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Open Source Objects
Episode 6
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SCENE 1: Cold Open
It's sunset. Pitcher, Graffiti, Dango, and Incense Holder are standing in a large circle in the fields of the dome. A competitive Pitcher spins Sippy Cup’s lid on his finger.

Alright, schmucks. I might’ve been goin’ easy on you before, but now it’s no more Mr. Nice Pint.

He tosses the lid above Graffiti, whose arms stretch out to catch it.

Wow, it sure is fun to play frisbee, isn’t it, Green? (quietly) I wish I had arms

Uh… wha- Gah! Heads up, Pink!

PD hops up, pushing them upwards with her. WD and GD are surprised. GD pops off the stick, catching the lid. Pink orients the stick to catch Green on his way down. The three Dangos slide back into place.

Nice catch, Green!

(horrified, slowly) Hole. Lee. Stick. (shifts to excitement) That was TERRIFYING! But in a like, exciting way?

(snickers) The word you’re looking for is THRILLING, buddy.

WHITE DANGO (upset, but attempting to stay polite)
Pink, with all due respect, that was really reckless of you! What if Green got hurt-

GREEN DANGO (happily interrupting)
Your turn, Incense!

GD throws to Incense. IH notices too late, and the lid flies past IH’s head. Graffiti and Pitcher run past Incense Holder, chasing the lid.

SCENE 2: Lead-Up to Elimination
In the distance, Pitcher and Graffiti rush after the frisbee. Graffiti catches it and jumps for joy. Holly walks in the foreground, and OSON stands around as Holly pounces on her affectionately.

HOLLY (singsongy)
OSO Novel!

Oh, hello Holly.

(overlapping) Hi hi hi!
(smug, not letting go) Are you *surprised* to see me?

Nope, not really. I can’t be startled, because I know when every event will happen… like…

The intro plays. OSON walks in front of it as it plays. Holly follows.

Like this…

Can we skip it?

Sadly, it's here to stay.

Corny walks up.

What are you guys talking about? Hey, is this the intro?

Hey Corny!

Hi Holly. You two want to help root for Tart?

They both nod. They walk off and let the intro finish.

SCENE 3: Elimination

CB and Crayons set up the elim. building. There’s a knock at the door.

Come in!

Tart nervously enters the building.

Good morning, Tart! You’re rather early, you know. But I guess you’d rather get a head s”tart” than risk being tart-y, hmm?

TART (clearly distracted)
Right, yeah, actually I had something I wanted to talk with you about. In as private as I can get with someone who has people living in her head, I guess.

All right! Shoot! (chuckles)

As they talk, the rest of the UFE contestants enter in the background.

So like, I’ve been wanting to change up my pronoun set a bit. I wanna start going by fey/fem; could you like, update whatever official host-type thing you gotta with that?

You got it! YC! Please update PJ3CTA with feir pronouns ASAP!

Yellow Crayon gives a thumbs up from the projector booth.

Great! Now, we just gotta wait for the rest of the-

Crayon Box realizes that everyone else is already here.

Oh, wow! Well, I guess we can get started now!

Tart turns to see OSON/Holly/Corny cheering fem on. Pan out from the building to show Coin approaching Corny, along with other players. Penny and Graffiti walk out of the elimination building together, followed by RC.

Hold on! Don’t forget your prizes. They’re the pictures from last time. You know, that you could have been eliminated for? Go nuts.

As he hands them off to Penny and Graffiti, Diamond exits the building behind him. Penny smiles at her photo. Graffiti eats his photo in shame. Dango exits. We see the projection from the window, showing Coaster’s vote count and making her safe. Tart’s vote count is also shown. Tart exits, and is met by cheering from feir friends.

Who’s even left at this point?

Well, there’s Glowing Heart, Incense Holder, and-

(passionate beep)

They look over to Censored on the doorstep, doing a victory dance.

There’s Glowing Heart and Incense Holder.

Oh, I KNOW Glowing Heart’ll be safe! How could she NOT be?

Hey now, don’t count Incense out yet!

Cologne crosses his fingers and mouths ‘please’ over and over to himself. The door of the elimination building swings open.

SCENE 4: Goodbye
Incense Holder exits. Cologne’s eyebrows perk up. Incense Holder stops in front of the door, and Glowing Heart floats out behind him.

Thanks for holding the door for me, Incense! Sorry you got eliminated though.

It’s fine! At least I could spend my last moments here being a darn good doorstop.

Cologne pouts and kicks dirt. Incense Holder walks past the spectators on his way to the exit.

Aw, sorry it had to end this way, IH. I still had so much to learn from you…

PINK DANGO (flatly)
Truly, you will be missed.

Incense Holder approaches Blob, who has their back turned.

Hey Blob. I just wanted to thank you for the help. Even if I didn’t end up making it far, you still gave me a lot of hope for my future. Like, maybe I’ll be a crossing guard! Or a bureaucrat! There’s a whole world for me to get in the way of, and it’s all thanks to you.

Blob thinks, and pulls out a file labeled “Lessons Learned” marked with an F-.

Aw! I’ve never gotten a grade before! Thanks so much!

Blob rolls their eyes before pasting a star sticker on IH’s side. He smiles, taking a final step out of the dome. Pan up to PJ3CTA.

28th - Incense Holder.

SCENE 5: Challenge Announcement
It’s night. Construction noises are coming from the cabin, which agitates Pitcher. Putty/Jar take notice. The noises stop, and BC steps out of the cabin with the video cameras.

Up and at ‘em, contestants! It’s challenge time! Today, you’ll be playing laser tag. BC, if you could demonstrate?

BC shoots CB with the camera-turned-laser gun. CB is immediately transported away, and walks out of the cabin. The crayons hand cameras out around her.

You’11 all be given a camera, which BC has modified into laser guns. If you get hit, you’ll be sent to the holding area.

Jar immediately places Putty back into them.

Last 2 contestants standing wins the challenge! Any questions?

Where’s Paintball?

Censored beeps awkwardly, making RC sigh and recover her.

Huh? Did I miss any-


SCENE 6: Stand-Off
The contestants (except Phono) are standing in a group, looking at each other distrustfully and backing away slowly. Zoom in on Cologne messing with his gun aimed at Diamond, as it lets out a shot. The laser gets reflected everywhere. Diamond, Cologne, and Blob get hit.


Pan out as everyone starts running from the center. We stop on a shot with, among other contestants, OFGB running towards his garden. We follow Putty/Jar into the forest.

SCENE 7: It’s Chaos
Jar runs into the forest, away from the lasers. They stop to catch their breath, and hear a shot.

Whoa! That was close. Now who shot that-!? Oh. (beat) It’s you.

Cut to Mic, who has his laser gun aimed at their feet.

What’s the matter, Putty? Not happy to see me?

PUTTY (resigned)
What do you want, Mic?

MICROPHONE (lighthearted, jovial tone)
To win the challenge, obviously! But that doesn’t mean I can’t have some fun! I’ve got a challenge for you, if you dare take it.

Putty waits for Jar’s approval, which they give as a thumbs up.

PUTTY (skeptical)
We’re listening...

We’ll see which one of us can survive this challenge the longest. Whoever wins will be considered the true master of laser tag! And also has to buy the other a soda.

Putty lowers her aim, but doesn’t drop it. She gives Mic a funny look. Microphone continues to egg her on.

MICROPHONE (goading)
What? Are you afraid of losing?

Putty drops her aim, and Jar gets into a competitive stance.

(laughs) Ohh, you’re on.

Jar and Mic begin backing away from each other, with their guns held in a ready position. Pan to NC and BS running to the elim building.

NAIL CLIPPERS (grumbling)
Cologne’s ‘brilliant’ move almost cost us the game! Idiot just had to get all trigger-happy, and now we’re down a member.

Black Square shrugs, but nods along.

Whatever. Let’s scope out the building, see if we can get a vantage point or something.

NC picks the lock of the building, and she and BS enter. It’s silent, and then they hear a haunting song come from the second floor.

Who’s there?!

NC notices a figure disappear up the steps to the second floor, and she motions for BS to follow it. They see the shadow of “Phonograph” from behind a [prop]. NC raises her gun, and approaches it cautiously. It turns out the shadow was just a plain old record player.

(sigh) False alarm! Really thought someone else was in here—

NC gets shot immediately. BS panics, drops his gun, and runs downstairs. Phono steps out into the light where the record player is. She heads downstairs, not realizing BS was hiding underneath them. BS’s eyes open up. Phono steps outside of the building. Pan out to Tart still watching the scene.

SCENE 8: Commentators
Cut to Cologne/Diamond/Blob in the holding area. It pans up to the top of the building, where Penny, Graffiti, and CB have set up some lawn chairs and binoculars. Guarana is there with a gun, trying to snipe.

And if you look to your left, you’ll see Holly and OSO Novel trying to hide! They’ve formed a very formidable duo here, one with the speed to evade any danger, and the other-

Penny fades out as we cut to Guarana sniping. He shifts. Cut to Holly and OSON with Guarana in the background. He’s aiming for Holly.

--Holly, duck!


Holly runs towards OSON to find the duck, so Guarana misses. Cut back to annoyed Guarana. Camera blurs the foreground to focus on the commentators in the background.

Oooh, close, but no cigar with that shot, Guarana!

He doesn’t respond, and Graffiti looks awkward. YC takes the binoculars and focuses on Pitcher. Guarana fires, and misses. Pitcher points a finger at Guarana accusingly.


GUARANA (incredulously)
What? It’s not like sniping is against the rules.

He takes aim again.

PITCHER (loud, not frantic)

Guarana shoots, just missing Pitcher’s feet, who yelps and runs away. Guarana spots OFGB at his garden, and shoots at him. OFGB dodges it effortlessly, and shoots back at Guarana without a glance. Guarana only barely manages to roll out of the way.

Wow! And who would have thought that OFGB had it in him?!

Graffiti’s awkward look fades as Penny starts up again, and he smiles.

Haha, yeah! Talk about silent but deadly! Behind that stoic exterior must be a murderous rage!

SCENE 9: Everyone’s Lasering Each Other, p.1
Penny notices something else— It’s PB running away from Censored!

Looks like we’ve got commotion in motion! Paintball’s on a roll!

Paintball frantically tries to dodge Censored’s shots, but gets hit. She gets teleported to the holding area in the cabin.

That’s two strikes!

Pan to Corny and EC, who are hiding by the edge of the dome. They’re on top of an ANVIL FORT. They saw Censored shoot Paintball from afar.

(whistles) Whew, I’m glad we’re not down there. This was a great idea! We’re totally safe!

Corny and EC look at each other and then hide behind the fort. Pan downward to Server, who’s at the base of the fort. He gets an idea, and shoots upward. The laser bounces around the dome and hits EC! Corny yelps and jumps up off the fort, running into the forest. He runs past Pitcher, who is cornering Vape. Before Pitcher can shoot, Vape lets out a cloud of smoke, covering the area.

(coughing) Huh?

The smoke clears, to reveal Vape is gone, leaving his gun. Pitcher turns around, looking to see where Vape might’ve gone.

PITCHER (frustrated)
Are you kidding me?!

Censored snags Vape’s gun in the background. They start running with 4 guns, but trip and fall. They beep. All 4 of their laser guns shoot them and they get teleported away. Pan to the Dangos.

WHITE DANGO (loudly)
Guys, we need to think of a plan! We can’t go into this unprepar-

Shush! You’ll blow our cover!

I’m sorry! But it’s great team ethic to make a plan, and-

WD gets shot and teleported. Zoom out to reveal GH.


Oh my bad! I hope I didn’t cause too much trouble.

(long pause) Well. This is.. new.

Um… Dangos? Both of you still need to go to the holding area!

Okay! Lead the way!

The Dangos walk offscreen towards the holding area.

SCENE 10: Pitcher and Putty and Mic
Cut to Pitcher in the forest. He’s been running after Corny, and is frustrated- especially after the interaction with Vape.

PITCHER (grumbling)
Where are you...

Corny pops up off to the side, and Pitcher shoots at him. Corny disappears and reappears behind a tree, and Pitcher shoots and misses.

STOP THAT! That’s not how this works!

Corny disappears and reappears one last time, giggling, and Pitcher stamps his foot, and groans in frustration, letting Corny get away. Pitcher sits down, overwhelmed. His grumbling is overheard by Putty/Jar, who approach him, gun drawn. Pitcher notices them and raises his arms, surrendering.

Oh, come ON! Can’t I catch a break?!

Jar lowers the gun, signaling to Putty. They sit down next to Pitcher.

You’re.. Not going to shoot me?

Nah, guess not. Where’s the fun in that?

Silence for a beat. Jar motions, taking out a pair of headphones.

Hey.. I guess you’ve been kinda going through it, huh?

PITCHER (sarcastically)
You got any other astute observations?

(ignoring him) Yeah, well, Jar wanted to give you these. They help when Jar’s overwhelmed, so they thought it might help you too.

Jar hands Pitcher the headphones, and, surprised, he takes them and puts them on. Somewhere out in the forest, Mic calls out.


PUTTY (shouting)

Before she leaves, she gives Pitcher a thumbs up.

SCENE 11: Everyone’s Lasering Each Other, p.2
As Putty leaves to chase Mic, pan to OSON and Holly, who are still dodging Guarana's shots. OSON signals to Holly to follow her lead, and visually flips through her pages before stopping at the one depicting their chase scene. (The page notably cuts off before she gets caught). Holly nods, understanding. OSON closes herself, and starts running.

OSON and Holly circle around the building, passing by BS and Server, who’s fiddling with his gun. Server’s gun malfunctions, sending lasers everywhere! The lasers almost hit BS, who defends himself using Sippy’s lid, and hits Guarana. OSON and Holly take this opportunity to run away, but before they can OSON stops, having realized something, and a wild laser hits her. She teleports, and Holly runs away.

We cut to Putty and Mic, who are having a stand-off. Western music plays as the two stare at each other, and a tumbleweed hops along, which the 2 fire at. It is sent to the Cabin. Pitcher continues chasing Corny, shooting him. But the latter keeps placing down anvils, which are sent to the Cabin. This visibly confuses the cabin dwellers.

SCENE 12: (continued)
Cut to Vape running through the forest trying to avoid someone. A haunting melody plays as he rounds a corner and there’s Phono! She shoots at him, and he barely dodges it as he approaches OFGB’s garden. Vape visibly slows down, and he tiptoes around the garden itself, looking to OFGB for approval. OFGB nods, and Vape runs off. Once off screen, OFGB shoots at him, and we hear him get teleported away. In the elimination building, Coaster enters a room and flicks on a light. She’s in a house of mirrors! She sees a dart of red flash by.

Who's there? Come out already!

HOLLY (in a few scattered reflections surrounding Coaster)
Welcome, Coaster, to my Holly of Mirrors! Be careful though: one wrong move and it'll be your Folly of Fear-ers!

COASTER (defensive)
What?! I-I'm not afraid of you! Drop the bit, Holly!

Are you suuuuuure you're not scared? The way I see it, in a few seconds, you'll be seeing so much red, you’ll soon be running with the bulls!

Coaster darts her eyes all around. Every reflection displays Holly pointing her gun in Coaster's direction, ready to fire.

Quit it! If you don’t shut up, I’ll just shatter every stupid mirror in this room!

Coaster fires twice, one at the mirror in front of her, only to have it bounce off the other mirrors in the room and hit her, teleporting her away. Holly laughs and celebrates with a dance, while the other laser Coaster fired continues bouncing around and eventually hits Holly. She reappears in the holding area, looking sad for just a second before looking happy again as she plops herself next to where OSON is. OSON facepalms.

SCENE 13: Phonograph and Tart
GH hides in a hole. From behind her, we see Phonograph spot her, put her horn against the hole, and blast GH out. Phono rolls, poses, and shoots GH, just missing. GH sticks her tongue out at Phono, before she gets shot by someone off camera, teleporting away. Phono immediately turns, aiming their gun at them. Tart raises her hands up defensively.

TART (frantic)
Woah, woah woah, truce! I just helped you!

PHONOGRAPH (suspicious)
What are you doing here?

I’ve just been watching you compete, that’s all! I saw you with Nail Clippers and Black Square in the beginning- you’re awesome! And I was hoping that- well, maybe, you might want to team up?

Phonograph lowers her gun halfway, considering it. Tart gestures to where Glowing Heart was a second ago.

TART (goading)
We already work well together, after all!

Phono drops her aim and shrugs.

Yeah, alright, why not? Follow me.

They head out.

SCENE 14: Everyone's Lasering Each Other, finale
We’re on top of the elimination building again. Penny’s commentating on the state of the game as PJECTA updates.

Looks like there’s still 12 contestants left in the game! I wonder which two will come out on top- Graffiti, any ideas?

Graffiti doesn’t respond, as he’s busy taunting RW. Graffiti has shapeshifted his hand into a laser gun, and makes a show of aiming at RW. RW runs around, trying to avoid it. When he stops, Graffiti “shoots” him, but it’s only confetti. He then shapeshifts into an “I’m stinky” sticker. Penny rolls her eyes, but laughs anyways. Tart and Phono get into a conflict with Server. Server chases Phono down a path in the forest, and corners her. She isn’t worried, as Tart comes behind and shoots him. They high five. OFGB is by his garden, and RW approaches him.

ROULETTE WHEEL (slowly approaching)
Well, if it isn’t my favorite contestant and ally, Organic—

OFGB silently points his gun at RW. RW stops, smugly takes one step too close, and gets shot.

Standing behind where RW stood, Coin makes his way over to the vending machine. Coin gets his drink and Corny pops out of the can! Corny shoots Coin, but runs away again when he sees Pitcher coming for him.

Putty and Mic are still in their standoff. Corny runs behind where Mic is standing, while Pitcher stands next to Putty. Pitcher and Putty shoot in unison, and Pitcher hits Mic while Putty hits Corny. They both get teleported away, and now it’s just Pitcher and Putty in the clearing. Pitcher holds his headphones a little closer to his head.

PITCHER (frantic)
Hey, look, I’ll spare you, just let me go.

Sorry, bud, but I don’t spare anybody-

Pitcher and Putty are both anticlimactically shot by OFGB. Jar gets teleported away, and Putty plops to the ground.

I really should put up a sign.

SCENE 15: Endgame

PJ3CTA screen shows the final 4 remaining: BS, Tart, Phono, and OFGB. Cut to Phono/Tart looking at the screen from near the elim building.

Excellent. We’re down to the final 4. Now all we need to do is take down Black Square and we’re set for victory.

Hey, uh, do we really need to get Black Square next? I, uh, don’t really want to be the one knocking him out of the challenge.

Tart, there can only be 2 winners for this challenge. Would you rather we go up against OFGB next instead?

Tart shakes her head defeatedly. Phono scans the area opposite the building. Tart follows morosely. Pan to behind Phono, where BS is hiding in the bushes. Tart turns around and notices BS hiding, but hesitates to tell Phono. However, BS moves his laser gun to target Phono, and prepares to fire. Tart’s eyes widen as BS fires.

Look out!

Scene enters slow motion. Tart knocks Phono out of the way of the laser blast, but falls, gets hit and is teleported out. Phono turns around and spots BS, who is frantically attempting to shoot while the laser gun is still reloading. Phono quickly shoots BS. Cuts to CB, Penny, and Grafitti’s commentator stand.

In a shocking finale, Phonograph has won a laser-thin victory!

The crayons groan.

Encapsulating! Exhilarating! The greatest finale ever!

Congrats to Phonograph and Organic Fruit and Grain Bar! They’re the winners for today’s challenge! Please head to the cabins.

SCENE 16: Post-Challenge
Wide shot of the cabin. It slowly zooms and then cuts to WD approaching the other dangos.

Whew! Being separated, am I right guys? That was a fun little adventure, but uh, couldja let me back on?

GREEN DANGO (crosstalking)
Oh, yeah, uh, we just gotta… hold on, uh…

PINK DANGO (crosstalking)
Sure, yeah, definitely, um, you know, it's funny…

Alright, gather ‘round gang! Time to choose who’s safe!

GD and PD start walking off as they talk quickly. WD looks confused.

Well, would you look at the time! Can’t talk now, got a meeting to get to!

GREEN DANGO (fast talking)
It was nice talking to you White, gotta go, see you tomorrow, thank you, bye bye, I love you!

Cut to everyone gathering around Crayon Box.

Our winners will get to choose the first players who are safe! Then, those players will get to choose someone else to be safe, until there are only 7 players left. Those 7 will be up for elimination! Make sense? Good! Who wants to start?

Neither Phono nor OFGB speaks up. CB laughs awkwardly.

CRAYON BOX (awkwardly, jokingly)
C’mon, one at a time, people!

More silence.

I guess I can—

Alright, OFGB, you’re up first! Who will you choose to be safe?

Pans to OFGB slowly pointing to Coin, while Roulette Wheel slides in the way. OFGB’s hand comically does a 90 degree turn around RW to point at Coin anyway. There’s a “ding” that indicates his choice.

ROULETTE WHEEL (overdramatically)
Wha— after all I’ve done for you! You stand me up like this?!

Cut to Phonograph. She doesn’t take long to choose.

Tart. Gotta admit fey were a pretty good partner.

Tart walks up to Phonograph. We get a top and bottom split screen between Tart/Phono and Coin/OFGB/Cologne. Coin points at Cologne, making him safe. Bottom cuts to Coaster next to Corny/Vape/EC.

Corny. Thanks for those cheer beams.

Corny smiles at her, sending another cheer beam her way. Top screen pans to Cologne picking BS. Corny points to Vape. BS looks to NC, who gives him a pointed look. He points to her. Bottom pans to include EC and PB, and Vape points to EC. PB grimaces and looks away. NC points to Mic. Bottom screen pans to include Diamond, Holly, and OSON. EC points at Diamond, Diamond jumps into her arms triumphantly. Holly looks to OSON, who shakes her head and leads her and a disappointed Holly offscreen. Top screen, Mic points to Putty.

Wh- huh?

MIC (teasingly)
Oh, come on, I couldn’t let my greatest rival leave like that!

Bottom screen, Diamond points to Glowing Heart. Putty, still a little confused and flabbergasted, looks apologetic to Pitcher before pointing at Censored. GH points to the Dangos. With this, the split screen ends, and just shows GH and the Dangos.

Sorry, for, um, getting you out, eheh…

PD rolls his eyes, and GD points at Blob. Crayon Box slides on screen.

Eight players remain! Only one more player can be safe— and it all comes down to Censored!

As Crayon box says that, the scene changes to the 8 remaining contestants. Cut to Censored pondering their options, then walks around the 8. Cut to Paintball grimacing, closing her eyes and looking away, fully expecting to not be chosen. And then, Censored's hand falls on her head, and she looks up, surprised. Censored lets out an apologetic beep. All the UFE contestants look bummed.

That’s what I get for being non-confrontational.

OSON sighs.

I knew this would happen.


SCENE 17: Vote Screen
The camera zooms into Crayon Box’s face.

Alright, viewers! You know what to do!

Cut to a character select with a red triangle hovering over one of the UFE contestants with their names and letters under their icons.

Vote in the comment section below using one of these letters in square brackets! Whoever receives the most votes will leave OSO!

SCENE 18: Stinger
On a shore near the dome, IH, equipped with a sail, takes one last look at his former home before setting sail to new waters. He closes his eyes as he sails along peacefully, humming as he does. Cut to him later in a canal blocking many toy ships from crossing. One has the ad for the Discord.
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