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Smoking, Gum Disease and Tooth Loss

What is Gum Disease?
The gum disease (periodontal disease) is an an infection that can have an effect on your bone structure and cause you to lose enamel. It may cause your tooth to fall out in extreme cases. In the United States, smoking is a significant explanation for gum disease.

The bacteria that cause gum illness are germs (bacteria) that enter your mouth and get underneath the gums. When bacteria (germs) remain on the enamel for a very lengthy time, they can cause plaque (film) to type and tartar (hardened film) to develop. This plaque buildup can result in gingivitis, an early form of gum illness.

As gum illness progresses, the gums may pull away from the teeth and create areas that can turn out to be contaminated. This is a severe type of gum disease. It's also referred to as periodontitis. Your tooth can turn out to be free and will have to be removed if the bone and tissue holding them in place breaks down.

Gum Disease: Symptoms and Warning Signs
Gums which are pink or swollen
Gums that are tender or bleeding
Painful chewing
Loose Teeth
Sensitive tooth
Your gums are pulling away from your enamel

What is the connection between smoking and gum disease?
Smoking can weaken your immune system (your body's protection towards infection). It is harder to battle a gum infection. Smoking can even make it difficult for your gums heal after you have suffered gum damage.

What does it mean to me as a smoker

Smokers are at twice the risk of gum disease as non-smokers.
You usually have a tendency to develop gum illness when you smoke extra cigarettes.
Smoking increases your threat of gum disease.
Smokers may have a tougher time getting gum disease treated.
Gum illness is increased by smoking tobacco, whether it's cigarettes, pipes or smokeless (spitted) tobacco.

How can gum disease be prevented? Good dental hygiene can help you keep away from gum illness.

Brush your tooth no much less than twice daily.
Remove plaque by flossing regularly.
Visit your dentist for normal checkups.
Don't smoke. Quit smoking should you smoke.

What is the remedy for gum disease?
Early gum illness could be treated with regular cleanings and day by day brushing.

Gum disease that is more severe might require:

Deep cleansing beneath the gum line.

Oral rinses or medicines prescribed by doctors
The surgical procedure is carried out to take away the tartar that has amassed deep beneath the gums.
Periodontitis may cause bone and gums to be misplaced. Surgery could assist to heal them. Your dentist can use bone fragments to switch misplaced bone. Your dentist could use tissue to cover uncovered root surfaces..

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