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Challenges In HEALTH AND FITNESS Journey
New Book Offers Tools to attain "Wellth" - Total Health and Wellness
Glen Alex has spent her life advocating for better health for people, and today, in her new book, Living in Total Health, she supplies a balanced and sometimes surprising journey into what this means to be healthy, wealthy, and wise-or what has become popularly known in medical and wellness community as "wellth." Glen defines this new term as "the total of the richness and wellbeing within a healthy body. Wellth means being wealthy in health-that you have met certain physical diagnostic ranges and has a meaningful or joyful life. Balance."

That balance is evident in this book because it's not just solely about exercise or nutrition. Instead, hypertension support blogs divides the book into three sections: Physical Wellth, Emotional Wellth, and Mental Wellth. Then each section is split up into four chapters, including "Moving THE BODY" (Physical Wellth), "Being Present" (Emotional Wellth), and "Stressing Less" (Mental Wellth). Each section and chapter is filled up with discussion, personal stories to illustrate Glen's points, and exercises for the reader to are more aware of and practice the topic at hand. Glen further clarifies her goal in the introduction by saying: "The objective of this book is to offer a different perspective on health, not to regurgitate available how-to information on diet, exercise, etc. The intention of Surviving in Total Health is to activate your critical reasoning and challenge your adopted approach to health for those who have not achieved your goals."

One aspect of Surviving in Total Health that I especially appreciated was that Glen continually reminds us that all we need is already within us. She doesn't ask us to execute any miracles but merely to accomplish what we were naturally born to accomplish. Rather than reveal to do hardcore exercises at the fitness center, she redefines exercise as any sort of activity that requires movement such as a walk, yoga, and even doing laundry or washing dishes. The challenge would be to get active. Sure, some people might want to do more-and that's great-but for most of us, Glen's words of wisdom are a essential reminder of how we can start.

Glen also makes it clear that we don't have to go along with the health crowd becomes one size does not fit all. challenges in health and wellness journey of us has our very own individual body, and therefore, our individual nutrition needs require much more than "a patented dietary plan." She encourages us to learn which foods the body reacts well to also to find nutritional balance in what we can enjoy and what will not upset or inflame our bodies. Other key physical aspects she targets include the importance of stretching, including when and how to do it, and the benefits of massage, including massage safety tips so you can ensure you find a trustworthy and reliable massage therapist.

In the section on Emotional Wellth, Glen explains the difference between feelings and emotions and how they're signals with messages for all of us. Perhaps the most effective discussions in this section revolved around separating our emotions from those of others. Glen discusses the significance of setting boundaries with people, including emotional ones. Sometimes we might have to draw the line with someone about how to treat us, but we may also have to draw an emotional boundary that people don't let ourselves cross in terms of taking on other's problems. While we can be sympathetic to people, Glen warns us against metaphorically putting on someone else's shoes that are not ours-in other words, don't undertake somebody else's emotional baggage.

Amid these boundary discussions, Glen introduces the main topics domestic violence, and I think she makes a solid point here concerning the difference between a conscious and a thoughtless choice. So many male batterers will claim that a woman's behavior is what drove them to beat her, but if that's true, let's those men just leave the ladies so they get rid of the frustration within their lives? Nor are these men not capable of containing their rage since batterers will not behave abusively in public areas but only in the home, which is proof that people make conscious choices.

In the final section on Mental Wellth, Glen focuses on how the accumulation of unhealthy life choices commonly impact the mental health and stability of many people. At the forefront of mental issues is how stress affects us, and Glen offers strategies for how exactly to reduce it. She also helps us rethink our support systems, and she introduces the concept of creating an ecomap of your support system being an effective exercise to get greater mental wellth in your life.

Surviving in Total Health contains so much more than I can get into in this short review, and throughout the book's pages, Glen tells it to us enjoy it is, in a sort, yet straightforward manner, just like the good coach she actually is. Toward the end of the book, she explains her mindset about her purpose in life which informed her writing of the book: "I strive to fulfill my purpose for being on this earth, to actualize and share my inner gifts with others. My truth and the perennial state of love provide the foundation I need to reach my goal to end up being the best version of Glen and reflection of my Creator that I'm with the capacity of being."

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