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yk its so sad that one day your gonna leave me but its even sadder that your taking about him know i like you and now your even fwb with him? and you just tell me like its nothing and ill never say anything bc i want you to be happy even if its not with me .
And i asked you if i ever got you pissed off would you stop talking to me BEFORE you started talking to him and now that your talking with him you literally told me to stfu or you'll stop talking to me so suddenly im just not important anymore?? do you love him more than you like me?? if so why dont you just stop talking to me?! your mood is changing you suddenly become more aggrivated with me after you talked with him AND YOU KNOW. THAT HE LIKES YOU TOO so what now? your just hurting me? or is this just payback for telling you idj? why didnt you just tell me that you didnt want me dh?.
Its like your rambling about him! We EvEn HaVe ThE sAmE zOdIaC LIKE STFU!! i regret ever telling you i was dj i shouldve just let you suffer.
i shouldve let you figure it out on your own! but i DIDNT. BECAUSE I LOVE YOU. and yet YOUR STILL BREAKING MY FUCKING HEART.
honestly i wanna Self Harm now idgaf how i do it i just wanna do it. burning, cutting, starving myself I DONT GIVE A FUCK i just wanna do it i dont care how many ppl tell me not to do it I. DONT. CARE im not finding any better way to cope. its the best bet my mom dosent care either shes prolly SEEN the cuts and just didnt say anything bc lets face it the only person that cares about me are my cousins and my siblings.
She prolly dosent
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