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Railroad Settlement Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia Tips From The Best In The Business
Railroad Settlement and Esophageal Cancer

Railroad workers are frequently exposed to cancer-causing chemical substances in their work environment. Certain workers develop mesothelioma or lung cancer as well as other illnesses as a result of their exposure.

In a case filed in the United States District Court, Northern District of Alabama, our attorneys successfully obtained summary judgment for a large railroad carrier. Plaintiff claimed that his cancer was triggered from exposure to diesel exhaust, asbestos and creosote.

Risk Factors

Different factors can influence the type of cancer in an esophagus. Some of these risk factors are able to be altered while others, like age and family history can't be changed. The most common form of esophageal carcinoma begins in the flat cells or squamous cell, that compose the majority of the lining on the esophagus. This cancer is more common for blacks and men but the trend is declining globally.

The esophagus is also home to glandular cells that produce mucus that aids in the passage of food into the stomach. The cells are located close to the stomach in the lower portion of the esophagus. The most prevalent kind of esophageal tumors that occur in these cells are adenocarcinomas. The majority of these tumors are seen in black and white people, but they're on the decline in the United States.

cancer lawsuit settlements of developing cancer of the esophagus increases in proportion to the amount of time spent smoking tobacco and drinking alcohol. Consuming alcohol for a long period increases the risk of developing squamous cancer. This includes brewed tea in Northern China and Brandie whisky in the US and Europe. Beer is also linked to the disease in Southern Africa and Latin America.

Railroad workers are exposed to toxins which increase their risk of developing esophageal cancer. These include solvents used to clean equipment, herbicides that are applied on rail tracks to prevent the growth of weeds, lead paints on railway bridges, diesel exhaust fumes and silica in industrial products. The cancer could also be caused by the toxic chemical creosote used to treat railroad tie.


Early detection can increase your chances of surviving. The earlier the cancer is detected, the more likely it is to be treated. The first signs are difficulty swallowing, a loss of appetite and weight loss, hoarseness or coughing or chest pain, as well as an impression that food particles are stuck in the throat (dysphagia).

A doctor may be able to diagnose esophageal cancer with imaging tests. These can include an upper gastrointestinal examination with a barium swallow. The test involves swallowing a harmless liquid that coats the esophagus' inner surface and make it visible on an X-ray. The doctor might also request blood tests to determine if there is anemia or to check how well the liver functions.

Railroad workers who have been diagnosed with esophageal cancer may be entitled to compensation from railroad companies that exposed them to toxic substances in the workplace. A qualified railroad esophageal carcinoma lawyer can review the situation of a person and explain the rights they have to claim financial compensation accordance with the Federal Employers Liability Act.

An experienced FELA lawyer could begin gathering evidence to prove that the Esophageal cancer that afflicted railroad workers was the result of exposure to asbestos, diesel exhaust fumes and other chemicals. A lawyer can also help to determine the right amount of compensation for economic as well as non-economic losses.


Railroad workers are exposed to many hazardous substances, such as diesel exhaust, asbestos and creosote. cancer lawsuit settlements can cause irritation to the throat's lining, causing esophageal cancer. Railroad workers are also at greater risk of developing other diseases related to their work, such as mesothelioma and lung cancer.

The esophagus (also known as the hollow muscular tube, connects the mouth with the stomach. It transports liquids and food that have been swallowed and then to the digestive tract. Esophageal cancer can develop in the cells that form the part of the lining of the esophagus or mucosa.

Esophageal cancer can be treated in many ways. Surgery is usually combined chemotherapy and/or radiotherapy.

Doctors may opt for either endoscopic submucosal dissection (ESD) or endoscopic mucosal removal (EMR) for stage I cancers. Both procedures are minimally-invasive and do not require the removal of the esophagus. In these procedures, doctors use an endoscope for the removal of cancerous tissues and examining for indications of cancer.

For stage II cancers doctors can opt for chemotherapy or an combination of chemo with radiation. Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma settlement attack cancerous cells and eliminate them. Radiation works on the same principle using X-rays that are high-energy to destroy cancerous cells in the esophagus and surrounding tissues. If the tumor is in the upper portion of the stomach, some patients could be treated with chemo instead of radiation.


An individual with esophageal tumor which has not metastasized (metastasized) is generally considered to have a favorable prognosis. This is particularly true if cancer is detected in its early stages, and treated promptly.

The likelihood of a person's survival will depend on the type of cancer and the stage at the time they were diagnosed. For instance, a patient with squamous cells cancer that has not metastasized is likely to have a better survival rate than a person with adenocarcinoma which has not been able to spread.

In certain cases, the doctor may be able to eliminate the tumor completely through surgery. This is referred to as resection. It is especially prevalent in squamous cell carcinomas as well as cancers of the adenocarcinoma that have not spread.

Federal Employers Liability Act may provide financial compensation to railroad employees who are diagnosed with cancer, or other chronic illnesses which are related to their job. If you suspect your illness is related to exposure at work, you should contact an experienced railroad cancer settlement attorney as soon as you can. Under FELA you have three years to file a claim. However, if you didn't know that your illness or cancer was related to your work at the time of diagnosis, the statute of limitations may be extended. A lawyer who is knowledgeable about FELA cases could evaluate your case and determine whether you should accept a settlement.

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