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Q.1)Write a Python program to plot 2D graph of the functions f(x) = x2 and g(x)
= x
in [-1, 1]
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
def f(x):
return x**2
def g(x):
return x**3
# Generate x values in the range [-1, 1]
x = np.linspace(-1, 1, 100)
# Calculate y values for f(x) and g(x)
y_f = f(x)
y_g = g(x)
# Create a figure and axes
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
# Plot f(x) and g(x) on the same graph
ax.plot(x, y_f, label='f(x) = x^2')
ax.plot(x, y_g, label='g(x) = x^3')
# Add labels and legend
# Set title
ax.set_title('2D Graph of f(x) = x^2 and g(x) = x^3')
# Show the plot

Q.2) Write a Python program to plot 3D graph of the function f(x) = e**x**3 in
[-5, 5] with green dashed points line with upward pointing triangle.
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# Generate x values
x = np.linspace(-5, 5, 100)
# Compute y values using the given function
y = np.exp(-x**2)
# Create 3D plot
fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d')
# Plot the points with green dashed line and upward-pointing triangles
ax.plot(x, y, np.zeros_like(x), linestyle='dashed', color='green', marker='^')
# Set labels for axes
# Set title for the plot
ax.set_title('3D Graph of f(x) = e**-x**2')
# Show the plot

Q.3) Using python, represent the following information using a bar graph (in
green color)
Item Clothing Food Rent Petrol Misc
in Rs
60 4000 2000 1500 700

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
left = [1,2,3,4,5]
height = [600,4000,200,1500,]
tick_label=[‘clothing’,’food’,’rent’,’petrol’,’Misc’] (left,height,tick_label = tick_label,width = 0.8 ,color = ['green','green'])
plt. show()

Q.4) write a Python program to reflect the line segment joining the points A[5, 3]
and B[l, 4] through the line y = x + 1.
import numpy as np
# Define the points A and B
A = np.array([5, 3])
B = np.array([1, 4])
# Define the equation of the reflecting line
def reflect(line, point):
m = line[0]
c = line[1]
x, y = point
x_reflect = (2 * m * (y - c) + x * (m ** 2 - 1)) / (m ** 2 + 1)
y_reflect = (2 * m * x + y * (1 - m ** 2) + 2 * c) / (m ** 2 + 1)
return np.array([x_reflect, y_reflect])
# Define the equation of the reflecting line y = x + 1
line = np.array([1, -1])
# Reflect points A and B through the reflecting line
A_reflected = reflect(line, A)
B_reflected = reflect(line, B)
# Print the reflected points
print("Reflected Point A':", A_reflected)
print("Reflected Point B':", B_reflected)

Q.5) Write a Python program to draw a polygon with vertices (0, 0), (2, 0), (2, 3)
and (1, 6) and rotate it by 180° .
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
# Define the vertices of the polygon
vertices = np.array([[0, 0], [2, 0], [2, 3], [1, 6]])
# Plot the original polygon
plt.plot(vertices[:, 0], vertices[:, 1], 'bo-')
plt.title('Original Polygon')
# Define the rotation matrix for 180 degrees
theta = np.pi # 180 degrees
rotation_matrix = np.array([[np.cos(theta), -np.sin(theta)],
[np.sin(theta), np.cos(theta)]])
# Apply rotation to the vertices
vertices_rotated =, rotation_matrix)
# Plot the rotated polygon
plt.plot(vertices_rotated[:, 0], vertices_rotated[:, 1], 'ro-')
plt.title('Rotated Polygon (180 degrees)')
# Show the plots

Q.6) Write a Python program to find the area and perimeter of the ABC, where
A[0, 0] B[5, 0], C[3,3].
import numpy as np
# Define the vertices of the triangle
A = np.array([0, 0])
B = np.array([5, 0])
C = np.array([3, 3])
# Calculate the side lengths of the triangle
AB = np.linalg.norm(B - A)
BC = np.linalg.norm(C - B)
CA = np.linalg.norm(A - C)
# Calculate the semiperimeter
s = (AB + BC + CA) / 2
# Calculate the area using Heron's formula
area = np.sqrt(s * (s - AB) * (s - BC) * (s - CA))
# Calculate the perimeter
perimeter = AB + BC + CA
# Print the results
print("Triangle ABC:")
print("Side AB:", AB)
print("Side BC:", BC)
print("Side CA:", CA)
print("Area:", area)
print("Perimeter:", perimeter)

Q.7) write a Python program to solve the following LPP
Max Z = 150x + 75y
Subjected to
4x + 6y <= 24
5x + 3y <= 15
x > 0 , y > 0
from pulp import *
# Create the LP problem as a maximization problem
problem = LpProblem("LPP", LpMaximize)
# Define the decision variables
x = LpVariable('x', lowBound=0, cat='Continuous')
y = LpVariable('y', lowBound=0, cat='Continuous')
# Define the objective function
problem += 150 * x + 75 * y, "Z"
# Define the constraints
problem += 4 * x + 6 * y <= 24, "Constraint1"
problem += 5 * x + 3 * y <= 15, "Constraint2"
# Solve the LP problem
# Print the status of the solution
print("Status:", LpStatus[problem.status])
# Print the optimal values of x and y
print("Optimal x =", value(x))
print("Optimal y =", value(y))
# Print the optimal value of the objective function
print("Optimal Z =", value(problem.objective
Status: Optimal
Optimal x = 3.0
Optimal y = 0.0
Optimal Z = 450.0

Q.8) Write a python program to display the following LPP by using pulp module
and simplex method. Find its optimal solution if exist.
Min Z = x+y
subject to
x => 6
y => 6
x + y <= 11
x=>0, y=>0
from pulp import *
# Create the LP problem as a minimization problem
problem = LpProblem("LPP", LpMinimize)
# Define the decision variables
x = LpVariable('x', lowBound=0, cat='Continuous')
y = LpVariable('y', lowBound=0, cat='Continuous')
# Define the objective function
problem += x + y, "Z"
# Define the constraints
problem += x >= 6, "Constraint1"
problem += y >= 6, "Constraint2"
problem += x + y <= 11, "Constraint3"
# Solve the LP problem using the simplex method
# Print the status of the solution
print("Status:", LpStatus[problem.status])
# If the problem has an optimal solution
if problem.status == LpStatusOptimal:
# Print the optimal values of x and y
print("Optimal x =", value(x))
print("Optimal y =", value(y))
# Print the optimal value of the objective function
print("Optimal Z =", value(problem.objective))OUTPUT:
Status: Optimal
Status: Infeasible

Q.9) Apply Python. Program in each of the following transformation on the point
(I)Refection through X-axis.
(II)Scaling in X-co-ordinate by factor 2.
(III) Scaling in Y-co-ordinate by factor 1.5.
(IV) Reflection through the line y = x
Original point
x = 3
y = -1
print("Original point: ({}, {})".format(x, y))
# Transformation 1: Reflection through X-axis
x_reflected = x
y_reflected = -y
print("After reflection through X-axis: ({}, {})".format(x_reflected, y_reflected))
# Transformation 2: Scaling in X-coordinate by factor 2
x_scaled = x * 2
y_scaled = y
print("After scaling in X-coordinate by factor 2: ({}, {})".format(x_scaled,
# Transformation 3: Scaling in Y-coordinate by factor 1.5
x_scaled = x
y_scaled = y * 1.5
print("After scaling in Y-coordinate by factor 1.5: ({}, {})".format(x_scaled,
# Transformation 4: Reflection through the line y = x
x_reflected = y
y_reflected = x
print("After reflection through the line y = x: ({}, {})".format(x_reflected,
Original point: (3, -1)
After reflection through X-axis: (3, 1)
After scaling in X-coordinate by factor 2: (6, -1)
After scaling in Y-coordinate by factor 1.5: (3, -1.5)
After reflection through the line y = x: (-1, 3)

Q.10) Find the combined transformation of the line segment between the point
A[5, -2] & B[4, 3] by using Python program for the following sequence of
(I) Rotation about origin through an angle pi.
(II) Scaling in X-Coordinate by 2 units.
(III) Reflection trough he line y = x
(IV) Shearing in X – Direction by 4 unit
import numpy as np
# Input points A and B
A = np.array([5, -2])
B = np.array([4, 3])
# Transformation 1: Rotation about origin through an angle pi
def rotation(pi, point):
rotation_matrix = np.array([[np.cos(pi), -np.sin(pi)],
[np.sin(pi), np.cos(pi)]])
return, point)
A = rotation(np.pi, A)
B = rotation(np.pi, B)
# Transformation 2: Scaling in X-coordinate by 2 units
def scaling_x(sx, point):
scaling_matrix = np.array([[sx, 0],
[0, 1]])
return, point)
A = scaling_x(2, A)
B = scaling_x(2, B)
# Transformation 3: Reflection through the line y = -x
def reflection(line, point):
reflection_matrix = np.array([[-line[0]**2 + line[1]**2, 2*line[0]*line[1]],

[2*line[0]*line[1], -line[0]**2 + line[1]**2]]) / (line[0]**2 +
return, point)
A = reflection(np.array([1, -1]), A)
B = reflection(np.array([1, -1]), B)
# Transformation 4: Shearing in X direction by 4 units
def shearing_x(shx, point):
shearing_matrix = np.array([[1, shx],
[0, 1]])
return, point)
A = shearing_x(4, A)
B = shearing_x(4, B)
# Print the transformed points A and B
print("Transformed Point A:", A)
print("Transformed Point B:", B)
Status: Infeasible
Transformed Point A: [38. 10.]
Transformed Point B: [35. 8.]
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