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A Thorough Guide to the Cost of Orbera Balloon
Orbera balloon is a noninvasive weight loss procedure that requires placing a balloon in the stomach to decrease hunger and promote satiety. The procedure has acquired popularity in modern years due to its effectiveness in helping people shed weight. However, one of the most common concerns among people contemplating Orbera balloon is the price. In this article, we will provide a complete guide to Orbera balloon cost, including the factors that affect the cost, the average cost, and ways to finance the treatment.

What is Orbera Balloon?

Orbera balloon is a weight loss treatment that requires placing a flexible, silicone balloon in the stomach through the mouth using an endoscope. The balloon is then inflated with saline solution to take up space in the stomach, reducing hunger and encouraging satiety. The procedure is non-surgical and takes about 20-30 minutes to complete. The balloon is removed after six months, and patients are advised to continue with a healthy diet and exercise to sustain their weight loss.

Factors that Influence Orbera Balloon Cost

Several elements influence the cost of Orbera balloon, including:

1. Geographic Location: The cost of Orbera balloon varies depending on the location of the clinic. Clinics in urban areas tend to charge more than those in rural areas.

2. Clinic Reputation: Clinics with a good reputation and experienced doctors tend to charge more for Orbera balloon.

3. Pre- Non-Surgical Weight Loss : Some clinics require patients to undergo several tests before the treatment, which can increase the overall cost.

4. Anesthesia: Some clinics may require patients to undergo general anesthesia, which can raise the cost.

5. Follow-Up Care: Some clinics may include follow-up care in the overall cost, while others may charge separately.

6. Insurance Coverage: Orbera balloon is not covered by most insurance plans, which means patients have to pay out of pocket.

Average Cost of Orbera Balloon

The cost of Orbera balloon varies depending on the elements mentioned above. On average, the cost of Orbera balloon ranges from $6,000 to $9,000. However, some clinics may charge as much as $15,000. It is important to research different clinics and compare their prices before choosing one.

Ways to Finance Orbera Balloon

Orbera balloon is a significant investment, and not everyone can afford to pay for it out of pocket. Luckily, there are several ways to finance the treatment, including:

1. Medical Loans: Some clinics offer medical loans to patients who cannot afford to pay for the procedure upfront. These loans usually have low-interest rates and flexible repayment terms.

2. Credit Cards: Patients can also use credit cards to pay for the procedure. Nevertheless, Non-Surgical Weight Loss is important to choose a credit card with a low-interest rate and pay off the balance as soon as possible to avoid accruing interest.

3. Health Savings Account (HSA): Patients with an HSA can use the funds to pay for Orbera balloon. HSAs are tax-free and can be used to pay for medical expenses.

4. Flexible Spending Account (FSA): Patients with an FSA can also use the funds to pay for Orbera balloon. FSAs are tax-free and can be used to pay for medical expenses.

5. Payment Plans: Some clinics offer payment plans to patients who cannot afford to pay for the procedure upfront. These plans usually have low-interest rates and flexible repayment terms.


Orbera balloon is an efficient weight loss procedure that can help people attain their weight loss goals. Nevertheless, the cost of the procedure can be a significant barrier for some people. It is essential to research different clinics and compare their prices before choosing one. Patients can also finance the treatment using medical loans, credit cards, HSAs, FSAs, or payment plans. With the right financing options, Orbera balloon can be an affordable and life-changing investment.
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