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How To Make A Fish Halloween Costume
These gorgeous costumes capture the grace that fish possess. These costumes have a fun, whimsical feel with shimmering scales. These costumes, whether you're trick-or-treating alone or with your friends, are sure to make an impression.

A fish costume can be made in a variety of ways. Felt fabric can be used to create any kind of fish. The only thing that limits you is your imagination. The fish costume is the perfect choice for any event, be it a party under water or a simple day at a beach.

For your first fish costume you will need to make something similar to a mask. Measuring the person's shoulder to top of their head is the first step. This will give the height. You can then cut two rectangles that fit these dimensions out of felt. Once the two felt rectangles are cut, stitch them together to form your fish's costume head.

You will then have to make the fins. You can do this by tracing a curved, triangle-shaped shape onto a yellow felt piece. To cut the shape out, make sure that it's symmetrical. Two side fins will need to be cut from the yellow feel. The fins on the side should be around 4 inches. After tracing the side fins onto the yellow felt, you can cut them out. Place them as desired on the body.

When you are finished with the fins, it's the time to add the tail. To achieve this, you will need to cut a piece of yellow coloured foam the exact size of your fish. You'll then need to stitch a line into the body, centered around the base tail. After this step, you will insert the yellow styrofoam into the opening. Once done, you will sew the opening closed.

Finally, you'll want to create eyes for your fish outfit. For this, draw two circles large on a piece white felt. Then cut them out. Then, using a black pen, mark the pupils on the circles you've just cut. Now it's time for you to dress up in your favorite fish costume!

These costumes capture the beautiful, gliding motions of fish. No matter if you choose to dress as a Swedish Fish, a Swedish Fish, a Swedish shark, or even a Swedish clownfish, the costumes will delight anyone who looks at them. To make it even more magical, you can combine your costume with a Disappearing Face hood and trick or treat as though your face had disappeared!
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