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The History and Development of Massage
The history of massage began throughout the 3000 BC when the Chinese composed Cong-Fu of the Tao-Tse, the earliest book blogged about massage which was later on equated to French in the 1700s. In 2760 BC, Nei Ching or the Yellow Emperor's Esoteric Classic discussed healing touch.

When they developed reflexology in 2500 BC, the Egyptians made their contribution in massage. When they established Ayurvedic massage, even the Indians participated in the development of massage.

Throughout 500 BC-50 AD, the Greek and Romans utilized massage on Olympic athletes and to eliminate neuralgia and epileptic seizures. Hippocrates, the daddy of medicine, incorporated massage in medicine. In 130 AD-201 ADVERTISEMENT, Galen, a Greek doctor from the school of gladiators who were rubbed before battling composed a book on manual medicine.

부산오피 In 100s AD, schools for massage treatment were created in China. Then in 600s AD the Japanese established shiatsu, which uses the fingers to apply pressure on acupuncture indicate regrow energy. During the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644), pediatric massage treatment or tuina evolved into a higher type of treatment which is still used today.

During 1776-1813, Per Henrik Ling, a fencing master and gymnast cured himself of rheumatism through massage and produced Medical Gymnastics and later on formed the Royal Gymnastic Central Institute in Stockholm, Sweden. In 1839-1909, Johann Mezger presented medical massage to the scientific community and the terms effleurage, petrissage and tapotement became familiar.

The results of massage on anemia were investigated by medical doctors and teachers in New York City in 1880. 4 years later on, Professor Charcot, a French physician who taught Sigmund Freud suggested massage therapy in French medicine.

The Society of Trained Masseuses was formed in Britain which provided massage education recognized by schools in 1894. A year after, Sigmund Freud used massage treatment to treat hysteria. Throughout the exact same year, Harvey Kellog wrote The Art of Massage.

The 1900's brought to life various massage treatment approaches like Jin shin jyutsu or the art of blood circulation awakening developed in Japan by Jiro Murai, The Alexander Technique created by F.M. Alexander, an Australian actor, Naprapathy (1907) which originated in Chicago, Bindgewebs massage (1929 ), produced by German Physical therapist, Elizabeth Dicke and Neuromuscular therapy (1930) created by Stanley Leif.

2 years after, The Florida State Massage Therapy Association Inc. 대전오피 (FSTMA) was arranged. Today, it is one f the earliest massage companies with 85 charter members.

The Massage Registration Act was created during 1949, and in 1950 Francis Tappan and Gertrude Beard composed books and short articles worrying massage strategies. Two years later on, Hoshino Therapy, which is a main medical therapy in Argentina was developed. Then during the 1960s, John Barnes created Myofascial Release Therapy.

In 1977-1978, Aston- Patterning was developed by Judith Aston and Hellerwork was produced by Joseph Heller. Both approaches are forms of rolfing.

During the 1980s, the Association of Bodywork and Massage Practitioners was developed. Likewise, Watsu or water therapy was developed by Harold Dull followed by Stuart Taws production of Taws Method or Soft Tissue Release.

In the 1990s, a protocol for fybromyalgia syndrome was specified by the American College of Rheumatology and the Touch Research Institute, which studies the results of touch therapy was established.

In 100s Advertisement, schools for massage treatment were produced in China. During the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644), pediatric massage therapy or tuina developed into a greater form of therapy which is still utilized today.

A year after, Sigmund Freud utilized massage therapy to treat hysteria. Two years after, The Florida State Massage Therapy Association Inc. (FSTMA) was organized. The Massage Registration Act was created during 1949, and in 1950 Francis Tappan and Gertrude Beard composed short articles and books concerning massage strategies.
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