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1. Resources are what the family possesses or makes use of to attain goals, meet the needs, and satisfy the wants of its members.

Types of Resources:

a. Human Resources-personal characteristics and attributes of individuals. These are intangible qualities.

b. Material Resources-resources that are tangible and recognizable. They are visible in form and can be readily determined.

2. Management Process is a systematic way of doing work. It involves the following steps: planning, organizing, controlling and evaluating. These are important activities needed to be able to effectively use the resources.

3. Need- something you must have and can't do without. It is something necessary to an individual and the family in order to live.

4. Want- something you would like to have. It is not necessary but would be a good thing to have.

5. Family income defined as the money earned plus the goods and services received and created by family members during a specific period of time.

Types of Income:

a. Money Income-in the form of currency, bills, coins and cheque usually received in the form of wages or salaries.

b. Real Income- in the form of flow of goods and services available.

6. A budget is a plan of how the family income should be spent. It is easier to control spending if you have a budget. Planning and preparing a budget are the essential ingredients in good money management. Experts in economics have formulated the steps in preparing a budget.

7. Sewing is made easy and fast when good quality tools are on hand. High-quality tools and materials will ensure a more professional look to the sewn project and will make the job easier and most pleasant.

8. Sewing tools and materials are classified according to their functions such as sewing tools, sewing equipment and materials and supplies.

Measuring tools:

a. Measuring tape
b. Sewing gauge
c. 12-inch ruler
d. Meterstick
e. Yardstick

Drafting tools:

a. L-Square
b. Hip Curve
c. French Curve

Cutting tools:

a. Cutting shears
b. Pinking shears
c. Scalloping shears
d. Scissors
e. Buttonhole scissors
f. Embroidery scissors
g. Seam ripper

Marking tools:

a. Tailor's chalk
b. Tracing wheel
c. Dressmaker's carbon paper

Sewing tools:

a. pin
b. pincushion (flower or tomato)
c. Hand-needles
d. thimble
e. threader
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