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Mostafa — Today at 5:04 AM
3ayez a5osh a3mel el renowns
bas lazem code 3ashan a3raf alogin 3ala email proton men el main email beta3ak
Mimz — Today at 6:54 AM
dah anhy account
howa enta leeh invet spark hena?
u have down syndrome?
Mostafa — Today at 6:56 AM
a2olo eh yabnel metnaka
Mimz — Today at 6:57 AM
m3rfsh yasta
Mostafa — Today at 6:57 AM
Mimz — Today at 6:57 AM
enta keda bawzt el server
Mostafa — Today at 6:57 AM
Mimz — Today at 6:57 AM
howa eh el bdan dah
aywa ana mabdrodesh mesh 3ayz kosom drama
keda el server baz 3mtn
kosom el bdan
Mostafa — Today at 6:57 AM
leh yasta
Mimz — Today at 6:57 AM
enta mesh shayef leeh?
Mostafa — Today at 6:58 AM
spark haybawazo?
Mimz — Today at 6:58 AM
aywa yasta mesh na2es kosom drama
Mostafa — Today at 6:58 AM
feen el drama
Mimz — Today at 6:58 AM
ana mesh 3aref enta btact dense ased wla enta bgad keda
Mostafa — Today at 6:59 AM
ana mesh 3aref enta btetroll yasta
wala eh
Mimz — Today at 6:59 AM
mesh batroll yasta
Mostafa — Today at 6:59 AM
el wad beyegy mara kol 4 shohoor
Mimz — Today at 6:59 AM
aywa ana mesh 3ayz at3ml m3ah enta eh moshkltak
Mostafa — Today at 6:59 AM
el wad sa7ebna for years
matet3amelsh yasta
Mimz — Today at 6:59 AM
enta mat7dedsh at3ml ma3 7ad wla la2 3shan enta btt3ml m3ah
tb btinvto leeh badam keda
Mostafa — Today at 6:59 AM
ma7adesh 2alak et3amel yasta
e3mel channel hidden
we problem solved
Mimz — Today at 7:00 AM
tb leeh kosom el bdan wel restrictions deh
el server feh 5-4
byb2o fat7een
ha3ml hidden w ahide el chat
Mostafa — Today at 7:00 AM
we ana esh 3araf kosomy enak mesh 3ayez mara wa7ed tekalem 7ad men so7abak ely te3rafhom 10 seneen
Mimz — Today at 7:00 AM
mesh 3aref its common sense
feh nas mesh btstrya7 enaha ttklm m3ah
b3'd el nazar 3an keda
Mostafa — Today at 7:01 AM
common sense enena gebna kol el nas ely fel discord el 2adeem
ma3ada howa?
Mimz — Today at 7:01 AM
tb ro7 yasta feh taha w pulser
estna hab3tlak list
Mostafa — Today at 7:02 AM
ma esh 3arafny enak 3ayez te3amel spark zy taha we pulser
Mimz — Today at 7:02 AM
ro7 hat taha w pulser w dobby w seif w gangnam
Mostafa — Today at 7:02 AM
kan 3ala tool mawgood men el nas ely mesh bedan
Mimz — Today at 7:02 AM
3ady ana feh nas bt2oly bto3odo fen mesh ba2om minvithom hena
Mostafa — Today at 7:02 AM
e7na literally invited kol el nas el 2adeema
abdallah we bahy we eslam etc
spark kan wa7ed menhom
el common sense eno ye get invited ma3ahom lama yes2al
mesh ne2ool la2 kosomo
Mimz — Today at 7:03 AM
ah yasta 3shan kan byft7 discord kter neeeeeek
fa sha5s core fl group
Mostafa — Today at 7:03 AM
maho kan core fel3an
fe kol server 3amalnah
3ashan e5tafa yeb2a kosomo 5alas?
Mimz — Today at 7:04 AM
la2 3shan enta 3amel el discord dah for a reason
Mostafa — Today at 7:04 AM
enena mangebsh el 3eyal el bedan el spammers
makontesh shayef spark 7ad menhom
mazonesh en feh 7ad hayeb2a 3ando mashakel be wogoodo
bel 3aks i think el nas kanet beto3od tes2al 3aleh
Mimz — Today at 7:05 AM
ana 3ndy moshkla
eh 7alak
Mostafa — Today at 7:05 AM
enak mateb2ash ebn metnaka
7al saree3 we mofeed
Mimz — Today at 7:05 AM
ana ebn metnaka y3am
lsa 3ndy moshkla
fen el 7al
Mostafa — Today at 7:06 AM
tab kosom bahy ana mesh 3ayzo fel server
sheelo yasta
Mimz — Today at 7:06 AM
mashy dakrai invto w 7asal moshkla
bahy lma s2alny ma invitosh
Mostafa — Today at 7:06 AM
maleesh feh shoof 7al
Mimz — Today at 7:06 AM
3shan el server mesh bta3y
el server bta3 dakrai
lma bahy s2alny ma2oltlosh bno3od hena
Mostafa — Today at 7:06 AM
delwa2ty el server beta3 dakrai yabnel metnaka?
Mimz — Today at 7:06 AM
howa el server bta3 dakrai
wla ana wla dakrai bnrod 3shan mesh na2sa drama
Mostafa — Today at 7:07 AM
batbeden men 3abkar
kick kosomo
Mimz — Today at 7:07 AM
mashy ana s2ltak enta w dakrai
abl ma gebt ay 7ad
abl ma invite 3abkar kont s2alko
w abl ma invite richiga
howa ma 3alena 3mtn el server 5las baz
Mostafa — Today at 7:08 AM
ana asef eny 3amalt invite le wa7ed kan sa7ebna for 10 years yasta
byefta7 discord mara kol 4 shohoor 3ashan 3ayez yo3od ma3 el nas ely fakerhom so7abo
bas so7abo bey2ololo mesh 3ayzeen neshofak yabnel metnaka
Mimz — Today at 7:11 AM
ah yasta eb2a e3ml m3ah call
Mostafa — Today at 7:11 AM
el donya hatneekak we7na kaman ha ne kosomak
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Regards; Team

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