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the importance of drug testing in combat sports as a whole, using the current event between UFC and Usada and how this brings up the point how regulated and how important anti-doping drug testing and regulation is as a whole in combat sports specifically.

Why Strict Anti-Doping Measures are Paramount to the success and health of Combat Sports athletes.

One example of someone opposing my position that Combat Sport Organizations should partner with Anti-Doping Agencies would be:

How COVID-19 helped lead the Ultimate Fighting Championship to Global Success.

when bisping lost his eye due to lack of testing in 2014, UFC athlete Vitor Belfort had been given a 'doctors exemption' to be able to use Testosterone Replacement Therapy, resulting in an extreme surge of athletic performance, despite his age. UFC Athletes typically reach their prime between the ages of 27-33.
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Regards; Team

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