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Bipolar boxers
People with bipolar can experience extreme ups and downs, which can last several weeks. Many people with bipolar disorder have trouble maintaining a stable job and are at risk of suicidal thoughts. They can lose their motivation to do the things they like and may have difficulty getting good sleep. Families and friends can also be affected, and they could become isolated. They can act in a different way and get more irritable during episodes of mania and depression. In addition, they may experience strange feelings or have beliefs that are difficult for others to understand.

Recent survey revealed that 1/5 of UK adults have mental health conditions. It is difficult for many people to talk openly about mental illnesses, despite some progress. Men and young people are particularly affected by this. Frank Bruno and other celebrities are trying to change the situation. Former heavyweight boxing champion Frank Bruno, who was twice sectioned by the Mental Health Act for his depression and bipolar disorder, has openedly discussed this battle.

People with bipolar disorder can live normal lives by managing their symptoms. This includes talking therapy (e.g. This includes cognitive behavioral therapy and lifestyle changes, such as healthy eating, exercise and enough sleep.

Some people who have bipolar disorder may be in a state of mixed depression and mania (mixed mood), where they are experiencing both low and elevated moods. This condition is known as cyclothymia. The symptoms are milder compared to those of depression or mania. Bipolar disorder is often misdiagnosed in people with this condition.

During a manic period, people with Bipolar Disorder can be very energetic, happy and elated. But it's crucial to acknowledge that you aren't feeling normal, and get help. They may spend a great deal of money, be unable to sleep or even have a binge. They may be easily irritable, have problems concentrating and act impulsively. Bipolarmerch may also have high expectations of both themselves and other individuals and behave irrationally and quickly.

The bipolar disorder sufferer may find it difficult to maintain a stable job. Their relationships can also be affected. It can cause feelings of emptiness, despair and suicidal thinking. It is possible for them to be irritable. They may also have difficulties with concentration and memory. It is possible for them to experience other strange sensations like hearing, seeing, or smelling objects that are not present (hallucinations). They may also believe things that others find irrational (delusions).

The temptation for someone suffering from a mental illness is to base their entire life around the diagnosis. But it's vital to remember that they are still the same person, both before and after. Learn as much as possible about your condition, and be prepared for challenges. Support from friends and family is also essential to living well with bipolar.
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