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Why ants bite legs at picnics
Nearly every Saturday, a family of five would spend the entire day at the park. The Mother, father, two boys, and a girl loved having picnics in the park. They also enjoyed riding bikes, playing, and feeding ducks that swam in the pond. However, there was one problem. In the park lived a colony of ants. Each day they would look for food. Eachof them did his or her own job. Everything was fine, untile the family started coming to the park. While their parents and sister were getting the picnic basket unloaded, Jeremy and James would look for anthills. Once they found them, they would put small sticks of dynamite. They would light the fuse, and then BOOM! The two boys loved to see the ants scatter and run for there lives. They rolled on the ground as the adult ant were thrown high into the air, and the babies were tossed another way. They were terrible and mean. One day, as the adult ants were wacthing the boys sit down on the blanket for lunch, they made a plan. They called other ants from miles around. They all hid under the blanket on which the family was sitting. Suddenley, srceams could be heard across the park. The ants were attacking James and Jeremy. Ants of all shapes and sizes swarmed on Jeremy's and Jame's legs as they sat on the blanket. The ants bit hard. The boys yelled and slapped, but the ants continued to mach and bite. Finally, when the boys legs were puffed and swallen.
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