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the ability to perform aspects of sports, occupation and daily activities.
Physical fitness is generally achieved through proper nutrition, moderate-
vigorous physical exercise, and sufficient rest. Physical fitness test is
designed to determine one’s level of physical fitness. It has two
components the HEALTH- related and SKILL- related fitness.

The  Physical Activity Pyramid  is planned to be  a guide that can help
everyone select an activity that best fits their health and lifestyle needs.

Lifestyle physical activities : Things you do anytime,anywhere!
Ø  Moving around the house
Ø  Doing household chores
Ø  Walking inside the house
Ø  Using stairs
Aerobic exercises: Things that speed up your heart rate
Ø  Running
Ø  Biking around the neighborhood
Ø  Zumba or dancing
Sports and Recreational activities: Things you enjoy doing!
Ø  Hiking
Ø  Volleyball
Ø  Basketball and other sports activities that you like
Strength and flexibility exercises : Things that build you up.
Ø  Dancing or Zumba class
Ø  Push-ups
Ø  Curl ups

Physical Inactivity : Things you do  less!
Ø  Watching TV
Ø  Surfing the internet/ online gaming
Ø  Sitting down
Benefits of Physical Activity
 Help you control your weight. 
 Reduce your risk of heart diseases. 
 Improve your mental health and mood.
 Help keep your thinking, learning, and judgment skills sharp as you
 Strengthen your bones and muscles.
 Improve your sleep. 
 Increase your chances of living longer. 
 Reduce your risk from diseases.

Classification of Physical Activities

 Aerobic Activity 
             makes the heart beat move faster than usual. While doing      this type
of activity, your breathing is also harder. Doing this in regular basis makes
the heart and lungs stronger and able to work better.
Brisk walking, running, Dancing, Jumping Jacks, Swimming

Muscle- Strengthening Activity
     increases bones strength and muscular fitness. This   activity works in all
major  muscle groups of the body.
   Examples :
   Lifting Weights, Squat, Push-ups, Pull- ups

Stretching Activity 
            helps improve flexibility and ability to fully move body joints.

   Touching your Toes, side Stretches and yoga
The level of effort required by a person to do a
physical activity is classified into three intensities:

1. Vigorous intensity - the movements in this activity are forceful and
strong. People will pay attention to how physical activity affects the heart
rate and breathing.
2. Moderate intensity - on a scale of 0 to 10, this level is a 5 or 6. It causes
noticeable increases in breathing and heart rate. A person doing moderate
activity can talk but not sing.
3. Light intensity - activities are common daily tasks that don’t require much
effort. It is better to do  activities with this intensity than do nothing.

Dance is masterful movement in a rhythmically coordinated, and
expressive way.   It is a vital part of a child’s movement education. 

Traditional dance can be another term for folk dance, or sometimes
even for ceremonial dance. The term ‘Traditional’ is more frequently used
when the emphasis is on the cultural roots of the dance. A Traditional
dance will therefore have arisen from a people’s cultural traditions.

Cariñosa meaning the loving or affectionate one) or a courtship dance  is a
Philippine dance of colonial era origin from the Maria Clara suite of
Philippine folk dances, where the fan or handkerchief plays an instrumental
role as it places the couple in romance scenario. The dance originated in
Panay Island in the Visayan Islands and was introduced by the Spaniards
during their colonization of the Philippines

Cariñosa was danced with María Clara dress and Barong Tagalog for it is a
María Clara Spanish Dance when it was introduced. In addition, Filipino

wore the patadyong kimona and camisa de chino to reveal nationalism. (a
native dress of the Tagalog regions), camisa (a white sleeve) or patadyong
kimona (a dress of the Visayan people) and for boys, a barong Tagalog and
colored pants. Because it is the national dance, the dancers may wear any
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Regards; Team

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