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Chére Vénus,
Seraient tes parents en colère si ils savaient ? Est-ce que tu aimes ta famille? Comment s'appellent tes soeurs ? Et quel secteur allez-vous choisir ? Je choisirais L. Tu es grand! Je suis 4'10", 1.4732 metres. J'ai les cheveux courts comme un garçon. Tes parents sont intelligents. Je suis desolée, je ne compris pas un peu de ta lettre. J'ai l'école aujourd'hui. Dans le classe de français, nous écoutons de Stromae, nous conjugons, nous apprenons! :) As-tu de course anglais ? Je corrige ta lettre.
Dear Juliette,
Yes, I would like to be an astronaut.
That would want kept silent to make later? (Je ne compris pas!)
If I do not become an astronaut, I would like to work in psychological science.
Yes, us two shall make the world better.
No, my parent do not know, but my sister knows.
My family?
HMM, my father works a lot. I do not see him a lot, sometimes in the evening and ON the weekend. Once a month, he leaves TO travel in another country, thus he is not there during 1 week OF THE MONTH. And ON THE OTHER DAYS, he leaves TO THE North or the South of France. He is not bald but his hair IS very short. My mother works AT Snecma, she returns every day towards 17h30-18h, and she does not work on Wednesdays and the weekend. I have two older sisters, one is under limited-term contract (Je ne compris pas). She IS 21 years OLD and she has dark and long hair, she is very fine (?) but small, 1m66. My second sister HAS very voluminous brown curly hair, she is small, 1m60, she IS 17 years OLD and she is IN HER LAST YEAR OF HIGH SCHOOL, we call that terminal, she is in a sector(network) L. (At the high school in France, from our second year, we have to choose WHAT TO STUDY: L it is for literary person, S it is for science it is what I want to make, ES it is economy and science, PRO it is for those who do not want to make of studies and to go directly to work then after there are trainings specific.) I am big for my age, 1m60 (5 ft 2.99 in) I have hair at the middle length light browns, I am fine, my eyes are brown. When I have braids I am sometimes told that I look like Wednesday Addams:).
Thank you for the small course and the correction of my letter, I am going to make the same thing:
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Regards; Team

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