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Mary w as clean unto God, and He saw that He could trust her. He knew everything, and knew she could be trusted with His Seed in the earth.
Reminds me of Job and Noah

People looked forward to the long promised Messiah to arrive

Jesus Healing and all
By what authority do you do this?
I not come to abolish the law of the prophets, but I come to fufill it
He came to fufill the prophesies spoken before He was concieved in Mary.
That is why they have been waiting on a Savior... On the Messiah

He had disciples to teach, who would then make disciples of others after He was gone. What good is it to teach when you have no one listening and walking out the teachings? He trained them, walked with them... They were the closest things to Him. And what He instilled in them, they were to go out and make disciples of others, transferring and growing the instiled information

Jesus sat with the sinners, and the scribes and Pharisees ridiculed Him. But He heard them and aid that He did not come to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance. He sat with the lowest of the low, loved them all, and even loved the one He knew was going to get Him killed. That's love. If we have everything else and not love, we are decieving ourselves. “So now faith, hope, and love abide, these three; but the greatest of these is love,”

God is love. And He says to love the Lord Your God with all your soul, mind, heart, and strength. And the greatest command is next to this, love others as you love yourself. But what if you don't love yourself?
- reminds me of forgiving others.

He challenged power and authority. He was thought to bring rebellion and unrest and He was seen as a threat although He was not.
- Jesus knew that this is what people thought of Him, and He knew that He would one day be persecuted, attacked... and even killed
- Share a common source: life, death, and resurrection of Jesus

The Angels and the people in the house. They were drunk, and wanted to sleep with them
- Drunkness causes youto be out of control. Your judgment is cloudy, you are not clear in which direction you need to go, and you can't see clearly. Do not get drunk on wine for it leads to debauchary (excessive indulgence in sensual pleasures.) Sensual means (relating to or involving gratification of the senses and physical, especially sexual, pleasure.)

If you are struggling with identity, church is the place to be. But it's what that church is teaching and preaching and doing, that is going to either keep the minds of those who are dealing with identity confusion to be clouded, or to subsequently shift their mind sets to what the will of God is

Things hav changed... and God is not pleased. whether others believe it or not, we all will have to give an account of our lves on the day of judgemnt. We will all have to stand before God... then He will either say I never knew you... or well done my good and faithful servant

We shift everything according to the will of the flesh and not the will of God. Walk in the Spirit that you will not fufill the desires of the flesh

"why wouldn't God love me" He based what God said off of the opinions of others, and because of them, he was pushed away. But question is... why didn't he go to God, and not just God, but the Bible. His promises, His words, His love. There's a quote that says, "Don't say God is silent when your Bible is closed". Never said he went back to the word of God.

He said he couldn't hear from God and tried to pray it away. But what if God wanted him to get the root and not the surface? The tree will continue to grow if you don't sever it at the root. He wanted the identity to go away, but not what caused him to be in a identity crisis.

It was about "I,I,I" and "me,me,me" and not about God. What does God want for me? WHo does God say I am? I am fearfully and wonderfully made in the image of God. I was created in His image and after His likeness.

Why does the LGBTQ+ community worry more about the opinion of others, rather than their relationship with Christ, and His word? Christ Accepts You

Why not nurture them back to Christ. They are clearly babes. I not come to sit with the righteous but call the sinners to repentance

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