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15 Things You Don't Know About Best American-Style Fridge Freezer
American Fridgefreezer

A spacious american fridgefreezer offers plenty of storage space and style. They're an excellent choice for families with large families or who often host guests.

The most effective American fridge freezers typically have a range of amazing features, such as water and ice dispensers. Find zones that can be changed from freezer to refrigerator and back, which can increase the freshness of your food and help you save energy.

Energy efficiency

It is a popular myth that American refrigerators consume more power than their older counterparts due to their larger capacity of storage. It isn't true. They consume very little energy when compared to other kitchen appliances of similar in dimensions, and they're more efficient than older models.

Check the energy rating of each appliance prior to buying it. This will allow you to reduce your electricity bill. The new energy labels will inform you the costs of running each appliance. The higher the grade is, the lower the running costs will be.

Certain of our American refrigerator freezers are equipped with interesting features, like water and Ice dispensers. This means you can always get a glass of chilled water whenever you'd like. You can also find fridges with convertible zones that let you switch a freezer area to fridge space if you require additional space during the holidays or for frozen drinks!

It's important to keep in mind that American fridge freezers are usually more deep than UK models. Some can be too deep to pass through the front and the internal doors, so you need to measure your kitchen's dimensions before you buy. If this is the case then you can select the slimmer 70cm American style fridge freezer that offers the same high-tech features elegant design, fashionable style and extra capacity, without taking up plenty of space.

Free of frost or freeze.

Many American fridge freezers do not come with frost/frost-free technology. This means that you won't have to manually defrost the appliance. This will reduce time and effort while keeping your freezer running efficiently for longer.

Certain American fridge freezers are equipped with amazing features such as ice and water dispensers. This is a wonderful feature to have especially in the summer when you will need a refreshing cold beverage on hand. They also cut down on waste by only dispense the amount required.

You can also find twin cooling units on American fridge freezers. This feature helps keep your food fresh by stopping the cool, dry air from the freezer from impacting your foods in the fridge. This will also stop any odours that aren't needed from circulating between fridge and freezer.

American fridge freezers are usually larger than the average UK fridge freezer and this is due to their enormous capacity for storage. Some people think that the larger fridge freezers will cost more to run however this isn't always the case. You will be able to find American fridge freezers that have an energy rating of A + or better which are actually fairly affordable to run, compared to their size. This is good for your pocket and the environment at the same time.

Water/ice dispenser

A water or ice maker in an American fridge freezer allows you to access cold pure water at any time. This is ideal for keeping everyone well-hydrated. You can choose to have models that are plumbed that require plumbing into your home, or manual versions where you manually add water to the reserve of the appliance.

The dispenser may have an automatic ice maker which produces crushed or cubed pieces of ice. Or it can have an ice tray with a removable lid. american fridge freezer with ice dispenser has to be filled manually and released by turning the knob. Some models have an additional ice tray inside the freezer to provide an additional supply of frozen cubes.

You might think that an American refrigerator freezer that has water and ice dispenser would be expensive to run however this isn't always the situation. Many models come with an energy rating of A or better that makes them affordable in comparison to their size.

The LG GSLD50DSXM is an example of an American fridge freezer with an impressive array of innovative features. It is a huge capacity, a cooling innovation and an ultra-slim design. There are also drawers beneath the double doors for storage. The bottled and ice dispensers are protected by LG's UVnano Technology, which makes use of UV light to kill any germs that may be stuck in the nozzle. american fridge freezer with ice dispenser guarantees that your family will always have fresh, clean ice as well as the ability to bottle water.


American fridge freezers are a true kitchen statement piece and are a sure way to impress your house guests. The main advantage over UK models is the extra storage space, with most capable of holding up to 30 supermarket bags of food!

These white goods are equipped with a range of clever technology, including frozen frost-free, and full air circulation. There are usually freezer drawers in the bottom instead of doors, and the option to open only one door at a time to conserve energy and stop cold air from venting out.

The storage options are different, with the majority having more than refrigerator and freezer sections. Some have an individual salad crisper drawer while some feature handy door racks where you can store bottles, jars and boxes. You can also find models with an integrated drinks dispenser that is a major practical feature.

Like all large fridge freezers, American-style ones can be quite heavy, so make sure to take accurate measurements prior to purchasing. Make sure that it fits through your doors and your kitchen. This is especially crucial if you decide to have it delivered. Some retailers offer a service that allows the removal and reattachment of fridge freezer doors in order to make it easier to transportation.

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