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Rei spoke to Krista//Dennis
Issue: wifi//cx needs to set up tech appointment and also to add the modem to this account
Resolution: add the modem to the account//run itg to route on tech appointment//need to skip some steps//set tech//educated cx//recap//eoc
AN: 8993205610000512
Callback #: 9548030017
Rei spoke to Keerthi Vasan Viswanathan
Issue: cx has queries with its tech appointment
Resolution: educated cx//tech dispatch is marked running late//educated cx and as well as the comments dfrom dispatch tech that has #late on it//ask cx if he wants to reschedule but cx dont want to and cx just want to wait for the tech till four and will give a callback if tech will not arrives//eoc

AN: 8499053401505144
Callback #: 9295929864
Rei spoke to Robert Krodel
Issue: cable box activation//
Resolution: run itg//cable box activation//issue resolve//run itg//cable box activation//issue resolve//eoc
AN: 8773402001584123
Callback #: 8608151294
Rei spoke to Latonya Logan
Issue: cx wants to activate
Resolution: cx from central//educated cx//transfer to central tv tech//eoc

Callback #: (318) 366-4334
Rei spoke to Michael Pieciuk
Issue: modem activation
Resolution: swapped old to new modem on acsr//run itg//modem activation//change wifi name and password//send provisioning signal//issue resolve//recap//eoc
AN: 8499100090070524
Callback #: 2158157575
Rei spoke to SAmantha Howard
Issue: cx wants to change the address on the account but there is still an active user
Resolution: educated cx//cx knows the active customer//cx will notify them to disconnect the account since its her landlord//recap eoc

AN: 8773103501176838
Callback #: (978) 895-8702
Rei spoke to Rodney Sempirek
Issue: modem activation
Resolution: run itg//modem activation//send provisioning signal//issue resolve//landline registration at xpg//issue resolve//recap//eoc
AN: 8993212170116886
Callback #: 7408278307
Rei spoke to Jason Rodriguera
Issue: modem activation
Resolution: run itg//modem activation//cx changed the wifi network name and password//send provisioning signal//issue resolve//recap//eoc
AN: 8499053400874830
Callback #: (732) 740-0903
Rei spoke to Randi Scott
Issue: all equipment is not working properly//cable boxes are not working//tech has already come and changed the wire with inside equpiments
Resolution: run itg for modem no connectivity//routed to set tech//educated cx//set tech//run itg for cable box//no picture//just routed to duplicate ticket//eoc
AN: 8773405020366166
Callback #: 2035308056
Rei spoke to Casey Barthell
Issue: mobile activation
Resolution: educated cx//transfer to mobile care dept
AN: 8299610253581374
Callback #: (571) 305-1046
Rei spoke to Jose and Maria
Issue: cable box activation
Resolution: add tv box//run itg//cable box activation//issue resolve//eoc
Callback #: (978) 828-4956
Rei spoke to Christin Lauver
Issue: flex box activation
Resolution: run itg//flex activation//issue resolve//recap//eoc
AN: 8993110760017656
Callback #: (717) 418-2378
Rei spoke to Frank Morton
Issue: modem activation
Resolution: run itg//moem activation//speed gateway failure//itg routed to set tech appointment//set tech//educated cx//recap//eoc
AN: 8499100081355454
Callback #: 2674039897
Rei spoke to Dejhan
Issue: cable box activation
Resolution: cx from bulk dept//educated cx//transfer to bulk tv technical dept//eoc

AN: 8299600074198763
Callback #: (804) 665-6284
Rei spoke to Ellen Mcbride
Issue: modem activation
Resolution: run itg// modem activatio//speed gateway failure//itg routed to set up tech appointment//set tech//educated cx//eoc
AN: 8299400023672889
Callback #: 4437584858
Rei spoke to JAcob
Issue: cable activation
Resolution: run itg//itg routed to wait for 30 mins to load the program guide but cx already see channels and can navigate it//educated cx//issue resolve//eoc
AN: 8773102272927098
Callback #: (971) 803-0809
Rei spoke to Alfred
Issue: modem activation
Resolution: run itg// modem activation//modem not online//routed to set tech// cx dont want tech//educated cx//cx wants to cancel service and get refund//educated cx//eoc

AN: 8299400023674828
Callback #: (443) 306-8166
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