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Alright, in the spirit of keeping things nice and simple, I'll do this quickly. This is my first fanfiction to date and is about a Naruto with a penchant towards explosions and fuinjutsu. That's it. I don't plan on adding harems and I'll try not to make him too overpowered. Also expect a lot of explicit language. And tropes more abundant than STDs at a cheap brothel.

Disclaimer, I own nothing of this story except for whatever the hell I added.

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Konohagakure, the Village Hidden in the Leaves, a splendid place by any accounts. A place where, apart from the occasional bijuu attack and threats of war, peace and tranquility reign supreme. Where both shinobi and civilians can rest and call home. It is a village surrounded by natural beauty and splendor. Truly, an area of serenity, of peace, and quiet...

That was quickly shattered by the raucous laughs of a certain blond haired boy, clad in an atrocious orange jumpsuit and a pair of goggles. With sunshine blond hair, tanned skin and whisker-like marks on his face, Naruto Uzumaki wasn't a person one would be likely to forge. Partly because the moment they did, they'd find themselves pranked to kingdom come. This coupled with his loud, brash personality and you had a figure that, if one was to take the time to find someone that didn't want to rip out the boy's intestines and use them as an impromptu fiddle, would be most likely described as "A boy who thinks with his fists rather than his head".

We currently find this young maverick running from a group of less-than-pleased shinobi.

"Naruto Uzumaki! Stop in the name of the Hokage, you must take responsibility for your actions!"

"You'll never take me alive, you gutless bastards! You're just mad that you don't have what it takes to do what I did!"
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