Buy-ins
A buy-in may be the fee that you pay to enter a blackjack tournament. The biggest part of the buy-in goes towards the prize pool, and a small % goes towards the casino for running the tourney.

Let?s look at an example of how this works below:

Tournament buy-in is $20 + $2.
$20 switches into the prize pool.
$2 is taken by the casino as a charge for running the tournament.
Tournament Prize Pools
The tournament entries go into the prize pool, that is the money that players compete for. How big is the prize pool varies based on just how many players enter.

Here?s a good example:

The buy-in is $50 + $5.
300 players enter the tournament.
This creates a prize pool worth $15,000 (50 x 300).
Blackjack tourneys either feature guaranteed or variable prize pools.

A guaranteed prize pool means that the casino guarantees a particular amount of money. For instance, a $10,000 prize pool will need to have exactly $10k or even more.

The casino must cover any gap between the prize pool and entry fees (a.k.a. overlay). If they guarantee a $5,000 prize pool and it only reaches $4,000, they?d have to cover the rest of the $1,000.

Blackjack Tournament Rules
The guidelines of a blackjack tournament differ in line with the format. But there are a few general aspects which are common to many tournaments.

A typical blackjack tourney sees players make an effort to beat the dealer, just like in a normal blackjack game. But the key difference is that players are competing against one another for the prize money.

Players who survive the longest (elimination format) or win probably the most chips (leaderboard format) finish the highest on the leaderboard.

The amount of players who win money is founded on the quantity of entrants and tourney format. In general, you may expect around 10%-20% of the field to cash.

Blackjack Tournament Formats Elimination Blackjack Tournaments
An elimination blackjack tournament includes a series of rounds. Players are gradually eliminated during the period of these rounds until just one remains.

In most cases, the very best one to two players from each table advance to the next round. Everybody begins a fresh round with exactly the same number of chips.

Rebuy blackjack tournaments allow players to buy back into the event if they bust out. In these instances, the initial round includes several qualifying rounds prior to the rebuy period ends.

Here?s a standard setup for an elimination blackjack tournament:

6 players to a table.
The most notable two players from each table move to the next round.
Each round ends at 8, 16, 25, and 30 hands.
The tournament winner may be the player with the most chips at the end of 30 hands.
Leaderboard Blackjack Tournaments
A leaderboard blackjack tournament sees every player assigned to a table, just like an elimination event. But the key difference is that there aren?t any eliminations in these tourneys.

Instead, your goal would be to accumulate as much chips as possible and progress the leaderboard, rather than attempting to survive to each round. You can check the leaderboard from time to time to see how you?re doing compared to the field.

A leaderboard blackjack tournament ends following a specific number of hands have been played. The very best finishers are determined by who has the most chips by the end of the hand limit.

Blackjack Sit and Go?s
Made popular by online poker sites, sit and go?s (SNGs) are single table tournaments that begin as soon as enough players buy into the event.

The number of players required to start the tourney is founded on the predetermined size of the table. Common SNG table sizes include 6, 9, or 10 players.

Blackjack SNGs are almost exclusively found in online casinos since it?s better to run the single table format in this setting.

Types of Blackjack Tournaments Buy-in Tournaments
WHEN I covered earlier, buy-in blackjack tournaments need a fee to enter.

The most obvious downside to a buy-in tourney is you need to pay to play. The upside is that limits the quantity of entrants and provides you a better shot at winning prize money.

Another positive to buy-in tournaments is that these usually feature the biggest prize pools. This is especially the case if the casino supplies a generous guarantee on the event.

Blackjack Freerolls
A freeroll is really a tournament that doesn?t need a cash entry fee. Both types of freerolls include:

1. Open ? No fee of any kind is required.

2. Points ? You need loyalty points to enter.

Many beginning blackjack tournament players like open freerolls because they?re absolutely free. Thus giving you a good possiblity to increase your bankroll without needing to spend money.

But the downside is that, due to the lack of fees, lots of players enter these events. Which means that you?ll be competing against a very large player pool in comparison to the limited prize pool.

Points freerolls require you to use loyalty points, which must be earned through real-money slots play.

VIP Tournaments
You must be of a certain VIP status, or at the very least a frequent player, to compete in these tournaments.

The drawback is that you?ll have to play lots of real-money slots to get the proper VIP level. But the upside is these tourneys usually offer large prize pools in relation to the amount of entrants.

Where IS IT POSSIBLE TO Find Blackjack Tournaments? Land-based Casinos
Brick-and-mortar casinos hold many promotional and VIP blackjack tournaments. These are used to draw blackjack players back to the casino, instead of to make profits.

This creates a lot of situations where you don?t have even to pay an entry fee to play.

Larger brick-and-mortar blackjack tournaments often require a buy-in. But they are certainly worth it in the event that you enjoy playing blackjack in a land-based setting and/or want to try blackjack in another format.

HOW WOULD YOU Enter Land-based Blackjack Tournaments?
Through mail or email, casinos send invites that contain all the information it is advisable to enter a brick-and-mortar blackjack tournament.

Usually, this information involves details on when you need to be registered by, tournament rules, and whether there?s a buy-in.

Online Casinos
Internet casinos commonly feature both the elimination and leaderboard blackjack tournaments. You can travel to an online casino?s lobby to see what tournaments they have on tap.

A very important factor that?s nice about playing online tourneys is that you could quickly navigate between casinos to benefit from more events.

HOW CAN YOU Enter Online Blackjack Tournaments?
You must first subscribe at an online casino before playing in their tournaments. This calls for entering details like your name, email, home address, mobile number, and referral code (if applicable).

As soon as you?ve registered at a casino, it is possible to play in open entry freerolls.

You?ll need to make a deposit before playing in buy-in tournaments. Visit a casino?s banking section and see what options they will have so that you can place your deposit.

When you sign up and also have funds available, you can travel to the web casino lobby and commence entering tournaments. Each tourney you click will feature information just like the start time, amount of entrants, rules, prize pool, and leaderboard.

Blackjack Tournament Strategy Know Basic Blackjack Strategy
The best place to start out when developing your blackjack tournament strategy is understanding basic strategy. This is made easier when you?ve already played normal blackjack and also have learned the fundamentals.

If you haven?t done so, the good news is that learning basic blackjack strategy is simple. All you need to accomplish is grab a technique chart and use this while playing.

Strategy charts show what decisions you need to make based on the dealer?s up card and your score total. You can actually find these charts in Google or Bing images.

Bet Differently Than Your Opponents
While basic strategy is important in tournaments, betting differently than your opponents is even more crucial.

The reason is because most players? hand email address details are roughly the same. For instance, if the dealer gets a blackjack, then everybody at the table will probably lose.

This is why you must have a solid betting strategy so as to separate yourself from the pack. And this entails doing the opposite of what everybody else is doing.

If everybody at your table is making aggressive wagers, it is possible to scale back your bets to stay alive. If other players are increasingly being timid and placing small bets, you may make bigger wagers to grab a large lead.

Mixing Up Your Play
Ideally, you?ll be on a table that favors either an aggressive or conservative approach to be able to play differently. But there?ll also be times where you?re on a table with players who are using mixed approaches.

That is when it?s useful to employ a hybrid strategy that sees you switch backwards and forwards between small and big bets. The main element is to time your large wagers correctly to be able to catch the leaders when needed.

You?ll often find that the best time to make these bets is when you?re on the button and can see how everybody else is wagering. You can then bet just big enough to move up the chip counts without risking your tournament life.

Table Position
Continuing off the last point, table position is a critical section of successfully playing blackjack tournaments.

The target is to minimize your risk in the first position as you can?t see how others are betting. On the other hand, you should use later position to decide when a bigger bet is appropriate, since you can easily see more players? wagers.

Here?s an example of the latter:

6 players are on the table.
You?re on the button with 5,000 chips.
The leader has 8,000 chips.
Player A bets 1,000 chips.
Player B bets 1,500 chips.
Player C bets 1,000 chips.
Player D bets 2,000 chips.
Player E bets 2,000 chips.
You can now bet over 2,500 chips and gain ground on each opponent with a winning hand.

Tournament Stages
Whether you?re playing within an elimination or leaderboard blackjack tournament, you always need to be aware of what stage you?re in.

This is important as you got to know when it?s time and energy to start betting big or scaling back based on your standing. Let?s look a good example below:

You?re in an elimination blackjack event.
The top two players from each table move on.
The initial round lasts 8 hands.
You?re readily available 8 and need to gain 1,500 chips on the next highest chip stack to move on.
This means it is possible to bet over 1,500 chips to give yourself the opportunity at advancing.
Overall, the very best strategy is one that keeps you within striking distance of the table/tournament leader, yet also helps you stay in the tourney by not risking your chip stack prematurily ..

Two of the best things about blackjack tourneys include the following:

1. You compete against other players. 2. There?s even more strategy than traditional blackjack games.
These aspects help to keep blackjack being among the most popular styles of gambling tournaments.

In the event that you haven?t played in a blackjack tournament yet, then I highly suggest that you do so. Not only does the strategy include another layer, but it?s also fun to enjoy blackjack in another format that involves chasing tournament prizes.

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