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1. In my own words, I would describe the first stage of writing, Invention, as the process of garnering ideas and places that you can best construe or take your writing to. The process of invention may seem daunting to those who've not properly used this exercise before, but it can be extremely beneficial for the writer in terms of determining which avenue is the best to get the point you're trying to get across, across. Having a bank of ideas and direction you can take your writing in would likely prevent myself from getting that dreaded feeling of writers block. Much like page nine states, "the most dangerous and counter-productive thing you can do as a writer is to 'lock in' on one idea, thesis, or detail (pg.9 pp 2)," I've experienced this first hand, plenty of times. Not only does it make me feel pigeonholed into writing in a specific way, but it also causes me significant amounts of anxiety, which in-turn halts my writing process even further. Unfortunately, I've yet to 'master' the process of Invention, but hopefully through this course, I can do so.  

1b. In my own words, I would describe the second stage of writing, Revision, as positively altering your writing through content. Page 14 of Required Reading 5 specifically states that Revision isn't just fixing grammatical errors (pg.14 pp 1), but rather changing and improving the way in which you convey the message you're attempting to get across in your writing. Whether that's changing the verbiage, or emphasizing your strongest point in a better manner, Revision is integral when looking to write using a process-based style. While I'm not as familiar the the exact Revision process that we've read about in the required reading, I am familiar with it in my professional life. Revising projects is something that I have to manage daily, properly ensuring that the requested revisions have been completed, to further appease the customer. This can certainly be applied to writing, I've learned. Both are focused on the actual content of the piece. Despite my professional life involving a fair amount of writing, it has yet to involve writing multiple page studies. Overall, Revision is an extremely important step in the process-based writing style. 

1c. In my own words, I would describe the third stage of writing, Editing, as the process of maximizing the potential of your writing. Knowing your target audience and what style of writing they're drawn to is obviously important if you're looking for your work to have the most success possible. Editing can be viewed as making sure you're getting your point across how you want to get it across, as well as maximizing the retention of your reader's through the style of your writing. Clearly this isn't simple to get down to a science, as writing is a life long journey that few are notoriously successful at, and Editing is a significant process in that. Overall, I personally see Editing as maximizing the potential of your writing through content, as well as delivery. 

2. 2. According to the provided text, when forming an argument, Invention can look to provoke a response in your readers (pg. 12 pp4). Ensuring that the topic and argument you're attempting to make are both interesting, and understandable, is paramount to properly implementing Invention when forming an argument. Successfully forming your argument isn't as easy as making a claim and providing textual evidence to back up said claim, but rather how you do so is likely to sway, or not sway the reader(s). Making sure your argument has a clear basis it's built upon, and subsequently expanded upon, is certainly a form of using Invention to form an argument. Continually re-reading your writing to determine which parts of your argument should be further emphasized, and which should be removed, is one of the ways Invention can take form in terms of forming an argument. 

3. 3. Personally, I do not draw prior to writing. After reading how drawing can be used in writing through Invention within the process approach, I'm surprised I hadn't at least pondered this strategy briefly. Being able to genuinely draw and process where you want to take your writing and figuring out the most significant parts of what you're trying convey seems to be absolutely beneficial for some. On Page 11, in the first paragraph, "the process approach to writing is that meaning is created as the writer develops the piece from draft to draft (pg.11 pp1)." This stood out to me as a great way to highlight the points of your writing which should be highlighted, and are likely integral when trying developing the best version of your writing that you're capable of. Not only would this benefit some in terms of quality of writing, but I could see it absolutely lighting a fiery passion-esque feeling in writing for many, sequentially improving the interest levels of your writing significantly. 
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