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Starting and Article Submission Website, Oh the Pains
Google's new AdSense program is really a smart move for marketers at their newly traded company. Many Internet entrepreneurs see it as a great way to make a lot of money in trickle payments, while Google enjoys high stock valuations, quarterly profits and thankful stockholders with additional shareholder value. A proven way some authors are trying to attract AdSense traffic is to create websites with specific content with key words. There are Celestelarchitect of possible venues for this, say for example a website with a news theme or online magazine. Perhaps a website with information about all sorts of things, many subjects, some news, blog, forum and several pages with a large amount of content.

Question is where might one get that level of content? Well you can buy it? Write News articles or even recruit authors to create for payment or for a by-line link. Should you choose choose to recruit content writers or others then you can find things you should think about. There are ways to post articles to improve hit ratings on the AdSense. Actually most website owners botch this part, even usually do not read the instructions from Google.

But there is more to it than that because you can find methods to create two-pages for every piece of content and pages for groups of contents of a particular type, which simply by the the titles of other bits of content increase key words and better placement of the AdSense types of ads that the bot sees to determine the best possible choices. One more thing you should look at is that the articles first paragraph and title ought to be in the main element words and meta tags of the page to bring in viewers.

For Additional info from a Google search to read an article on The History of Mining in the usa only to see AdSense ads around on how to create your personal newsletter, ezine or buy software to build content for an online news site. You see? It would be much better for you personally and Google your advertising partner to have ads which fit; mining equipment, john Deere, caterpillar tractor heavy equipment, probably all good key term, not Developing a friggin news letter or buying news generating software or Feed.

You should ditch all your unrelated information on other pages aside from to and from your home page, if in fact these pages of news and contents main intent would be to attract AdSense click throughs. If your major amount of money comes from KEY TERM ads you then should make that the first priority, AdWords on top, sides and your stuff in the bottom and no mention of your main sites listing, focus on the content of every pages, usually do not keep copying you home page encoding. Concentrate on the content, news and/or articles on the main element words or metatags on that page, tight, quick fast loading graphics underneath maybe something short about your main sites mission, however, not anything which will allow Google's AdSense bots to assume that online news site owners are arriving at the page. When people arrived at read my articles or that of someone who is focusing on financial currency markets theory or investing they are not looking for that stuff, they are interested in starting a niche site exactly like yours, tools or software had a need to do it. Exactly like they're not reading an article about suppose scrapbooks on your own site to look ad ads for golf, vacations, boats or scuba gear. Just how many hits are you currently getting for each subject, how many hits, how much money perhaps you have made on those articles? Well, have Additional info ? Maybe should they would increase you could expand your business and pay more attention you might be in the mega cash flow range that you seek? Think on it.

"Lance Winslow" - Online Think Tank forum board. When you have innovative thoughts and unique perspectives, come think with Lance; Lance can be an online writer in retirement.
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