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Fun and Games With TomToms and Satcoms
Since rising to popularity, sat-nav (satellite navigation) technology has recently brought us much entertainment. get more info in the news headlines have been a variety of stories of car drivers trusting a touch too unthinkingly in the commands issuing from their dashboard. Take the main one, for instance, in regards to a woman plunging her �96k Mercedes into the River Sence - perhaps, the clearest example you'll ever see of someone with an increase of money than sense. Then you can find the a large number of drivers who - to the continuing bemusement of wiser locals - have tried to cross a ford in the River Avon because "the voices explained to." One guy in NY even found himself driving into the path of an oncoming train.

Perhaps our fear that technology will 1 day rise and kill us all isn't so far-fetched after all? Already, it seems to be making the odd sneaky attempt.

But maybe it's a whole lot worse than that. GPS systems aren't just targeting the individual, nowadays. Apparently, they've begun stepping up their ambitions: in Wales, a complete village finds itself under siege. It isn't the only person, either. Several villages alongside the path to Bristol Airport have recently found themselves to be situated in the helpless path of a satellite guided onslaught of heavy goods vehicles, their drivers apparently oblivious to the plans of our new GPS overlords. One village has even had to improve the name of its main through road in a (probably) vain attempt at putting the sat-nav menace off its scent.

Still, let's not dwell on the coming technological apocalypse. After all, rich people driving into rivers isn't the only entertainment the world of GPS provides. In Britain, we've the world's first "satcom", 230 Miles of Love. Set on the M6, an episode plays itself out as you drive, individual scenes being set off by landmarks on the way. One download to your tomtom, and you will be laughing all the way to Carlisle. Or Catthorpe, if you are going in the opposite direction - there are northbound and southbound versions, apparently.

As yet, there have been no reports of satcom listeners driving into ditches, though, so I wouldn't get your comedic hopes up too much. If by some improbability it proves to become more boring than the M6 itself, though, you can always head to and make your personal. Or simply just download a guided tour of somewhere rather more interesting when compared to a motorway, and ask your sat-nav to take you there. If you are lucky, it will most likely not try to kill you along the way.

Finally, news reaches me of fun uses for GPS outside of the car driving community. These will even get you exercising!

What am I on about? Location-based gaming. Using handheld GPS units (cell phones, say), an increasing number of people are taking to the streets to enact true to life games of Pacman, among more original ideas. So, now the weather's improving, it's not just your personal GPS that's out to get you, it's everyone else's as well. And a lot of hungry ghosts.

Great. I think I might be staying indoors this autumn.

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