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Monday 10:37am - Launch, The newly found drug Hyponthonda is working smoothly no side effects yet caused.Although something was reported.. "Found" in processor however we shall brush it off.
Wednesday 7:42am- we are running low of our companies pride and joy, our pills however the shits of workers typically couldn't care less and keep breaking or neglecting the machines however business is booming and the public seem to crave them. We are hoping to open the factories to public at some point, it would be a educational experience for young minds.
Sunday 8:36pmI couldn't be prouder the pills are just as addictive as hoped I'll be swimming in pools of money at this point we can proudly say we are opening the factories doors for educational institutes.
Friday 6:07pm- Machines are deteriorating and our safety inspections have failed however the public shall not know of this, if I invest in machines, safety and railings I'll be broke myself and the company wouldn't want that now would they?
Thursday 9:43pm- ..We are under fucking investigation one of those little retards fell into the fucking grinder! How foolish can a child be?! I swear to god.. I wanna push that child in there myself I've been on my hands and fucking knees tying to clean this place.
Saturday 3:24am- I SWEAR ON CHRISTS NAME THAT LITTLE SHIT IS HERE. the pours from the walls its soul shoves its presence though my skin and crawls though it. I feel it. I feel it. I feel it. I feel it. I feel it. I feel it. I feel it.
Sunday 3:33am - the books.. The souls. The pay. It watches me it is watching me i can't escape it's there its my shadow my dirty little secret it tells me things. I can't take it
Tuesday 2:59am- the eyes burn into my skin the flames burn deep into my repulsive maggot filled skin. I stare at the machine and hear the cries i watch it over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and Monday 103:89am- I must do it I took all the pills, I tried to fix my broken old soul but I am tournamented. Nothing works I must save myself i must join it, I must purify my soul. I must crush my skin and bone, let my eyes peel away from my face, allow the blood to plash the walls like paint and clot into lumps of my rotten fate, I want the maggots to seep into my broken bones and slit my heart into two. I shall jump.
???We watch you, we know your filthy soul, we know your lies, we know what you did, we see through you like a sheet of glass. Turn around now and I'll show you just how much we see...
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