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Basic motions were discussed
Delegate of Germany raised a motion to start the proceedings for the day (GSL)
Germany-women can not be graduated after 6th grade
Egypt-talked about the safest countries ,country crossed 90 seconds
India-proved by a quote ,
IRAQ-underscores the importance of fosetering regional cooperation , encourages increased international support for capacity building and technical assistance.
AZERBAIJAN- accurate informatioan
UAE-proposes steps to help afghanistan
Russia- finds peace the best solution to get over these issues
AZERBAIJAN-raised a motion for a moderated cacaus ,topic- The negitave impact on the mental and physical health of people in Israel and Palstine dut to the ongoing war. the motion failed
Mexico-also raised a motion on the topic how to stop different countries from being affected by the deteriorating human rights. the motion failed
UAE-raised a motion on the topic what strategies can be implemented to strengthen legal systems and ensure accountability for human rights violations in afghanistan promoting justice and deterring future abuses.
IRAQ-(UNAMI) United Nations Assistance Mission for Iraq,closely monitor the response of the Government to patterns of violence, attributable to the state and ‘unidentified armed elements’, against protestors as well as against activists expressing dissent towards political parties and armed elements.
EGYPT - raised a moderated cacaus on the topic education and woman enpowerment -motion failed
INDIA - raised a moderated cacaus on the topic Measures to safeguard the rights of Afghan women and girls, including access to education and employment - motion passed.... United states spoke that supporting afghan women and girls in their pursuit of education is crucial for a brighter future by investing in their education we empower them to become leaders improve family and economic well beign and effective positive change.
Canada raised the motion of moderated cacus topic -economy and social rights in afghanistan the motion passed
India described about Afghanistan's legal and policy framework, including its constitution, International Covenant on Economic, Social, and Cultural Rights, Millennium Development Goals, and National Development Strategy, emphasizes the government's responsibility in protecting and promoting labor rights, social security, a decent standard of living, IDP reintegration, family life, education, and healthcare. The deteriorating Afghan situation affects regional stability, including in South Asia, and India has strategic interests in the region, supporting Afghanistan's prosperity through education and aid.

Debate was going on the topic humanitarian aid to Afghanistan and other middle east countries
1)United Kingdom vs Iran
2)Azerbaijan and UAE vs Germany and USA

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