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Exciting and Interactive Get to Know You Exercises for Junior High
Middle school can be an exciting yet challenging time for students as they transition from elementary to high school. One way to alleviate this transition and create a positive learning environment is by integrating get to know you activities. These exercises not only aid students break the ice but also cultivate a sense of togetherness and friendship among peers. Here are six enjoyable and interactive introduction activities for junior high.

1. Two Truths and a Lie
This traditional exercise is a fantastic way for students to share interesting details about themselves while also evaluating their classmates' investigative abilities. Each student takes turns sharing three statements about themselves, two of which are true and one that is a lie. The rest of the group then tries to determine which statement is the lie. This activity not only encourages students to be innovative but also helps them acquire more about their peers.

2. Human Bingo
Human Bingo is a fantastic icebreaker game that gets pupils up and moving while also discovering intriguing information about their classmates. Create a bingo card with various statements such as "Has a pet dog," "Has traveled to another country," or "Plays a musical instrument." Pupils then have to find classmates who fit each statement and have them sign their bingo card. The first pupil to fill their card with signatures wins!

3. Speed Friending
Speed Friending is a modification on the popular speed dating notion. Divide the class into two circles, with one circle facing inward and the other facing outward. Each student has a set amount of time to introduce themselves to the person in front of them before rotating to the next person. This exercise allows students to have quick conversations and learn more about their classmates in a short amount of time.

4. Would You Rather?
Would You Rather is a exercise that ignites fascinating conversations and reveals pupils' preferences. Prepare a list of thought-provoking questions such as "Would you rather have the capability to fly or be invisible?" or "Would you rather have a personal chef or a personal chauffeur?" Students take turns answering the questions and explaining their choices. This exercise not only supports pupils get to know each other but also inspires critical thinking and decision-making abilities.

5. The Name Game
The Name Game is a basic yet successful way for pupils to learn each other's names. Have students stand in a circle and start by saying their name along with an adjective that starts with the same letter as their name (e.g., "I'm Joyful Jessica"). The next student then repeats the previous names and adds their own. This exercise continues until everyone has had a turn. The repetition helps students retain each other's names while also creating a fun and dynamic atmosp here .

6. Find Someone Who
Find Someone Who is a game that inspires students to socialize with their classmates and uncover commonalities. Create a list of statements such as "Find someone who has the same favorite color as you" or "Find someone who has been to the same amusement park as you." Pupils then have to find classmates who fit each statement and have them sign their paper. This exercise not only supports students find common interests but also encourages teamwork and communication skills.

Incorporating introduction activities in the middle school classroom can have a positive impact on pupils' social and emotional progress. These activities not only aid pupils break the ice but also foster a sense of community and camaraderie among peers. So, why not try these entertaining and interactive activities to create a welcoming and inclusive setting for your junior high students?
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