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*How many times can a senator be re-elected? no limit
*How many years can a house member serve in congress? no limit
*What is the least number of representatives from each state?1
*Which amendment limits presidential terms? 22nd
*What fraction of the senate is elected every 2 years? 1/3
*How long must a representative live in the state that he/she represents? 7 years citizen
*How long must a senator live in the state that he/she represents? 9 years citizen
*Which part of the constitution gives broad powers to write laws about situations that are new and unexpected?Elastic cluase
*Which body has the power to raise, borrow, and coin money? legislative
*These people of the legislative branch are elected by the whole state they represent? senators
*These people of the legislative branch are elected by a district? house
*Makes the countries laws?legislative
*Has veto power?legislative
*Vice president is the presiding officer?senate
*Appointed by the supreme court?neither
*Approves or rejects treaties? senate
*Foreign affairs? secretary of state
*Social security? health and human services

*How many supreme court justices are there? 9
*Which branch of congress brings up charges in impeachment? legislative
/Which branch of congress is the jury in impeachment trials? judicial
*Which office in government has to be a natural born citizen? president and vice president
/Which famous court case, set the precedent for judicial review? marbury vs. ........ (MADISON)
*which house of congress is the congressional number given? house
*What is more than one majority? quorum
*Which state receives the most electoral votes?california
*How many electoral votes does illinois have?20
*How many federal representatives does illinois have?18
*Vice president then speaker of the house then? president pro temore. then? secretary of state
*What is the date of election day in november?11/3/15

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