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[12:03AM] Xpulser: lul
[12:04AM] Mimz: like wolfie hosts in-person tours
and he tells me he earns cash
like wtf
[12:04AM] Xpulser: wolfie who
[12:04AM] Mimz: wolfie el enta 3mltlo flame
the useless pantheon
the "no bodies"
[12:04AM] Xpulser: btw
imma tell u a secret
cuz u a brotha
this cash thing was offered to me too
[12:05AM] Mimz: are you coming out of the closet
[12:05AM] Xpulser: only me and ace
[12:05AM] Mimz: oh
[12:05AM] Xpulser: know
about this thing
kareem knows / itatshy knows
but not with the same ratio
as they know
much more
[12:05AM] Mimz: wth
[12:06AM] Xpulser: y
[12:06AM] Mimz: go on iam listening
[12:06AM] Xpulser: thats all i got
well now
only me 3la2 you
know about it
law fat7t bo2ak hanfo5ak
[12:08AM] Mimz: OH YOU
nah dw bs
at least be honest like not with ratios, but give them some for the page since you basically make the tour under their name
[12:10AM] Xpulser: ik i'll give some
but literally
i can just leave the page
and do my own tournaments
[12:10AM] Mimz: like yea, i know its not that big its probably around 20 dollars or 15. but you get money from vain so you're on postive side
[12:10AM] Xpulser: every week
and get people
to like my page
[12:10AM] Mimz: no no its not that easy
you need to have a name
[12:10AM] Xpulser: trust me
you don't
i know
how it works
and im not
any one
how to do it
[12:11AM] Mimz: yea u can bs wallahi you need a big name or amount of people or just a small website
and even if you do that, money isnt everything
[12:11AM] Xpulser: you don't
[12:11AM] Mimz: like you know these people 2-1 year
[12:11AM] Xpulser: they never cared
about how much
people i had on fb
and no
it ain't 20 or 15 dollars
[12:12AM] Mimz: well yea maybe i have no clue, i didnt try bs you get money from vain
so its basically win-win situation for you
out of nothing
[12:12AM] Xpulser: ya
ana etf2t m3 3la
he will send kareem
10 dollars
each week
and i get the rest
el page
[12:12AM] Mimz: yea thats fine, also if you dont wanna host you can like make small ratio for someone who hosts
like 4 dollars/3
for whoever hosts it
[12:13AM] Xpulser: nah bro
im keeping the method for my self
[12:13AM] Mimz: eh , up 2 u bs its too much work
[12:13AM] Xpulser: i don't want tournament hosts
2 much work
[12:13AM] Mimz: noy you should get 2 u trust or just one , like fagit or alaa
[12:14AM] Xpulser: i already talked to alla
but he said
im busy.
im not giving
[12:14AM] Mimz: or doesnt matter u can do it alone but you're gonna need someone to back you up in educational days
[12:16AM] Xpulser: nah
i enjoy it by my self
[12:17AM] Mimz: thats what she said
[12:17AM] Xpulser: i don't want any one with me
[12:17AM] Mimz: xD
[12:18AM] Xpulser: no
jokes aside
if i teach some one else
how 2 do this thing
they can easily
just ditch me
and get the other guy
[12:19AM] Mimz: i get what you mean, totally right
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