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NY Tri Expo – Rules to remember!
Does your first triathlon race thrill you? If yes, then it is important for you to know certain tips that can make it easy for you to complete swimming, cycling and running activities. It is vital for you to be healthy in order to participate in the NY tri expo.
Here are few rules which beginners should follow while planning to participate in Triathlon Expo NY:
First rule: Eat good food
When you are preparing for the race it is vital that you focus on your diet. Eat good food and stay fit! Start fueling your body properly, the day prior to your race. In nervousness, generally people eat less and sleep less. This can affect your body mechanism. It is advised that you drink water and also eat properly. This does not mean you should over eat. You should include proteins in diet. Good source of protein is fish, beef, chicken, turkey, beans etc. Say no to sugary drinks and sweets.
Second rule: Do not over drink
Water is essential to satisfy your thirst before, during and after the race. It is important that you do not drink water during nervousness. Drink water 8 minutes before you start the race. In case you sweat more drink more water and vice versa.
Rule #3: Get details about transition area
Get all the important information about bike out, swimming entrance as well as run out. You should know about the placement in NY Tri Expo. Even in Triathlon workshops NY, you can get suggestions related to saving time while carrying out transition from one game to another. Once you lay out your order of race, your next step will be to rehearse the order in your mind.
Rule #4: Do warm up rather than simply standing
Take yourself to the aerobic zone. Before half an hour of the race, you need to start with the warm up sessions. Do not be nervous and do not just stand. For beginner triathlete NY, this is very important tip to remember. Wear gloves and hood if required while carrying out warm up session. Half an hour before the race you can do elephant walk, torso twist and other exercises.
Fifth rule: Find out smart swim methods
It is important that you consider swim course rightly. Know about the turns in advance so that you are not confused during swimming. A few people also note where the sun affects your eyes during swimming. After you start swimming, take deep breaths. Panicky breaths can make swimming difficult for you. In order to avoid vertigo problem after coming out of water, you need to stand up slowly maintaining proper stability. This makes it simple to transfer from one activity to another during the NY Tri Expo.
Eat or drink smartly while carrying out transition from one sport activity to another. Read full article on .
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