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Three Of The Biggest Catastrophes In Railroad Lawsuit Laryngeal Cancer The Railroad Lawsuit Laryngeal Cancer's 3 Biggest Disasters In History
FELA Lawsuits - Why You Should File a Railroad Lawsuit

The Federal Employer's Liability Act gives railroad workers, both old and new, the right to sue their employer if they develop cancer or another chronic illness as a result of exposure to benzene fumes diesel fumes, and other carcinogens. Call today for a free consultation with a knowledgeable railroad lawyer.

FELA Lawsuits

Every day, railroads transport people, products, and services across the country. It requires a lot of railroad workers to run and manage these massive systems. Despite union pacific railroad lawsuit in technology the job of a railroad worker remains extremely risky. That's why the Federal Employers Liability Act (FELA) was enacted to safeguard railroad workers who have been injured.

In contrast to workers' comp which is a system that does not have fault, claimants must prove that their railroad employer was negligent in order to get a payment under FELA. Generally, this is done by proving that the railroad's conduct violated a federal norm, for example the OSHA regulations, Boiler Inspection Act, or Safety Appliance Act.

Negligence is generally easier to prove in FELA lawsuits than in other types of personal injury claims or workers comp cases. This is due to the the concept of comparative fault, which allows workers to be awarded damages even if they were the cause of their injuries.

The lawyers at Shaw Cowart have extensive experience in FELA claims and know how to investigate the evidence in these cases. Because the time to file an FELA claim is very limited and therefore, it is essential to seek out an attorney early enough after your injury. This allows us to collect documents, statements, and other evidence. Contact us today to arrange an appointment with a railroad litigation attorney.

Exposure to carcinogens

Railroad workers are at risk of contracting various diseases as a result of exposure toxic chemicals. Railroad workers have been exposed for years to welding fumes and diesel fumes. They are also exposed to lead, asbestos creosote and silica as well as creosote and creosote. These chemicals can cause cancer or other diseases among railroad workers. If a former or current railroad employee suffers from an illness which is directly linked to the chemicals they were exposed to on the job, they may be eligible to start a FELA lawsuit.

Numerous studies have revealed railroad workers to be more likely to develop cancer than other jobs. The most frequent cancers among railroad workers include lung, esophageal, as well as throat cancers as well as basal-cell carcinomas of the neck and head.

One of the most common carcinogens that railway workers are exposed to is benzene. Benzene is a non-colorless gas that has a sweet odor. union pacific railroad lawsuit was banned in the United States more than 20 years ago, but it is present in gasoline, crude oil and diesel exhaust. It is also a component in some degreasers and solvents. Latonya Paige is suing BNSF and the City of Houston and Texas after her nephew was diagnosed with leukemia. The suit claims that the city and railroad contaminated the neighborhood with toxic chemicals from the railroad's rail yard. Giles lived just several blocks from the railyard and creosote-treatment site.

The signs of Cancer

Railroad transportation is essential to the American economy. Each year, America's railways carry 30 million passengers as well as 1.6 billion tons of freight, including food timber, crude oil, grain, automobiles, chemicals, crushed stone and metal ore. Railroad workers are exposed to a diverse range of hazardous substances, and many develop illnesses like cancer as a result. A FELA injury attorney could help you file a lawsuit against your employer.

One former Union Pacific employee claims that the company's negligence caused his basal cell carcinoma, a type of skin cancer. He says his exposure to sunlight radiation and creosote coated railroad ties from 1968 until 2009 contributed to the condition. He also claims that he was not provided with the appropriate safety equipment to protect him from his workplace hazards.

LaTonya Paige, a third plaintiff asserts that her breast cancer was caused by her work at a Union Pacific rail yard. The Houston resident claimed she first noticed an area of breast cancer in the year 2016. When doctors removed the mass, they found that it was malignant. The cancer has spread from her lymph nodes to her liver, lungs and esophagus.

The Houston mayor has requested the Biden administration to seek penalties and orders for the cleanup of the Union Pacific site in his city. The site was used to store railroad tie made of wood treated with coal tar and other poisonous chemical mixes until the 1980s. A study published in January by Texas health officials identified the area as a source of clusters of acute myeloidleukemia colon, bladder, lung and rectal cancers, as well as rheumatoid arthritis.

Signs and symptoms of other Diseases

Railroad workers are at risk of serious health issues, particularly when they are exposed to chemicals on a daily basis. The Federal Employers Liability Act allows railway workers to seek compensation when their employer breaks the law. Chaffin Luhana is dedicated to ensuring that victims receive the full compensation they are due.

union pacific railroad lawsuit have revealed that workers in the railroad industry are more likely to develop different types of cancer. If the workers are working in locomotives or working in yards, they are typically exposed to harmful chemicals. A study showed that railroad workers exposed to diesel exhaust had a greater chance of developing lung cancer. Another chemical, Benzene, has been linked to cancer in railroad workers. It is found in many degreasers, solvents and other products used by the railroad industry. It is also a component of diesel exhaust and is believed to cause non-Hodgkin's lymphoma in rail workers.

In September the month of September, a jury awarded $7.5 million to the railroad worker who was diagnosed with leukemia. The plaintiff was employed by Chicago and North Western Railroad and later for Union Pacific Railroad Company, for many years. He claimed he worked without protection equipment when he was installing railroad ties that were soaked in creosote. He also claimed that he was exposed degreasing solvents and lead. He was diagnosed with myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS), which eventually led to acute myeloid leukemia.

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