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1: go on sights and post random things (like this)
2: prank call boys you like and say weird things
3: go on walks at midnight and screem "chicken"
4: look things up on youtube and google
5: list 100 things to do before you die
6: pig out!
7: get super hyper on monsters
8: look at each other and try to make each other laugh
9: sneak out
10: gossip
11: make fun of people at walmart
12: go skinny dipping
13: go on love calculator
14: look up party boy videos on youtube ;)
15: tie each other up with yarn or string then try to get out
16: tie boys to chairs
17: watch a scary movie and try to freak each other out
18: make weird foods and dare a friend to eat it
19: do nails and toe nails
20: DARE!
21: weird make overs
22: street dance
23: go to getgo at 2 in the morning and buy cupcakes
24: go to CVS and get kicked out
25: tell ghost stories
26: invite boys over during the night
27: pillow fights
28: go night swimming (if possible)
29: play hide-and-go-seek strip
30: talk about hot guys at your school
31: play the impossible game
32: say random things around the house while everyone is having an interesting conversation
33: try not to laugh while playing dare
34: have a burping contest
35: blow your burps a your friends face
36: look up baby names
37: prank call some random person and ask if they are the father of your baby
38: play truth
39: talk in a southern voice
40: play loud music and sing to it
41: act like your a gangster
42: play indoor baseball (hehe)
43: draw random pictures and give it to someone standing on the street
44: go to the mall
45: watch a chick flick
46: talk about your problems
47: try to do cool stunts and fail
48: laugh at stupid things
49: make fun of your ex boyfriends
50: make weird faces in the mirror
51: take tons of pics of your night and then post them the next day
52: make hot chocolate and pour it down someones pants while they are asleep
53: put peanut butter in the microwave and make someone eat it
54: make some random food
55: google up words you don't know
56: drink a ton of coffee and then go outside running
57: ding dong ditch
58: TP
59: tick tacking
60: watch lame movies and then laugh at how lame it is
61: make fun of celebs.
62: do this thing and see how many you can come up with
63: go to McD's and order food and then say i didn't want this
64: look through your window at night and see if anyones out there
65: stay up all night
66: pull a prank on the first person to fall asleep
67: go for a midnight stroll
68: pretend to ride a roller coaster
69: dance to "i'm on a boat" then try making a music video of it and post it on youtube
70: think of ways to get asked out
71: watch some tv
72: have a fashion show and try to look like your best friend
73: go on myspace and look up random names
74: go on facebook and do the same as # 73
75: get your sleeping bag and slid down your stairs
76: suck helium out of ballons and prank call people
77: look up weird stuff
78: try to set up a tent with french instructions
79: go to walmart and say "put a little ole in your day"
80: have a sock war
81: put on a puppet show and call them peter and marry
82: put a name of a guy you like in a box and have your friends guess who had who
83: play the iPod game
84: have five popcorn kernels on a plate, have all your cell phones around it and call them at once and see if they pop
85: karaoke
86: listen to songs you've never heard of before in your life
87: water your plant
88: blind fold each other and do your makeup, feed each other, and try to give each other a drink.
89: tell someone in your contacts that your pregnant and see what they say
90: make a wish at 11:11
91: make a rodeo at your house
92: look up prom dresses and see what dress would look good on your friends
93: have ice cream :)
94: go on a walk at three in the morning and everytime a car passes, make a weird pose (really fun)
95: dare your friend to go to one of their neighbors house and ask them for a cup of sugar
96: have a staring contest
97: freak each other out
98: watch goosebumps and freak out at the non-scary parts
99: think of a list and then say it out loud
100: play the game of life
101: find a weird hat and walk to a store while wearing it
102: call someone and ask them what is the number for 911
103: get tipsy off of pepsi
104: play the 'never have i ever' game
105: turn off all the lights and play weird music and screem
106: watch 'if movies were real' on youtube
107: have a paint fight
108: go roller skating and blading
109: go ice skating
110: go bowling
111: say your name ten times fast
112: bake some brownies
113: make up weird nicknames for people you don't like (or like) so that you can talk about them and they won't know it
114: do each others hair
115: text people on each others phones and make the person think that they are talking to the person the phone belongs to.
116: get in fake figh
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Regards; Team

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