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Your team did normal, 15 mins push but not very intense ones. wk sk get early items at that point d. ember is on killing sprees all around. I dont want to blame all on a no push comment.
For me I would say everything went wrong starting with your shoes. I would go straight Guardian Greaves, why?
3 reasons:
1) You have 1024 hp lvl 5 with 3 armor which means your EHP (effective hitpoint) is pretty shit. End of game you only have 6 natural armor. So much Hp but squishy, just like that alch <-- keep this in mind about the alch.
2) If you went GG boots that means your playstyle will change. I love rushing this boot because it give so much survival to me and team and a 35 sec cd is AMAZING for pushing which is what you lack. Your team early game so strong, strong initiation if wk sk buy blink, and even if they dont have money ember can catch easily, set up for you ice path and insta kill 1 person with follow up stuns. Easy catch them easy push and sustainable with the boots. See my necro games for reference.
3) Ur idiot carries went all damage no utility no defensive, GG boots can help them survive. Especially ember so important he can rejoin fight anytime with a tp scroll.

But you're not here to hear me say dont play carry jakiro, so I'll view from your standpoint.
Shoes - If you're going all damage build why not just phase boots. You have no item plus movement speed or positioning items except shadow blade but it's not reliable they dust all the time.
Shadow Blade - Is very good choice. U get escape, initiation since your sk is fucking stupid, some damage, and most importantly cheap attack speed. Jakiro's agility and att speed is shit, lvl 18 with 35 base agility.
Mjollnir - Att speed yes! But the whole idea of having them is wrong, I'll explain later.
Perseverance - Casual perseverance learned from mic :D

Personally I think you're item build could be better like the last time you tried carry jak with me.
- Regarding att speed, mjollnir is just wrong. Even when you want to go full damage, this is not one of those games you can stand and hit. They all have control spells, be it a stun, unreliable shackle, or slow/pseudo stun from troll. If you need att speed, go orchid. I'm sure you know how much an orge can do, we won games by focus on sup orge before. That said you dont have positioning item so you cannot silence him at all but good thing is orge is melee. You need to wait and stun and put your whole combo on them, in other words counter initiate. If you really cant silence him, silencing alch is good before he use stun (oohhhh so gud) and self destruct. Even better before he ult, you can kill him, he has no armor item.
- Mindset is wrong you should go hybrid spell caster right click route. Your spell is the only reliable ones to mess up the battlefield, chances are your allies get control a lot anyway so they will stand and hit. Orchid can make you get both.
- Armor items. I cannot stress this enough. You want damage and armor you can get veil or lotus orb. Veil is good damage increase and give armor plus ur heroes early game is all magic damage. Lotus orb is AMAZING that game they only have single targets (alch, dk, wr, orge). The only armor item that provide more damage is assault so bo bian or if you count medallion then yeah.
- Ok lets say you still want to stand and hit build and no go armor that means you want att speed, damage, and intelligence (for damage). Mjollnir is the most damaging item you can find, more than daedalus because of att speed. But if you switch to orchid it provides the same thing because it gives intel and it is an utility item. Other things including stats. Most intel is from sheepstick or shivas which both are good item for that game. Other balance item for stats is skadi, can slow them while ult.
- If you insist on mjollnir ok, then you need more damage, especially from stats so you dont need to buy perseverance you can regen mana fast from stats. Necro euls atos force, they all might sound like support item but they are super cheap stats and imagine if you buy any of these you fix alot of problems i stated, saving people and wasting their controls. Or if you greedy go sheep shivas skadi they give unexpected base damage.

In the end they start push fast and you lose to pushing. And about teamfights, your attacks is not enough to focus one person down, even if they deal so much damage. Your spells not significant enough, jak was always a weak spellcaster, relying on dps. But jak's strong point is counter initiate and pushing.
Your carries no bkb. Ur wk get mkb so early. MKB is so so bad early under any circumstances including vs pa. There are rare exceptions but we can talk bout that later. Still salty I lost few games because of early mkbs. WK retarded getting kite like stupid. Techies powerless. SK useless, as both initiator or nuker.
Recently my games I give all the commands, a usual 22-28 mins rax down. Or if losing it's just all the way. I can do this because in our mmr it's easy to catch idiots that just respawn comes spam skill and get caught out. Keep this in mind when you take rax if you catch them one by one it's easy game. BUT with that said it's SEA server and you NEED one person to keep hitting rax or if you fucked up you all die with no reward. I think I missed something to say but I want to sleep now.
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