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Throughout the movie, Gabby shows how family-oriented she is. She knows everything about her sisters and little brother, she knows how to organize everything. She will put her family before anything else. She can work abroad like her two sisters, but she refuses because she wants to be with her mom and CJ to look after them. Gabbie representing all the "bunso" of the family who ends up with the family responsibilities while everyone has moved out of the house. The feeling of being left alone and stuck.

Her role in the family was the second eldest making her one of the members of the family who would take care of the youngest. She also strives for the family to be able to survive. She pursued working abroad to help and support her dad's medication and because of her sister and brother, who where still studying at time. Because of the experiences she has had, she become the independent, strong, and mature person for her family. She become selfless to the fact that she knows that her mom have her favorite daughter among them and she needs to understand the situation even if it pains her knowing that she's no one favorite, her sister Alex used to side her in eveything not until they got in a conflict situation because of a boy. Also the pain of not being understood everytime.

the third born and the strongest one. Even though her mom doesn't like the idea of her job, she's the one who always gets scolded by her mom and sometimes by her sisters, the black sheep of the family, and got cheated on by her boyfriend. She still manage to survive all of it. I like how she stands up for herself and for her family in every situation.

The first born daughter of the Salazar Family and the pressured one because of the expectations her family had for her. She lied about her job in spain because she was scared to tell the truth and didn't want her mom to be dissapointed at her and at the same time she envy Bobbie's achievements in life. Teddie representing all the "Ate" in the family who's expected to excell and do their best to achieve success and never be the dissapointment.

the youngest and most charming sibling/son of the Salazars family. He shows how much he's willing to do for the person he loves that even though his own family didn't like the idea of him getting married, he still pushes for the wedding because he loves the person. His Ate's being overprotective toward him leads to the chaos of everything, they think that CJ is still a baby when, in fact, he's of the right age to make decisions for himself and to choose who he wants to be with.

Grace Salazar
a great mother who raises not just one but five children without relying on anyone. She knows how to stand up for her children in everything and realizes her mistakes and shortcomings. She didn't know, but she treated her children unfairly while they were growing up because she thought that Teddie and CJ needed her more than Bobbie, Alex, and Gabbie. She didn't think that her other daughters might need her too, especially Bobbie, who suffered a lot because she thought her mom had her favoritism. After the confrontation, she realized that she wasn't fair to her daughters and wholeheartedly apologized for it. One of the Filipino values that is still happening in today's generation is "having favoritism". Parents often say they love their children equally and that they treat them fairly, but at some point and in some situations, some parents have their own favoritism.
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