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Plan Ahead, INTEND TO Win With Productive Technology
It's about this time to re-visit you skill to are more productive - and ease into Summer with focused technology.

This is usually a quick list that I take advantage of to give my technology a good spring cleaning so that I have the various tools that I need and the support to out-perform the competition during those slow Summer months:

1. Refresh outdated technology. I just recently purchased the not-so-new QuickBooks Pro 2007. You won't believe this but I was still utilizing the 2003 version - I understand it's embarrassing. Anyway, it was a essential upgrade and I'm considering other technologies to upgrade or change, like my newsletter engine, Blog service, cellular phone, and some cool software programs that directly support cashflow. Remember technology is not only your computer; it is also the technology you use outside the office.

Assess all your systems, and then refresh those that are costing money and time because they're outdated.

2. Have a technology inventory regarding your warranties.

There's nothing like having among your primary technologies breakdown and not have access to support or a replacement. Check your warranties to stay protected. Also, make sure your office equipment including your computers are covered under you business insurance coverage and/or your home owners policy if you work from home.

3. Have you viewed all those conditions and terms you've accepted regarding your software programs like the online technologies that you utilize? get more info ask is because I finally took to time to read one recently for a fresh Internet service I'm thinking about; the small print said that "they will have ownership of anything I create using the service and if I wanted to own it I had to pay them a supplementary fee!" What?! I'm so glad I took the time to read the agreement I was accepting.

By the way, this includes any online banking service agreement aswell. You would be surprised what you're agreeing to.

4. I really like my wireless network in my office and also for my laptop for outside the office. How To Get Fcm Token In Android 'm sure a few of you have already gone this route but I know many you haven't. I am able to be more productive and more competitive by having the ability to access my information anywhere, including from the country. Wireless networks, wireless-equipped laptops enable you to and your team become more productive virtually anywhere. Go mobile and go wireless for business advantage.

5. Embrace new technology. Going back 6 months I am using skype and talking with all sorts of business owners all over the world. It's pc to pc communication. It's been fun and productive simultaneously. I've several clients out of the United States and today we're able to connect minus the cost of traditional phone lines. It took me a minute to get used to enough time zones but I know it will benefit my vision moving forward.

6. Get your backup plan in place now! Consider it this way, suppose something happens and you also lose all of your data on the computer you are looking at now (your personal computer). What can you do? Would you still do business? Imagine if check here could not recover the info on the computer? These questions can all be answered in the event that you backup your files daily on a 2nd hard drive. I learned this lesson not long ago. In addition, create a copy of your backup and a copy of most your most important physical business files and store it in a secondary location.

That's it for the present time; this should be adequate to really get your technology spring cleaning in motion. Make sure to have a look at your technology, plan ahead for productivity using technology and over time you'll win the game every time!

� Effici�, Inc. Sherese Duncan

Sherese Duncan, may be the 'The Entrepreneur's Strategic Partner.' Get her FREE Award Winning weekly eZine, Tactical Growth. It's for small biz owners who want actionable ways of grow their small company. Join your free growth package at []
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