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AMAZING Metrics For Insurance Social Media Marketing
Perhaps there are still some insurance agencies, brokers and wholesalers on the market who consider social media marketing to become a fad. Something comparable to Hula Hoops, Water Beds, Zoot Suits and Rubik's Cube. But considering these numbers will likely convince even probably the most skeptical insurance executives that social media marketing is here to remain, and a force to be reckoned with.

Visitors of the very best 6 SOCIAL MEDIA MARKETING Sites

The majority of your prospects will frequent at least one of the most notable six social media marketing sites. Here are the estimated monthly visitors for 6 of the top social media sites:

YouTube: 1 billion unique monthly visitors
Facebook: 900 million visits
Twitter: 310 million visits
LinkedIn: 255 million visits
Pinterest: 250 million visits
Google +: 120 million visits
When you consider that the current US population is approximately 320 million, these metrics gain some perspective. An excellent analogy would be that each person in america, visits Facebook 3 times monthly. These numbers are staggering, and at the very least insurance agencies and brokers should have a professional presence on the following five sites: YouTube, LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter and Google+. It's far better, however, if agencies, brokers and wholesalers leverage these platforms to help carry their targeted insurance marketing message to cyberspace generally and to their prospects specifically.

W here Should INSURANCE PROVIDERS and Brokers Focus

Insurance professionals targeting commercial accounts should focus on LinkedIn and YouTube. LinkedIn is all about business, and most of one's commercial insurance prospects and clients are actually using LinkedIn. YouTube is a wonderful repository to compliment your insurance agency website recordings, it's easy to share video recordings, executive briefings or recorded webinars on YouTube. Agencies and brokers must have a professional and branded LinkedIn company page and YouTube channel. Facebook tends to be more consumer centric, though a specialist company page on Facebook is worthwhile, particularly if you offer personal lines. Think about Google+? As it is still in the very best 6, a specialist company page, and consistent postings is preferred, though Google+ has clearly lagged the field. And finally, how about Twitter? Twitter is a superb tool to increase reach and branding. With little effort, and the countless tools that post automatically to all or any or most of these sites, insurance social media marketing is within the grasp of even small agencies and brokers.


I often say that great insurance marketing begins with an excellent blog. An interesting and relevant blog post can be easily shared across each of the above social media marketing sites. The blog does not have to be about insurance. For example, if you're a B2B (commercial lines) agency or an insurance broker focusing on group benefits, your blogs should include educational information germane to those respective audiences. This may include business related news, regulatory updates, industry news, business tips, etc. When thinking about insurance social media marketing, think about what you as a broker or insurance agent desire to share, and what your prospects and clients would find of interest.

To find out more on territory exclusive INSURANCE COMPANY Marketing Solutions visit our website: StartUpSelling, Inc. provides outsourced insurance marketing and to generate leads services focusing in the areas of insurance telemarketing, insurance email marketing, and insurance web marketing. StartUpSelling, Inc. focuses on innovative entrepreneurial marketing, sales and lead gen concepts.
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