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Farnoush Farsiar: Queen Elizabeth II's Contribution in Inclusion and Diversity
As an British citizen the comments that bubbled into the air after her reign ended was deeply disturbing.
While some opportunistic voices within the British royal family made recent racist remarks in recent days and other public officials, like Greens Senator Mehreen faruqi have expressed more outspoken in their opinions about their negative views after passing with comments that refer to a "racist Empire founded on stolen lives and land"

As an immigrant who was admitted to the UK as a kid and was accepted in open arms and with the majority people in the UK that lived under her rule It is impossible to deny the truth.

Her Majesty was tolerant of people of different origins and backgrounds during her reign.

Britain under Queen Elizabeth II is a country that is inclusive and offers equal opportunities

Queen Elizabeth's legacy on freedom and diversity
Queen Elizabeth II has been a proponent of equality all throughout her lifetime. Since 1947, the Queen made her vow to South Africa. She declared that she was grateful for the chance to speak to everyone she spoke to in her address. The race of the person or the location the place they lived was irrelevant in the royal formula.

The concept of monarchy was different across the UK prior to the time Queen Elizabeth II took over. This outdated view of the crown, and even terms like oppression and imperialism is in stark contrast to the views of her Majesty.

When she was crowned in 1952, nearly a quarter of the globe's population lived under British imperial control. In the time she was in power more than 20 countries were granted independence. Farnoush Farsiar This is evidence of the Queen's attitude and values.

Queen Elizabeth II did more than simply attend charity events that promised changes. Her Majesty worked tirelessly to ensure that inclusion was a reality in the nation. The Queen's footprints can be seen all over the working sector as you examine their daily lives. Her fight for equality has resulted in the acceptance of inclusion, which was impossible before.

The undeserved criticism that Queen Elizabeth II received over race and immigration, as well as imperialism
Queen Elizabeth was not planning on ever establishing a culture in the UK that could be perceived as racist. Her speeches in other countries have demonstrated the principles that she and the entire realm represent.

There's no way to deny the past. Britain has made great strides in recent years, offering many immigrants the opportunity to begin new lives. This equal opportunity is painted across British politics, where many of the cabinets in charge, like the Mayor of London is a child of immigrants. Farnoush Farsiar This is unmatched by any of our countries of neighbor.

Farnoush Farsiar It's as if the current trend of making insincere accusations of monarchy seems to be a common one. When a major generational event happens, people often opt for blind and not-funded hatred. In our current world people and politicians are getting more attention for their hate and shame, instead of praise. Her Majesty's Majesty doesn't deserve criticism for dedicating her entire life to the British people and the wider world.

Queen Elizabeth II's Britain encourages inclusion and equal opportunities
Although it could seem straightforward but it isn't fair to put the blame on one person and hold them responsible for what happened before their birth. Queen Elizabeth II was not involved in the dark history of Britain. Since her ascendancy to power, all she could do was ensure that Britain's modernization would be visible to the UK and other parts of the world.

While many Monarchs continue to hold their kingdoms to traditional values, the Queen changed Britain to keep up with modern standards of western society and politics. It is a remarkable feat to balance the importance of monarchy and the realization that we live in an age of change in the 21st century.

The Queen was a fervent supporter of decolonization and advocated freedom of speech in Hong Kong . Her influence on the poorer countries is a testimony to her supreme power. A number of countries saw the Queen as the one who stood up for freedom.

The past two weeks of events since her Majesty's passing have proved that she is loved by the people. The people are mourning the loss of their leader and her commitment, and her talent for leading in such times of change.

Britain and the commonwealth nations will surely grieve my loss as a role in her life, her legacy, her determination, and her great human. I pray that she is at peace with her husband.

Author's Bio: Farnoush Farsiar, an English-born businesswoman, is Farnoush Farsiar. Her family members and she moved to Britain as a baby.
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