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“Come over here we are playing seven minutes in heaven!” Heeseung’s voice echos through the house.

The school year just began and what better way to kick the year off by having a party. For the popular group in school, it was the norm to throw a party every week. Who doesn’t love the feeling of getting high, buzzed or even dry humping against some random stranger.

It just so happens that it’s Kim Seon’s turn to host the party this week where Sunoo’s nightmare begins. His older brother who’s a senior this year has always been in the popular crowd. He has good looks, is insanely talented at ice hockey and has a decent personality. It’s probably better than decent but Sunoo isn’t too keen to find out.

Parties are being thrown at their house way to often nowadays. It went from once a month maybe to at least every fortnight. Last year was hell for Sunoo and he can’t go through that again. Sunoo learnt his lesson and had to spend $300 on fancy noise cancelling headphones to drown out the sounds of the party.

Seon’s life is perfect in Sunoo’s eyes. He has everything going for him. He’s going to get an ice hockey scholarship to a sporting university. Grades and academics is just something in the background for him. It doesn’t matter if he gets 10% or 100% whereas for Sunoo, that’s all he got.

Sunoo isn’t gifted in the sport and fitness department. He’s a scrawny little kid. He might be 16 but his height is of a little girl. He even has the body proportions of one. His waist is so thin that most of his clothes are actually girls clothing. Hell, even he wears girls underwear because boxers don’t go that small.

All Sunoo has is his brain. If he didn’t put hours and hours into studying, he wouldn’t be anywhere in life. He’d just be seen in the shadow of his legendary older brother.

It’s a Friday night and Mrs Choi, Sunoo’s math teacher gave them a huge homework assignment. It’s actually due in a couple weeks time but he wants to get ahead of the class.

“I can’t believe your brother throws a massive party and you’re here…studying.” Yuna gags at her own words pointing at the mountains of books opened on Sunoo’s desk.

“I told you that I have work to do. Why are you even here?” Sunoo asks while trying to answer one of the questions. His pen stuck between his lips and eyebrows furrowed.

“We really should be down there having a good time.” Yuna sighs falling back on Sunoo’s bed dramatically. Her hand placed on her forehead like a damsel in distress.

“You can go to the party. I’m sure they’d all like you.” He says nonchalantly still answering questions on the page. Yuna can’t fathom how he’s so good at multitasking. Is there anything he can’t do?

“I don’t think I have the courage too.” She sheepishly smiles acting all shy. Every time he tells her that her brother is throwing a party she rocks up decked out in jewellery and heels. He definitely knows her intentions of showing up tonight.

Sunoo hysterically laughs in response. His best friend for 4 years now, the girl with confidence lvl 100, is shy…

He remembers how they went to take the driving test together but instead of actually doing the test, Yuna spent the whole time flirting with the supervisor. She had to retake the test over 5 times. If Sunoo wasn’t so passionate about leaving his house and even the town, he would’ve been distracted by the supervisor too.

The loud sound of cheering and whistling started getting louder. Yuna peered up in interest walking over to the door.

“It wouldn’t hurt to check what’s going on, right?” She asks hopefully

Sunoo just sighs seeing how excited she is to join the party. His brother isn’t going to like the idea of two sophomores hanging around at at a senior party. It’s even worse how it’s only the popular kids. He cannot embarrass himself in front of Jake again. Seon seriously needs to stop bringing Jake over to the house. It’s bad for his heart.

“No.” Sunoo answers bluntly glaring at her before returning back to his work.

The noise becoming so loud that not even his headphones are doing the job anymore.

He’s so pent up about the ruckus, Sunoo throws his arms in annoyance knocking over his water bottle. The water seeping through the stacks and stacks of work on his desk. The pen ink running down the page leaving incoherent blobs left. It’s really not Sunoo’s day today.

“FUCKKKK!!! I hate Seon and his dumb parties.” Sunoo groans, dramatically standing up from his chair in a huff. Yuna looks at him sadly already standing up to help wipe the puddle of water on his desk.

“I’m going to get paper towels from the closet downstairs.” He says earning him a straight forward nod from Yuna.

Sunoo walks down the stairs from his room. He tries to hurry to the closet, the party stench is already staining his clothes. He turns the door knob and moves his hand against the wall searching for the light switch.

The closet is pitch black, he could only see the faint outline of his shadow. He does a “window wiper” motion on the wall trying to find the light switch. Sunoo isn’t going to admit it but his fear of darkness is now starting to hit in. Add that to the many lists of problems Sunoo has.

“Oh? They already assigned someone for me?”
A deep voice said walking into the closet space. It sounds familiar but Sunoo’s too worried to pay any sort of kind to it. He got to see a glimpse of light before the door shutting again.

The boy makes his way over to Sunoo and snakes a hand around his petite waist. His fingers twirling around the sweatpants strings.

“Are we going to start?” He whispers seductively. Sunoo tries his best to ignore him and leave his tight embrace but something about this feels really good. He doesn’t want it to end.

Before Sunoo knows it, warm lips are placed on his own. He can’t believe what’s happening. This random stranger took his first kiss!

“You’re lips are so soft.” The boy mutters before going back in for round two. His tongue makes his way inside Sunoo’s mouth exploring every part of him. He can’t help but elicit a high pitched moan.

Sunoo placed his arms around the boys neck trying to get deeper into the kiss. He grabs fistfuls of the others soft and silky hair.

The boy reluctantly detaches his lips off Sunoo who whines in protest. The others fingers slowly making its way inside Sunoo’s pants. The cold sensation of the boys hands sending shivers down his spine.

Sunoo tries to push his hands away forgetting about something super embarrassing. He’s wearing panties-

“These are pretty. Did you wear them for me?” The boy teased. Sunoo who’s now desperately clamping his legs together. Just his words are already turning him on.

The boy rolls the soft lacey panties between his slender fingers. Deciding to go further, he starts kissing and biting Sunoo’s neck. Hopefully leaving bright purple bruises for everyone to see. The skin feeling so smooth and tasting like strawberries.

“You are so hot.Wow.” The boy tries to voice out with his face nuzzling into Sunoo’s neck.

“I want to feel your lips around me.” He says while unbuckling his belt. Sunoo’s nerves peak as he realises what he’s about to do. He never thought he was gay before but he knows he isn’t straight either. All in all, he has no idea what he is. But like what straight guy wears clothes from the female section like just the other week he wore a skirt.

The boy pushes Sunoo down to his knees. He winced at the sudden pain. The boy really didn’t have to do it so forcefully Sunoo thought. The other placing his thumb over Sunoo’s plump lips dragging the bottom lip down.

“Come a bit closer.” He whispers pushing down his boxers and pants in one swift motion. He grabs Sunoo’s dainty hand and wraps it around his very erect member. Sunoo slowly starts stroking it up and down. He internally flinched at how big his dick is. It’s probably 10x bigger than his own like it’s H-U-G-E.

Sunoo started giving kitten licks to the head of the member. The boy groaned in pleasure bucking into Sunoo’s mouth. He couldn’t keep it in there forever. Sunoo deciding to feel more confident, he managed to stuff his whole length in his mouth. The tip hitting the back of his throat, gagging at every thrust from the boy.

“Fuckkkkkk. Who are you?” The boy asks breathlessly, trying to reach his own high. His thrusts becoming more sloppy now. The knot in his stomach growing.

Before Sunoo knows it, a mouthful of hot liquid dribbles out his mouth. He tries to swallow it all but the taste is too salty.

“Times up!” Someone yells from outside the door.

“Um. So like…do you think I can get your number?” The boy asks, a hint of hope in his voice.

The door kicks wide open and before Sunoo can even process what’s happening. The lights switch on, as bright as ever. He stands frozen in shock facing an even more shocked, Park Sunghoon.

His face void of all emotions. He stands there blank.

“Where’s Ara?” Seon says standing next to the light switch. Being the dumbass he is, he actually looks around the tiny closet thinking she’s just in there with Sunoo and Sunghoon.

“Wait. Don’t tell me you fucked my brother?!” He teases Sunghoon (who is a terrible liar) and fake laughs with him. I guess it’s up to Sunoo now-

“No. Pfft why would I ever do it with him. I just walked to get some paper towels and saw Sunghoon in here.” He tries to cover it up. He’s thankful for Yuna for making him do drama club.

“Hyung. Sunghoon hyung.” He corrects Sunoo who rolls his eyes in response.

“Alright then. Imma get the next two to come in.” Seon voiced leaving the room to probably find the other couple.

“You can’t be serious?!” Sunghoon trudges towards Sunoo. He forcefully grips onto the youngers polo shirt hitting him against the wall.

“That is disgusting. Why did you make me kiss you?” He scoffs continually banging Sunoo against the wall like some rag doll.

“You stole my first kiss!” Sunoo yelled back. Tears clouding his eyes with the immense pain in his back.
Now realising what he did, he quickly lends a hand to Sunoo to help him up. The younger smacks the hand away wincing in pain from moving his back. It’s all starting to sink in for Sunoo. Too much has happened tonight. He hopes he’s just dreaming right now…well more like a nightmare but he still wish none of this happened.

Sunghoon can’t believe that he kissed Sunoo and he liked it? It wasn’t slobbery and gross like all the other girls he’s kissed. It was sweet and gentle much like Sunoo. Sunghoon smacks his head harshly. He’s doesn’t know why he’s even thinking about the younger this way. It’s disgusting to kiss someone the same gender as you.

Sunghoon and Sunoo have been at it since the third grade. Sunoo being too smart for his age joined all the third grade classes (when he’s only a first grader). The two were academic rivals. Whenever one beat the other, it was going to be a long weak with incessant gloating. Sadly or happily, Sunoo got accepted into an academically gifted school and had to leave Be:Lift high. He actually ended up hating the new school as it accumulated more pressure, work and the lack of freedom. So, by the time it was his first year of high school his mother let him enrol back at Be:Lift.

He remembers on his first day of high school laughing like a maniac when he found out that Sunghoon is the most popular and sought after junior. The same Sunghoon that was obsessed with the Ben10 cartoon, wore thick round glasses and was just a huge nerd. He hasn’t spoken to him since they were like 11 so when he saw him walk down the hall with his brother he genuinely couldn’t believe his eyes.

Three words summed up every thought he had at the time.

Sunghoon. is. hot.

Sunghoon stands in front of Sunoo today, wearing a dark leather jacket paired with a simple white tee and ripped black skinny jeans. He ran his hands through his silky black hair. If he didn’t have a vendetta against the older, he would actually compliment him for his appearance.

“Stop checking me out. I don’t like you.” Sunghoon scoffs as he noticed the younger checking out his body.

“What the fuck is wrong with you. You break my back and kissed me. Is this assault or what?!.” Sunoo says in disbelief. His annoyance level has skyrocketed.

“Don’t ever tell anyone what happened tonight. I’m not gay.” Sunghoon threatened the younger walking closer to him, invading his personal space. He bends down to meet Sunoo’s face who’s face is plastered with all kind of hurt.

Their faces so close now that they could feel each others breath against their lips.

“Yeah. I don’t want people to know either.” Sunoo whimpered quietly.

“Oh hey! That’s where you are. Seon said you are probably fucking another girl.” Jake laughed looking dazed. He couldn’t even stand still that he had to hold the door for balance. He must be really really drunk but Sunoo couldn’t help but smile at how cute he looked. The way his mouth curved upwards was something only Jake is capable of. At least something is able to make him happy during this time of torture.

“Hi Sunoo! How are you?” Jake greets excitedly. The younger chuckles at his goofiness. He looks so out of it and thank god that he is otherwise he would’ve sensed the blaring tension in the room.

Jake has always had this cute and caring nature towards Sunoo. He’s probably the only other friend the younger has, if Jake even calls him a friend that is. The main popular group at Be:Lift consisted of Seon, Jake and Sunghoon. Jay used to be apart of it but stopped sitting with them after getting together with Jungwon. They are seriously so cute together!

Jake actually knew Sunoo first as they went to the academically gifted school together. He was Sunoo’s best friend at the time. The only person who was truly there for the many struggles he faced. Jake was actually the one who recommended that Sunoo left the school and so they left together. But as they joined Be:Lift, they slowly drifted apart. It’s always been Sunoo’s biggest regret, not going out of his way to stay in contact with Jake. He just admired the older from the sidelines now like one of his many devoted followers.

“You join’n the party tonight?” Jake asks still wobbling against the doorway.

“Nah. He’s probably too busy studying or some shit.” Sunghoon tries to come up with a excuse for Sunoo who’s eyes are puffy and red, the outline of tears on his cheek and his small cute sniffles.

“You should come. It’ll be more fun with you around.” Jake adds beckoning Sunoo to come over and join the party.

“I’m alright. Thanks anyways Jake.” Sunoo tries to sound as ‘normal’ as possible but he couldn’t help the small whimpers leaving his mouth. Jake walks away sadly.

“You seriously better not tell anyone. I’m not gay. I like girls. Girls with nice bodies and big ti-“ Sunghoon rambles on trying to defend himself.

“Who are you trying to convince here, me or you?” Sunoo snickers watching Sunghoon battle his own internal conflict.

“If anyone finds out about this. You are dead.”
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